An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born April 10, 1977:

Romantic Personality Profile

What Astrology Reveals About How You Love

Discovering exactly what YOU need in a relationship is an essential step on your path to the beautiful and fulfilling relationship you’ve always dreamed of having.

When you know your specific romantic needs, you can make far better choices in how you approach your relationship, helping it evolve and transform into the joyous LOVE you so deeply desire and deserve

Without this important information, you might waste years arguing and crying with your partner, wondering why you just can’t make it seem to work.
But there is no need to go through all that when you don’t have to! Astrology is a powerful tool that can reveal a LOT about your romantic nature

Everyone has different needs when it comes to intimacy and romance in relationships and it’s crucial to learn yours...
  • Do you crave space and freedom or are you happiest when you have a close, intimate connection with your romantic partner?
  • Do you prefer a chatty, flirty lover who will make you laugh and keep your mind occupied or are you attracted to quiet, brooding types who make you work for their attention?
This Romantic Personality Profile will reveal some of the hidden secrets of your romantic nature. By looking at the specific location of the planets on the day you were born, this insightful report will show you exactly what you need in a lover.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Romantic Personality Profile report.

And I want to help you discover how to have much better relationships going forward in your life!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover hidden parts of your romantic nature that have a profound influence on what YOU bring to the table when you’re involved in a romantic relationship? 
And what particular challenges YOU present as a partner (and how to address those challenges so they don’t hold you back from having the love and happiness you deserve)? 

Your Love Nature

The Romance and Passion Meters read the placement of planets on the day of your birth and reveal the levels of romance and passion you have been gifted with in this lifetime. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing or an uphill battle when it comes to matters of the heart.

Before you jump in... there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff with the Romance meter, but what you really want is balance.

Just imagine... with ONLY good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And TOO much passion can also ruin a relationship.

Without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you'd tire your lover out fast! A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then.

One more word of caution before you get started…

Remember, no relationship or person is perfect. Even with what seems like the ideal balance of romance and passion, an affair could turn out to be a total flop. It all truly boils down to our free will.


Nature = 4

7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations

4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs

0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose

Nature = 8

7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.

4-6: Up for it almost anytime

0-3: A bit shy and reserved

Person 1, this Romantic Personality Profile Report WILL SHOW YOU HOW THE FOLLOWING PLANETARY ENERGIES AFFECT YOUR Love Life:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally with lovers (and everyone else)
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your romantic life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions (including in love)
reveals what truly motivates you in every area of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values in relationships and in life
guides your on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest romantic and life challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life and in love
reveals your life and relationship karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push in life and in your relationships


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Keep reading to discover how the placement of the planets on April 10, 1977 has shaped your romantic nature and guided your love life so far…

The Sun: Your Radiant Self

Sun in Cancer

A sensitive, nurturing lover

You're something of a homebody. Whether that means your physical home or your emotional one is up to you, because for you, home is really where the heart is -- which can make it difficult sometimes to meet new people, if you're always hanging out on your couch or with your same set of tried-and-true close friends! Your best venues for meeting a potential date are dinner parties, which combine the benefits of good food and time to talk; or through friends, so that your potential sweetie comes complete with good recommendations from people you trust. You're definitely on the emotionally sensitive side, so you can get hurt easily in relationships -- even more than you might like to admit. When your feelings are hurt, you often pull into your shell rather than trying to talk things out, at least at first. You need a lover who understands you at a deep level, someone who draws you out of your shell in a tender and gentle way. Needless to say, this kind of precludes short-term, casual affairs! But once you find someone to love, you're an incredibly nurturing lover. You tend to their physical and emotional needs as best you know how, and give them your true devotion.

Sun conjunct Saturn

For better or worse

You tend to focus more on your duties and responsibilities at work or at home than on your love life, which is a bit of a shame. You deserve love and intimacy just as much as anyone else, but for some reason, you've got a very serious outlook on life, and dating may seem too frivolous to pursue with the same interest and vigor with which you pursue your career. You're not much for idle chitchat, either, which pretty much precludes chatting up someone cute over cocktails! It's good to know yourself and know what you are and aren't interested in, but your reluctance to relax and have frivolous fun is more likely about feeling inhibited than about a genuine distaste for a good time. On the more positive side, you take a serious approach to love, just as you do to work and familial concerns. When you do find that special someone who claims your heart, you'll be in it for the long haul. You serve as the rock in your relationships with your friends and family. Just make sure that, when you do commit to someone special, they really are as special as you deserve. You thoroughly believe in 'for better or worse,' which means you might not bail out of a ship that's sinking.

