An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born September 16, 1975:

Romantic Personality Profile

What Astrology Reveals About How You Love

Discovering exactly what YOU need in a relationship is an essential step on your path to the beautiful and fulfilling relationship you’ve always dreamed of having.

When you know your specific romantic needs, you can make far better choices in how you approach your relationship, helping it evolve and transform into the joyous LOVE you so deeply desire and deserve

Without this important information, you might waste years arguing and crying with your partner, wondering why you just can’t make it seem to work.
But there is no need to go through all that when you don’t have to! Astrology is a powerful tool that can reveal a LOT about your romantic nature

Everyone has different needs when it comes to intimacy and romance in relationships and it’s crucial to learn yours...
  • Do you crave space and freedom or are you happiest when you have a close, intimate connection with your romantic partner?
  • Do you prefer a chatty, flirty lover who will make you laugh and keep your mind occupied or are you attracted to quiet, brooding types who make you work for their attention?
This Romantic Personality Profile will reveal some of the hidden secrets of your romantic nature. By looking at the specific location of the planets on the day you were born, this insightful report will show you exactly what you need in a lover.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Romantic Personality Profile report.

And I want to help you discover how to have much better relationships going forward in your life!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover hidden parts of your romantic nature that have a profound influence on what YOU bring to the table when you’re involved in a romantic relationship? 
And what particular challenges YOU present as a partner (and how to address those challenges so they don’t hold you back from having the love and happiness you deserve)? 

Your Love Nature

The Romance and Passion Meters read the placement of planets on the day of your birth and reveal the levels of romance and passion you have been gifted with in this lifetime. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing or an uphill battle when it comes to matters of the heart.

Before you jump in... there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff with the Romance meter, but what you really want is balance.

Just imagine... with ONLY good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And TOO much passion can also ruin a relationship.

Without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you'd tire your lover out fast! A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then.

One more word of caution before you get started…

Remember, no relationship or person is perfect. Even with what seems like the ideal balance of romance and passion, an affair could turn out to be a total flop. It all truly boils down to our free will.


Nature = 7

7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations

4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs

0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose

Nature = 6

7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.

4-6: Up for it almost anytime

0-3: A bit shy and reserved

Person 1, this Romantic Personality Profile Report WILL SHOW YOU HOW THE FOLLOWING PLANETARY ENERGIES AFFECT YOUR Love Life:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally with lovers (and everyone else)
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your romantic life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions (including in love)
reveals what truly motivates you in every area of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values in relationships and in life
guides your on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest romantic and life challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life and in love
reveals your life and relationship karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push in life and in your relationships


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Keep reading to discover how the placement of the planets on September 16, 1975 has shaped your romantic nature and guided your love life so far…

The Sun: Your Radiant Self

Sun in Virgo

A shy, selfless lover

Your standards are high when it comes to love, and you won't fall for just anyone's charms. In fact, usually, it takes a lot to win your heart. You're rather discriminating, holding back until you're sure about whom, exactly, you're getting involved with. And again, you've got high standards. If a potential sweetie fails to live up to them, you'd rather let the relationship go than settle for less than you desire or deserve. You're attracted to refined types; someone crass or tactless would really put you on edge. You tend to be clean, punctual and loyal, and you expect those qualities in a lover. But while this may win you the reputation of being a bit exacting and critical, even rigid, once you fall in love, you give everything to the relationship and then some. Yes, you still might be a bit critical of your lover, but you hold yourself to the same standards -- and it's all in the name of seeking the perfection that means so much to you. Your challenge in love is to realize that perfection is impossible. At some point, you're going to have to settle for good enough. But you're a loyal and selfless lover, and when you're comfortable with an intimate partner, you can really relax.

Sun square Mars

Try to be patient

You've been a bundle of energy all your life, a motivated person who goes after what they want with drive and intensity. Those qualities can be really useful when it comes to winning a game or getting ahead in your career, but in love, a softer touch is needed. Even though you want to make a solid love connection with someone, your dates might tend to find you rather selfish, aggressive or argumentative -- qualities that can turn someone off before they take the time to get to know you better and learn about your more attractive traits. The problem is, without even realizing it, you tend to have a me-first attitude; put together with a rather thin skin, that can spell dating disaster. You tend to take things personally, and your natural response is to lash out -- a common response to having your feelings hurt, but not the most constructive one possible. It's frustrating to feel like someone or something is standing in the way of getting what you want, but a 'when in doubt, shove' approach to love just doesn't work. Don't try to force a connection; instead, try to be patient and see what develops naturally with that special someone.

