Mercury Retrograde is a phenomenon that has worked its way into mass consciousness. The moment a communication snafu occurs, folks blame Mercury Retrograde!
The truth is, not all miscommunications can be laid at the feet of this little planet. But it does behoove us to observe a few simple principles about this event.
Mercury appears to turn backward in its path around the Zodiac three times every year, for about twenty-one or twenty-two days at a time. So every four months, you get a three-week pause in which to catch up on old correspondence, read the book that’s been sitting on your nightstand and make phone calls to friends and family.
Everyone knows that Mercury Retrograde is a great time to do things that start with ‘re’: repair, reduce, reconsider, recreate. But what else can you do to bring out the best energy of this period?
Certainly, thoughts turn more inward than outward, so taking care of personal affairs is a great idea. Follow your gut instead of following your head. This is a great time to practice yoga, meditation or any activity that centers your mind and body.
If you can avoid signing a contract during Mercury Retrograde, fine. If not, go through it carefully a couple of times and get help if you need it. Try not to buy electronic equipment during this period, or travel, because delays and snafus seem to abound. Above all, don’t worry! Life moves forward even when Mercury seems to be going backward.
Find out more about Mercury retrograde in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Cancer, Mercury retrograde in Leo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces
The retrograde Mercury in Gemini is a slippery influence that wreaks havoc on our information dependent society. Words have a way of being misconstrued or misunderstood during conversations. Sentences you speak have another meaning than the one you originally intended.
It almost seems as if you are speaking a different language than the person you are conversing with. What you can truly depend on, during this time, is that you can't depend on anything running smoothly.
Language, in all its various constructs, can be a quite a challenge. This includes writing, programming, and foreign languages. Speak slower and listen harder.
And don't think your computer is exempt from this planetary influence either. After all, our PCs are the great purveyors of information to us through the web. It too will frustrate you with crashes, loss of data, and general orneriness. Backup your files!
When you are frustrated enough to pull the plug on your computer and your mouth, stand back for a moment, and stop. Reroute your activities. Edit reports, rework passages on essays or articles, reread computer manuals for troubleshooting. Reconcile and apologize. Or watch a comedy with friends. In short, go with the flow, not against it.
Learn more about Mercury retrograde in the signs: Mercury retrograde in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Cancer, Mercury retrograde in Leo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces
The retrograde Mercury in Leo triggers passionate displays of expression that are sure to cause reactions from you and from others. This fiery planetary influence inspires more emotion behind words and thoughts, which inspires passionate responses, which in turn, ignites the airspace with electricity.
You may or may not want to engage yourself in the thick of things, depending on your personality and mood. You're apt to say what you feel without a great deal of discretion. Your will is strong and you don't like to be silenced. You may be a more aggressive in pushing your agenda.
However, your force of will and manner of delivery may meet with some resistance from equally charged individuals with their own agenda. Your powers of persuasion may fail to have the desired effect that you wish. Instead of forging ahead with new proposals or engaging in a shouting match, your time could be more effectively utilized through creative channels.
Internalize your passion and release it through artistic mediums such as painting, writing, or music. Revisit an old creation that could use more time and attention then you previously allotted. Be careful with your spending habits at this time.
Learn more about Mercury retrograde in the signs: Mercury retrograde in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Cancer, Mercury retrograde in Leo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces
The retrograde Mercury in Cancer can impede the flow of language in your daily interactions. Although you may normally be a brilliant speaker, this planetary period can muddle your thoughts and word usage. You may find it difficult to locate the proper word to convey exactly what it is that you mean.
You may not be particularly verbose, but you may feel a great deal more sensitive on an emotional level. What could happen at this time is that you become a bit touchy about subjects in your conversations with other people, which can lead you to retreat from social gatherings.
In an attempt to control your environment better, you may also unconsciously manipulate with words to get a desired result. The recipient will not be too pleased with your shenanigans. If you are spending more time at home, you may want to turn your focus on hands-on activities such as home repairs, interior remodeling, and cleaning.
This planetary influence is wonderful for domestic endeavors, especially any home project which has needed your attention for awhile. This would also be a good time for family reunions. However, don't sign leases for a new rental or buy a house at this time.
Learn more about Mercury retrograde in the signs: Mercury retrograde in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Cancer, Mercury retrograde in Leo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces
The retrograde Mercury in Virgo may generate some frustration for you as you charitably give your support and assistance to others in need. Although you may see a lot of obvious solutions that could elude other minds, your insistence to help save the day may be misinterpreted and resented by your recipients.
You could also be resentful of others who try to help you, insisting on solving a problem that you feel only you have the brainpower to solve. During this planetary period, expect to expend a great deal more time deciphering technical issues. Things are not always what they seem.
There tends to be a close-minded response to mental challenges that arise during this time when creativity and openness could actually be of benefit. A stubborn, narrow desire to tackle it all yourself is what makes this planetary influence especially daunting. An effective use of this time would be to revisit old projects that have been on the back burner for a while.