Sun square Mars

Try to be patient

You've been a bundle of energy all your life, a motivated person who goes after what they want with drive and intensity. Those qualities can be really useful when it comes to winning a game or getting ahead in your career, but in love, a softer touch is needed. Even though you want to make a solid love connection with someone, your dates might tend to find you rather selfish, aggressive or argumentative -- qualities that can turn someone off before they take the time to get to know you better and learn about your more attractive traits. The problem is, without even realizing it, you tend to have a me-first attitude; put together with a rather thin skin, that can spell dating disaster. You tend to take things personally, and your natural response is to lash out -- a common response to having your feelings hurt, but not the most constructive one possible. It's frustrating to feel like someone or something is standing in the way of getting what you want, but a 'when in doubt, shove' approach to love just doesn't work. Don't try to force a connection; instead, try to be patient and see what develops naturally with that special someone.

Sun square Pluto

Overly controlling

No matter how well a new love affair is going, it's hard for you to ignore the little voice in the back of your mind -- the one that whispers, 'When is it all going to go wrong?' It's not that you're pessimistic, exactly; it's that you have an innate sense of the fact that, as everything begins, so everything ends, including relationships. Nothing can last forever, even true love, and you know that; but you might take it too far by constantly reminding yourself, like pressing a bruise again and again, that this, too, could end at any moment. And it's likely that you'll respond to the uncertainty by trying to control the situation in a variety of ways. You have a tendency to get into very complex relationships with your lovers; you become obsessive over them and the relationship, and either subtly or overtly, you try to dominate them, controlling their feelings and their behavior through anger or manipulation. This can't work out for long, so you may have a past that's full of intense, failed love affairs. A much better method would be to accept the fact that there is no certainty in life or in love, and just to enjoy your sweetie without worrying about when and how it's all going to end.

Mercury: Speak from the Heart

Mercury in Cancer

A tangled web of emotions

You often find it hard to be objective, because your thoughts and ideas are so closely linked to your emotions. You have a difficult time separating logic from emotion, and that can make things especially hard when objectivity is key, such as in an argument with your sweetie. You might lose all perspective in those moments as you get swamped in a tide of your own feeling -- and this tendency within you could earn you the reputation of being rather moody, sensitive or overly emotional. But it's just that you feel things so deeply -- and this is one of your strengths, as much as it can cloud communication with your honey. For one thing, you're able to tune in psychically to your sweetie, and intuit their needs without their having to put them into words. In fact, you often have a much clearer perspective on the moods and desires of your lover than you have on your own, because you just tap so readily into that emotional vein. This makes you quite a sensitive lover -- and this time, sensitive in the best way! You're able to nurture and soothe your sweetie at a deep level, with true emotional intimacy.

Mercury conjunct Venus

Natural charm

Your ideal date probably includes excellent food and drink, luxurious surroundings and wonderful, flowing conversation with someone very special and attractive. You're attuned to the beautiful side of life -- the harmonious, the grand, the enchanting. You know how to charm your admirers naturally, just by being yourself. You can carry almost any conversation, even an awkward one with someone who's a lot more inhibited than you are; in fact, you're great at drawing people out of their shell. For all these reasons, you're a natural when it comes to hosting dinner or cocktail parties, gallery events, weddings -- anything that's designed to bring people together, to get them talking and eating and drinking and generally making merry. You probably have a lot of admirers, because your charms are so immediately apparent; maybe your only issue in the game of love is there are too many contestants to choose from! For you, the ideal partner is someone who appreciates beauty and art as much as you do, and who is as kind and charming as you are. You don't like confrontations, or rude, brash people. Your true love will be sweet, calm and refined.

Mercury trine Mars


You're not one to let a lover walk all over you. You do have a sense of tact, and of the importance of each person having their say. But you also know how to speak up and stand your ground when you need to. A mental connection with your sweetie is practically a requirement for you in the game of love; you have to feel heard and understood by that special someone, or the bloom of romance just won't seem as sweet. In an argument, you won't come across as abrasive or aggressive unless you mean to. After all, aggression has its time and place; but you're more likely to use your crafty intelligence to talk your opponent -- oops, that is, your lover! -- into a corner. You know that words can be the most powerful weapon there is, and you've honed yours to perfection. You also know how to use those words to great effect in tender moments: telling your sweetie just how you feel about them, and how they make you feel; murmuring sweet somethings in their ear as you let them know just how much they mean to you. Remember to put as much energy in the sweeter side of communication as you do into your debates and posing your opinions to the world.