Mercury: Speak from the Heart

Mercury in Libra

Making nice

You're very tactful in the way that you speak and deal with other people. In an argument with your sweetie, in fact, you operate so subtly and diplomatically that they might not even realize you're arguing! You have real skill when it comes to making other people feel heard and understood, and for this reason, you're wonderful at heading off major crises in your relationship. But sometimes, this happens at a price. You want everyone to get along so much that you're often willing to overlook or deny your own needs or opinion in favor of harmony with your honey. But you've got to draw the line somewhere, don't you? When truly important issues come up in your relationship, make sure that you speak your mind openly and firmly. After all, you're graceful enough to soften the blow, and some issues are too important to back down on. This may be a difficult lesson for you -- learning to speak your mind, even when you know your sweetie isn't going to like what you have to say, and isn't going to respond well at all -- but it's an important lesson, one that will serve you in all your relationships, not just your romantic one.

Mercury trine Mars


You're not one to let a lover walk all over you. You do have a sense of tact, and of the importance of each person having their say. But you also know how to speak up and stand your ground when you need to. A mental connection with your sweetie is practically a requirement for you in the game of love; you have to feel heard and understood by that special someone, or the bloom of romance just won't seem as sweet. In an argument, you won't come across as abrasive or aggressive unless you mean to. After all, aggression has its time and place; but you're more likely to use your crafty intelligence to talk your opponent -- oops, that is, your lover! -- into a corner. You know that words can be the most powerful weapon there is, and you've honed yours to perfection. You also know how to use those words to great effect in tender moments: telling your sweetie just how you feel about them, and how they make you feel; murmuring sweet somethings in their ear as you let them know just how much they mean to you. Remember to put as much energy in the sweeter side of communication as you do into your debates and posing your opinions to the world.

Mercury sextile Venus

Naturally balanced

You're a natural at diplomacy, and in a romantic relationship, that's a real gift. You probably shy away from relationships with overly aggressive types; brash displays of temper offend you, as do qualities like selfishness and irrationality. You prefer things to be in balance -- which isn't always possible. People are imperfect beings; we lose our tempers, we flail around, trying to impress and intimidate with our loud, reckless displays. But if anyone comes close to being in balance most of the time, it's you. And you're attracted to people who are similar to you; who appreciate art and beauty and refinement as much as you do. A great date for you might be visiting an art gallery or a museum, or going for a walk around the river on a gorgeous day in spring. Anything that's beautiful and that sparks conversation or the free flow of creative thought compels you, and the same goes for romantic partners. You want someone both sweet and inspiring; someone sophisticated and eloquent. You want to be wooed with poetry and flowers. And in return, you'll bring your own romantic nature to the relationship, and your gift at creative negotiation when times get tough.

Mercury sextile Juno

A source of support

When you need to, you know how to talk things out with your lover. Though you and your sweetie will misunderstand each other as much as the next couple, you generally won't let things go too far. You're not one to stew, and you won't let your honey sit on their anger for long either. You know how to get past their defenses and get things out in the open. Too often, perfectly good relationships go down the tubes because the people involved fail to communicate well, but that's not likely to happen to you. If it does, it's likely to be more on the part of your lover than on yours, because you know when it's time to stop acting childish and start resolving things. This gift also comes into play in other areas of your relationship besides arguments; you're a great listener, for one thing, and can really be a wonderful source of support and advice for your sweetie. Any issue they might have in their life, they know they can bring it to you and find a ready ear, a strong shoulder and an open heart. In fact, one way you'll know you've found a keeper is when you go out with someone new and end up talking the night away, discussing everything that comes into both your minds!

Mercury opposite Jupiter

Learn to be honest

Okay, let's not mince words: You tend to exaggerate about yourself, your intelligence, your experience and your expertise as a way to impress people, including your dates and your admirers. And while that may be an effective smokescreen at first, promoting an illusion of yourself that's bigger, grander, brighter than the real you, sooner or later, the truth is going to come out. You're just like everyone else: flawed, nervous, occasionally confused or at a loss. You don't always have the answer to everything, and you make as many mistakes as the next guy. Will your sweetie think it's cute that you exaggerated things just to impress little ol' them, or will they be annoyed with you for not being honest with them? That remains to be seen, but plenty of people would feel the latter. Real relationships, after all, are about getting real; about letting down your defenses and becoming vulnerable to another person who, yes, might sometimes think you're silly or annoying or boring. But what's so bad about that? Your best moments will shine even more brightly if they're honest, and your sweetie will appreciate your strength in being able to be vulnerable to them.