If you've left a software manual half unread, now is the time to wade through remaining chapters. Organize and systematize the clutter off your desk. Be careful with investments, and avoid any new projects.
The retrograde Mercury in Aries is a period which requires a great deal of conscious effort on your part with regards to your communication style and content with others. There is a strong tendency to blurt things out or to be blunt in ways that are less than useful.
Your perception of what other people say may be skewed by your overly eager and anxious desire for action. You are highly impatient to get things moving and that translates to impulsive words that may cause quite a stir in others. One of the hardest but most important feats to accomplish during this period is self-restraint, especially when feeling most passionate about a subject.
You will create equally passionate responses, and some of them will not be so fun to deal with. Make sure you say nothing that you'll regret later, especially words that are harsh and critical. Your words are more likely to be misconstrued even if you have good intentions.
Likewise, you are likely to misconstrue a comment someone else makes to you. One way to circumvent a potentially hostile conversation is by using neutral, non-threatening language. Try to stay on lighter subjects, if you can.
Learn more about Mercury retrograde in the signs: Mercury retrograde in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Cancer, Mercury retrograde in Leo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces
The retrograde Mercury in Libra could indicate a period of disharmony between people involved in relationships with one another. Misunderstandings tend to arise within close relationships between romantic partners, business associates, or even best friends.
Normal communications seem to go haywire for no apparent reason. Whether it's a simple misinterpretation of a few words or general disagreement about larger issues, your usual synchronicity with your partner can be off. You may not see eye to eye on matters.
What is required of you is extra patience. Instead of pushing forward aggressively, you may wish to take a step back and listen to what your partner has to say. Old grievances may also arise so this could be a chance for you to address problems that have remained unspoken but entrenched in each of your minds.
You may or may not wish to be more compromising, depending on all the factors involved. But if you choose to avoid an overdue confrontation, you may find that you can't escape it altogether. The conflict may resurface until it is dealt with. This planetary influence also makes social gatherings a little awkward since it is not conducive to friendly chatter or small talk.
Learn more about Mercury retrograde in the signs: Mercury retrograde in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Cancer, Mercury retrograde in Leo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces
The retrograde Mercury in Taurus affects your judgment and interactions on financial matters, so you will need to use extra care as you go about your business during this period.
Any new venture should be regarded with a great deal of caution, especially when dealing with large sums of money. You're more likely to meet with resistance during negotiations, so allot extra time for compromise and last-minute details. Avoid taking any risks, especially with regard to the stock market or even with big purchases.
If you must make important decisions on money matters, read through details carefully. Do not skim lightly over clauses and disclosures on contracts, use your magnifying glass, and ask questions when in doubt. One of the more effective uses during this planetary period is to revisit your financial papers of the past. Look through receipts, review your financial statements, refinance mortgage payments, and solve any tax questions you have.
This period may also find you at odds with others during conversations. Try not to be too rigid in your thinking and know when to yield, when given good reason. Bullheadedness can be a potential symptom of this celestial influence, so try not to inspire resistance.
Learn more about Mercury retrograde in the signs: Mercury retrograde in Aries, Mercury retrograde in Taurus, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, Mercury retrograde in Cancer, Mercury retrograde in Leo, Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Mercury retrograde in Libra, Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, Mercury retrograde in Pisces.
The retrograde Mercury in Capricorn doesn't provide much inspiration if you're searching for lovely lyrical luminous words that poetically reveals your heart and mind.
In fact, language seems to be somewhat stilted in general. It is not as if you're incapable of communicating a point, it's more as if the words you select don't come off quite as you planned.
What you consider as direct verbiage may be misconstrued as an accusation or command. Even a simple request that you regularly make may be heard as an aggressive order. This planetary period is not conducive to flowery expressive language, so creative writing and song lyrics aren't to be attempted just now.
Your tolerance for idle chatter is also at an all-time low. You would rather get straight to the point, which leaves you little patience for Grandma Betty's long-winded explanation of her quilting strategy.
Make sure to say 'please' and 'thank you' often, however. Avoid controversial subjects and certainly don't initiate new projects. Use this time to check on your financial health. Do home repairs, and reassess career goals you made five years ago. This is a fine time to take catch up on piles of old work.
The retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius can trigger an onslaught of opinions that would be better left unspoken. The tendency, under this planetary influence, is what is known as 'inserting one's foot into one's mouth.' You may feel the urgency to express yourself, feeling that your input is badly needed.
However, what can result from your high-minded comment is a high-volume response. Although you may feel the need to address a particular matter, you may in fact, make things worse. Generally speaking, your judgment isn't quite on the mark.
You could be overly optimistic, expecting your listener to embrace all of your views wholeheartedly. You may feel that you have all the right answers while your poor misguided friend doesn't see the simple solution right before them. Don't assume that your audience is receptive to your insights.
You run the risk of coming off as self-righteous or just plain old annoying. No one likes a 'smartie pants.' Use this time to focus on yourself. Review old notes from your current job or class.
Do recreational activities, but don't travel to far from home. Brush up on a foreign language. Try to be mindful before you offer your two cents.