Mercury trine Neptune

A gift of understanding

You're an idealist, but not to the point that you can't see a lover for the person that they truly are. In fact, you're more naturally skilled than most at seeing through a lover's facade to the real person inside. You have an innate grasp of psychology -- an instinctive understanding of what makes your sweetie tick. You can read their subtlest signals and interpret them accurately, and that's a real gift in love. Put together with your strong sense of intuition, you're uniquely situated to make good choices for yourself in terms of partners, because you can figure out early on who is worth your time and who isn't. This is not to say that you won't make mistakes and choose the wrong person from time to time; everyone does that. But if you pay attention, you have all the answers and information within yourself that you need to make the right choices in love and attain the affection and connection that you seek. Your sweetie will appreciate your compassion, your sensitivity and your ability to understand them, because that truly is love: seeing someone for who they are, accepting them and encouraging them to be their real, wonderful self.

Mercury sextile Pluto

A natural psychologist

You'd make a great psychologist, because intimate knowledge of others' motivations is intensely interesting to you. And when you get romantically involved with someone, the relationship is usually intense. You attract people who have secrets to protect, because they know that in you, they'll find a good and discreet listener, someone they can trust. Your friends come to you to unburden themselves of whatever heavy feelings or situations they've been living with, and it's the same in your love life. Your lovers feel safe with you, because they know you'll protect their privacy. You create a feeling of intense, serious intimacy by making your sweetie comfortable enough to be vulnerable -- to bare all, so to speak. And you're not the type to shy away from difficult emotions. If anything, you're even more interested the odder things get, because you want to get at the base of human experience -- what it is to be a person here on earth, to live and love and feel with a human heart and mind. You want to know what it is that makes people tick, starting with your sweetie. You recognize that, the deeper you go into human motivation and experience, the closer you'll come to some universal truth.

Venus: The Law of Attraction

Venus in Cancer

Love: an all-or-nothing affair

In love, you're a real softie. You'll bend over backwards for your sweetie, if that's what you think they want or need. You tend to put your lover's needs and feelings first, which can mean that yours get a bit trampled on from time to time...but you figure it's all worth it in the end, because the act of loving someone, for you, is a selfless, nurturing act. Of course, when you get your feelings truly hurt by a tactless or untrustworthy lover, you won't stick around for further abuse. Emotional security is your biggest need in relationships, and if it's not being met, you'll withdraw into your little shell and nurse your wounds for as long as it takes to start feeling better. This can make others think of you as a bit moody and oversensitive, but what do they know? The only reason you get hurt so easily is that you wear your heart on your sleeve. All you ask in return for your loyalty and devotion is a little bit of the same -- a lover that you can count on, and one that you can trust. And when you find that special someone who deserves your trust, you'll throw yourself into the relationship heart and soul. For you, love is an all-or-nothing affair, and once you're in it, there's no turning back.

Venus square Uranus

Attracted to unreliable types

Even if you aren't promiscuous in real life, you often are in your mind: You're constantly looking around at all the hot and intriguing people around you, and wondering whether they're better than the one you're with. And you suspect that they are; you've got a real grass-is-greener perspective when it comes to romance. You tend to get bored easily in relationships, and anytime things start approaching anything close to routine or predictable, you bail. You just feel restless and itchy, and you have a little worry at the back of your mind that grows bigger when things start to feel too stable -- Is this all there is? Am I stuck with this one person, for the rest of my life? You might think that a relationship lasting into the foreseeable future would drive you crazy, and maybe it would; you certainly seem to have developed an allergy to stability in love. But if you want true intimacy in your life, you're going to have to figure out a way to make the long term work for you. You may tend to fall for aloof, unstable types, because at least they keep you guessing; try for someone more stable, but who is unique and independent, and can give you plenty of space.

Mars: Lighting Your Fire

Mars in Aries

The direct approach

It's safe to say that you're not generally one for a lot of foreplay -- or, more precisely, your brand of foreplay is of the heady, aggressive variety. Instead of taking the slow approach, easing yourself and your sweetie into things, you go straight for the gold. For you, sex and sensuality are like a game -- one that you really, really want to win! And generally, the object of your desires doesn't stand a chance once you set your sights on them. You see someone you want and you move in on them, like a hunter stalking its prey. This kind of confidence is incredibly attractive to lots of people -- who can resist that kind of charisma? But when your charms fail to work -- when someone holds you off, and you don't get the release you crave -- you can get pretty ticked off about it. When it comes to sex, you would do well to take things down just a notch, at least in the beginning stages. You know the saying, 'You draw more flies with honey than with vinegar'? Well, trying to draw them by stomping your feet and demanding their presence doesn't work too well either! Take a cooler approach, and save all that passion, heat and energy for the act itself. Ooh, la la!