Venus: The Law of Attraction

Venus in Leo

An ardent lover

For you, love and romance are a big, dramatic show, complete with all the trappings of any great production -- setting (think flowers and soft music...), lights (candles all the way!), costumes (anything silky or soft and definitely in fashion will do)... You love to set the scene for love, and you'll go to great lengths to make sure that you'll make the perfect impression on your sweetie. You're into sweeping your honey off their feet, and you're not above being swept off your own, either. And the thing about you is, all that drama is real: You really feel your passions that deeply, and you truly want love to change your world. You put your whole heart and soul into it when you're in a relationship, and you feel things at a deep and intense level -- and that goes for the bad stuff, as well as the sweet stuff. When you get your feelings hurt by someone you love, the hurt is intense, and it can take a lot of soothing and stroking to make things right again. You should seek out a lover who is as passionate and demonstrative as you are. With a cold, aloof lover, you would slowly starve for attention and affection, and you deserve as good as you give out.

Venus retrograde

Wait for what you want

You have a hard time with silly, meaningless pursuits like small talk on a date or flirtation at the grocery checkout counter. While other people seem to derive a lot of pleasure out of interactions like these, for you, they're annoying time-fillers, and there are a lot of other, deeper matters you'd prefer to talk about. This sense of yours -- that flirting, coyness, murmured sweet nothings and so on are basically a waste of time -- may have set you apart in the dating scene, because what is dating if not a coquettish dance of attraction that's basically surface-level? But you know there's something deeper and more important than that -- you can just feel it. And if you don't mind waiting (and probably going through periods of loneliness and celibacy as a result), you'll find the love you're looking for, with someone as serious and deeply focused as you are. When that happens, you can skip all the small talk and the meaningless flirtation and get to the good stuff, the important matters underneath: Who are you, how do you see the world and what are you all about? But until then, you could be rather lonely and alone.

Venus trine Jupiter

Lucky in love

You're one of those lucky people who seems charmed in the game of love. Even your romantic setbacks don't get you down. You take a philosophical and optimistic view of matters of the heart; even when a relationship has just ended and you're alone again, you know you probably won't stay that way for long. And if you do, you'll still be happy; you've got plenty of friends to entertain you, and you're able to find interest and entertainment wherever you go. You also project this happy confidence everywhere you go, and people are drawn to you, wanting a little of that positive energy to rub off on them. You make a really fun date, because you have such an appetite for life -- for great food and wine, for having a wonderful time, whatever the cost. Sometimes you can overdo it, but because of your unique ability to pick yourself right up and dust yourself off, your overindulgences aren't usually too much of a problem. They just make life that much more fun for you and your date! You also prize honesty, so no matter how much fun you might have with dating around, you'll always be straightforward with your potential sweeties, and treat them with respect.

Venus sextile Uranus

Embracing your inner oddball

You're not one to frown on dates with unusual people or odd, spontaneous expressions of love. You don't tend to be judgmental; you love it when people let their freak flags fly! You have a real taste for excitement, spontaneity and anything unusual or unexpected in love, so you've been attracted to all different kinds of people in the past. Your attitude is, Hey, I'll try anything once; after all, it's all interesting stuff to add to your list of life experiences! In your relationships, you may act almost as your sweetie's counselor, because you love helping people to break out of their shell, blast through their inhibitions and embrace the individual that they are. For this reason, you may have been through a lot of relationships in your past, none of which stuck for long; it's almost as if you entered these people's lives to help them find a new way of living and loving, and once you had an influence and your job was done, you moved on. This is fine, especially for your lovers, but sooner or later, you're going to want to settle down with someone special for the long term. When you do, it will be with someone as sweet, unique, spontaneous, creative and caring as you are.

Mars: Lighting Your Fire

Mars in Gemini

Creative fun in the bedroom

Your energy comes and goes, and that includes your sex drive. In the game of love, if you set your sights on someone special, you'll pursue them in a big way -- at least, until your interests suddenly wane, or shift over to someone new. It's not exactly that you can't make up your mind; it's that you don't have a great deal of persistence, and you're attracted to so many different types of people that if it doesn't happen with one person, you'd just as soon move on to someone else. When you're in a long-term relationship, it might be up to your partner to keep your sex life grounded and steady. If it were left up to you, you'd make lots of love for a week or two, but then forget all about it for a while as you diverted your energies elsewhere. On the other hand, a creative and innovative lover can definitely hold your attention long-term. You like a good dose of playful fun in the bedroom, including kinky little games -- especially ones that involve talking dirty! The same old thing over and over again tends to lose interest for you, and you're not much for slow, sensuous, emotional lovemaking. You prefer it when it's fast, fun and on the surprising side.

Mars sextile Juno

Passionate in love

When you see what you want, you go for it, and that goes for love and attraction as well as your career or whatever other venue where you set goals and then work to achieve them. In love, you know just how to turn on the charm and use your natural charisma to get the object of your desires to look your way. A strong and vital sexual connection is important to you with someone you love; without it, you won't be able to sustain your interest in the relationship for long, because you associate a strong physical bond with equally strong emotional ties. When it comes to settling down for the long haul with someone very special, it's going to take a partner who is as passionate and energetic as you are. A pushover wouldn't claim your heart, but neither would someone whose passion verges too quickly into hotheadedness and temper tantrums. You need to find someone with a definite backbone, but also plenty of kindness; someone who's passionate, but not so controlling that they can't let you express your passion as well. Independence is important to you in a love affair, so look for a partner who pursues their own ambitions as they encourage and allow you to pursue yours.

Mars sextile Jupiter

Seeking a mind-body connection

Your natural self-confidence is one of your greatest assets in the game of love. You have the feeling that whatever you desire, you can make it happen; and most of the time, you're exactly right. You're appealing to your admirers because of your energy, your good humor and your exuberance. You're compelling to them, like a bright light is to a moth; they want to go bask in your glow! You'll make the best love connection with someone whom you're both physically and intellectually attracted to. If both of those components aren't in place, the relationship will probably fizzle fast, because you have both a strong sex drive and perhaps an even stronger mind. You need to exercise both regularly, and the best way to do that is to let your mind lead your body. In other words, don't get physically involved until you know you've got something to talk about when your pulse rate slows down again! If you can find this kind of partner and settle in for the long haul, you'll find that your love affair is an incredible growth experience. Any life experience that requires you to learn, to expand your mind, to stretch your boundaries, will be a positive one for you.

Mars opposite Neptune

Seeing through the illusion

You have a hard time distinguishing illusion from reality, fantasy from the real deal. For this reason, you can get into trouble in your love affairs, if you buy into someone's line that's really just that -- a line, and nothing more. You're into the fantasy side of things; you might be happier spending a day daydreaming about love and sex than actually connecting with your honey in the flesh. When someone new comes along, you'll buy almost anything they extend your way -- any line, any facade, because you love the illusion. Reality can be so dull! But that leaves you open to deceit, and oddly enough, vulnerable to others' suspicion. No matter how honest you are with your honey, somehow you still send the message to them that you're holding something back. You have an aloof, evasive way about you that can really spark some confusion. For someone who doesn't understand you very well, this can create real feelings of jealousy, if they think you're off doing things you're not supposed to be doing. To deal with this, you'll have to look deeply within yourself first. If you don't understand your own urges and behaviors, it's hard to understand anyone else's.

Jupiter: Lucky in Love

Jupiter in Aries

Overflowing with energy

You talk about your opinions as freely and impulsively as you give out gifts and favors -- and these qualities both endear you to your honey and, on occasion, annoy them. For one thing, you often dominate the conversation. On a date, even with someone brand-new, you talk a mile a minute and might not notice that your potential sweetie is sitting there, growing annoyed with the fact that they can't get a word in edgewise. Furthermore, you're pretty darn sure of yourself and your opinions, aren't you? Often you stick to your ideas like glue, even if you have no concrete evidence to found them upon. On the more positive side, you're incredibly generous with people. No sooner does the idea of a gift or treat for someone you love come into your head than you're already showering them with it. You're really indulgent, and can sometimes smother the one you love. But this impulsive effusiveness is just part of who you are, and when you find your true match in love, they'll put up with the downside and appreciate the upside. And you will find your match, because you're nothing if not great at recognizing opportunities in the game of love and jumping on them!

Jupiter opposite Uranus

Very, very, quite contrary

You impress your admirers with your bright and active mind, your seemingly limitless stores of knowledge, your enthusiasm for learning and for teaching. You're even a little outrageous at times, and you make a very fun date. But what about a partner in a committed, intimate relationship? That's where things get a little tricky for you. That outrageous streak can go overboard, and instead of seeming zany to your honey, you might actually seem unbalanced. If you're constantly chasing after the next big get-rich-quick scheme or what have you, your sweetie will slowly but surely develop a constant, low-grade sense of 'Uh-oh' whenever you're around. What, they'll wonder, are you going to jump into next? Because like most people close to you, your sweetie knows that you tend to look before you leap, and as often as not, the results aren't good. You don't react well to their attempts to rein you in, either. You can become pretty stubborn about it when you've got a scheme in mind and your honey tries to talk you back down to reality. Your best partner will be someone who can help to balance you out, but who also knows how to break through your defenses.

Jupiter square Saturn

Sabotaging yourself in love

You have a hard time with commitment, whether it's to yourself, to your goals or to a lover. Somewhere inside you, pretty close to the surface, you have the feeling that rules are made to be broken, and you do so any chance you get. You have a devil-may-care attitude about seriousness, authority and living up to anyone's standards but your own. But deeper beneath that attitude, at its source, lies fear -- fear of commitment, of applying yourself to a relationship or devoting yourself even to someone you love. What if it all falls through? What if you put forth your best effort, and you still fail? That's a pretty scary thought, so you generally try to avoid thinking about it at all -- and you avoid serious commitments and responsibilities. In a love affair, when your honey sets the bar high, you purposely fall short of it, just to flaunt the fact that you don't care; but deep down, you really do. This kind of behavior and outlook is stunting your growth as a human being, as long as you refuse to grow up and mature. In relationships, you're inconsistent at best; learning to settle down and treat your sweetie with respect will be a long and probably difficult process.

Saturn: Love's Lessons

Saturn in Cancer

Break down that wall

You are highly protective of your home and everyone in it, so when you're in a long-term, committed relationship, you feel as if you'd do anything for your sweetie, especially if you live together. Though you're deeply committed to and invested in the relationship, however, you may have a hard time showing your truest, most tender feelings of love, because just as you protect your loved ones fiercely, you also protect your own emotions in the same way. You've been hurt in the past, and that has caused you to build a wall around your heart, one that you let crumble only around the people you know and love best. This can be frustrating at times for your lover; if you refuse to let them in, does that mean you don't love or trust them enough? It has a lot more to do with you than with them, but that's still an issue that could come between you from time to time. You don't like taking unnecessary risks, but when it comes down to the wire, you will -- for the sake of something truly important, like your relationship. One thing to work on in the meantime, though, is loosening up about your feelings. Your sweetie wants to know that they delight and amaze you.

Saturn square Uranus

Upsetting that apple cart

Your love affairs go in fits and starts, because you're waging an internal battle between respecting the status quo and following the inner urge to upset the apple cart -- just for the sake of, well, upsetting the apple cart! You tend to lack long-lasting discipline in your relationships. You might go along for a while, toeing the line -- and then, all of a sudden, you'll do something to disturb the stability of the affair, because as much as you want a solid love that you can depend on, you also crave freedom. You might start a silly, unnecessary fight, knowing that it will lead to a breakup, or you might suddenly freeze your lover out with disinterest. You might even get involved with someone new, simply to break free of the chafing bonds of commitment. As a result, you may have a series of affairs behind you that ended badly, and no real sense of how to change this pattern in the future. This is, however, something that you can control. You must recognize this urge for freedom, and force yourself to make measured moves, not impulsive ones -- no matter how much you want to shove that apple cart until it falls on its side, apples tumbling everywhere!

Uranus: Your Unique Attraction

Uranus in Scorpio

Intensely sexual

As odd or counterintuitive as it may sound, your intense sexuality could be the undoing of your relationship. But you have deep, strong desires, and you're not one to repress them. When they take hold of you, you want to act on them -- even if you have to do so in a secretive way. And sometimes, acting on your desires, especially secretively, may not be in the best interest of your blossoming or committed love affair. On the other hand, you're very sexually compelling to your lover. You have an innovative mind about new positions to try and new feelings to explore; you like nothing more than to get down and dirty with another person, and find out what it truly is to be human! But this urge to explore 'the dark side' and plumb the depths of your psyche via sexual encounters that lay your soul bare...well, it can get a little too intense at times, for your sweetheart and even for you. On the other hand, intensity, even the disturbing kind, is what you live for, and your strong will can get you through even the darkest moments. And you'll almost certainly come out on the other side with greater self-knowledge of your own truth.

Neptune: Your Rose-Colored Glasses

Neptune in Sagittarius

Strong intuitions

You have a strongly intuitive side, but you often misread your inner compass, and if you act according to your instincts, you might find yourself moving in the entirely wrong direction. When it comes to your instincts, you tend to miss the trees in favor of the forest. That means your 'inner eye' isn't attuned to the important little details, or the subtle variations of whatever feeling you're getting. In a romance, for example, you could get a strong sense that things are off with your partner -- but you'll ignore the specifics about your feeling and end up drawing the totally wrong conclusion about what's going on with your sweetie and why. You're seeking the truth, though, and that's the very reason why you so often misread your own signals -- because the truth is such a broadly varied and changeable concept. And it's wonderful that you shoot for the stars in your quest for the truth. But you should always incorporate all your senses, not just your sixth one. Rely on the combination of your inner feelings plus the facts as you can see and understand them, and you'll steer yourself along a straighter track.

Neptune trine Juno

A humbling experience

You're most attracted to people who have a pronounced spiritual side, and even more than that, who find spiritual enlightenment and fulfillment through relationships. Because that's just how you are: For you, love is an emotionally transcendent experience that fills your soul and brings you closer to the mystery and magic of the universe. For you, love wouldn't be complete without this sense of enchantment, and a prosaic, straightforward romance won't go far with you. You need that extra little dash of something that thrills and delights you, and makes you wonder at the vastness of all we don't know about life, love and what it is to be human. Someone who didn't recognize their own spiritual side or who didn't appreciate and encourage yours wouldn't be the right partner for you. You need someone who can bring out this tender, compassionate side of you. And when you find them, you'll devote yourself to them selflessly, doing whatever it takes to fulfill their needs and make them feel as special as you believe them to be. Your empathy is honed and increased by the experience of being in love; for you, it's a humbling one that uplifts your very soul.

Neptune sextile Pluto

The transcendent experience of love

While you may get involved in a few flings, you're more able than some to transcend your bodily needs for a higher ideal. Sex just for its own sake may not hold a lot of appeal for you unless other aspects indicate it; you'd much rather connect on a physical level with someone with whom you're emotionally bonded with, because that way, the experience is so much more transcendent and important. Sex without love is basically empty, but sex can be an important growth experience when paired up with true intimacy and emotional attachment. You've always understood that, so you tend to look for relationships that really mean something to you rather than pursuing someone who just appeals to you on a physical level. Love, also, is a spiritual experience for you, one that helps you grow hugely as a human being. If you look back over your life, you'll find that your romantic affairs corresponded with periods of intense personal growth and transformation, and it will always be this way for you. So when you're getting involved with someone new, use this truth about yourself as a barometer for whether the relationship is worth pursuing. If there's more there than simple attraction, it probably is.

Pluto: Taking it Deeper

Pluto in Libra

Personal growth through relationship

Love affairs have always been intense for you, because that is one arena that really lets you progress and transform yourself as a person. While other people might do their best internal work on their own, you're all about relationships and the lessons you can glean through being intimately involved with someone. Of course, 'relationship' can also mean the one you share with your therapist; that would be another wonderful way for you to connect more deeply with yourself and grow to understand and nurture yourself. But love affairs for you tend to be intense and symbiotic, and you rarely come out of them unchanged. A harmonious balance between you and your sweetie is one of your highest ideals, and you're willing to go to great lengths to bring that ideal into reality. You'll work hard on a relationship that's important to you, and you can be very introspective in your quest to make the bond the best that it can be. Just remember not to be too hard on yourself -- you're allowed at least a few flaws and idiosyncrasies! -- and not to subvert your own needs and desires in favor of maintaining harmony. With some effort, you should be able to have both.

Pluto sextile Juno

Turn up the heat

When you're looking for a true and lasting love, one of the first questions you should ask yourself about the object of your desires is -- can they handle the heat? Because you bring a lot to your intimate relationships! You're an intense lover, and you're attracted to the same in someone you're considering getting romantically involved with. Once you do get deeply involved on a long-term basis with someone, the relationship will be nothing if not intense for both of you, in a wonderful way. Love and commitment are two of your personal bests in terms of growth and transformation. You learn so much from the process of getting to know another person at an intimate level, and functioning as their partner in life. It may not always be smooth sailing -- no relationship ever is -- but even the rough patches will be full of lessons and a deep source of interest for you. Somehow, a commitment brings out your most profound source of power. It's safe to say that whoever takes you on as a lasting love will be every bit as strong as you are! And the ride will be incredibly transformative for both of you.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!