Mars trine Juno

Strengthening through love

A long-term partnership like love is, for you, a strengthening experience. You're already quite strong on your own, but within the comfortable haven of a relationship, you feel even freer to express yourself in a natural and vital way. For some, stable love affairs are restrictive, but though your personal freedom is very important to you, if you find the right partner -- the one who lets you be yourself, who encourages you to follow your ambitions -- you'll grow and deepen as a person even more than you would have on your own. It does take that partner, though, who will give you the freedom and independence that you need. You also need to choose someone for the long-term who can serve back up to you whatever you bring their way. You're a passionate person, and you need passion in your life. A strong sexual bond with your sweetie is a must, as is a healthy attitude on both your parts toward the occasional argument. Steer clear of people whose tempers get the better of them on a regular basis; you need passion and energy in your life, but not excess anger. Commit to the lover who encourages you to be fully, passionately yourself.

Mars trine Neptune

Your self-sacrificing nature

Your friends come to you for advice and sympathy on a regular basis, because you're a wonderful listener who intuits what your loved ones need to hear in order to feel better and live a better life. And your lovers are no different: They appreciate you for your kindness, your compassion, your willingness to jump in and lend them a hand with whatever problem they might be experiencing. And this isn't posturing on your part; you truly do have the inside line into human experience, because of your deep powers of understanding. You understand your own deeper urges, and you know how to control them. In relationships, you're able to be temperate about your anger as well as your sexual passions, and you have an innate sense of both timing and tact when it comes to any type of strong feeling or desire. You enjoy putting your energy to use in helping other people who might not have the optimism and stamina that you have, or the opportunities; just make sure that you channel this interest into a positive arena. Getting involved with someone who has too many emotional problems and trying to 'fix' them with your love wouldn't be a good use of your energy.

Mars opposite Pluto

The urge to overpower

You should focus on learning to compromise in relationships, because otherwise you'll have a hard time creating the stable, long-lasting love that you seek. You have such strong passions, both sexual and temperamental, and sometimes you feel utterly in the sway of your urges. When your honey turns you on, you become like a tidal wave of desire, one that overwhelms both of you and creates an intensely passionate experience. But when your honey upsets you, you might lash out at them, berate them, attempt to intimidate them -- any trick or tactic that will put you in a position of power. Relationships aren't supposed to be power plays; they're supposed to be about two equals, working together toward harmony, understanding and sweetness. But you have a hard time remembering that in the heat of the moment, when all you can focus on is the urge to eviscerate your sweetie -- that special person you're supposed to be treating like the loved and cherished influence that they are in your life. Your urges to manipulate and control your honey could ultimately push them away, if you don't learn to tone it down and work with them instead of against them.

Jupiter: Lucky in Love

Jupiter in Aquarius

Ethics in relationship

You have a definite code of ethics when it comes to love affairs, but two things are certain: One, your ethics are your very own, and they're probably not completely traditional, because you've come up with them based on what works for you; and two, you're independent enough in your thinking that you'd never try to get anyone else to subscribe to your same set of morals, even your sweetie -- at least, not by force. You're much more the type simply to set an example, which the people around you tend to follow because it's clear to them that you're intelligent, that you've thought about what's important to you and why, and therefore yours is a good example to follow. Independence, in fact, is probably the key to your relationship ethics. You believe down into your soul in the importance of each person in the relationship being free to be themselves and follow their own paths in life. You tend to be rather cool-headed, even -- or especially -- in times of emotional crisis, such as during an argument with your sweetie. Don't be surprised if this infuriates them even more in the heat of the moment, even if they appreciate your detached, intellectual approach at other times!

Jupiter sextile Juno

The meaning of life: Relationship

Your search for the meaning of life will almost certainly lead you to a long-term, committed relationship, because for you, the two are inextricably linked. An intimate partnership with another human being is one of the main ways that you experience this sense of the truth of life; committed relationships are, for you, like a spiritual awakening. You're attracted to lovers who are on a quest similar to yours, and who are willing to share with you what they've learned along their path as well as to listen to you and learn from your experiences. Equality is also important to you in a love affair. You like to look up to your lover as a mentor, but you also like for them to respect your knowledge as well. A mutual sense of awe, respect and appreciation is important to you in love. When you find that seeking soul that's traveling along a similar path to yours, the attraction will be fast and sure. A mental connection is essential to you in love; you want to be able to philosophize with your honey as well as connect on a physical or emotional level. A stable commitment is actually a freeing experience for you, because it helps you get in touch with your own beliefs and ideals.

Jupiter trine Uranus

Finding your own path through the maze of love

Following the pattern of a traditional relationship -- chatting on the phone or via emails and IMs, going on a few dates, then a few more, getting serious, getting intimate, moving toward a commitment, marriage, buying a house together, yada yada yada -- isn't for you. If you do take those steps that have been taken by countless people before you, you'll do it on your own terms, and in your own time. You're an original, in love as well as in life, and you see no reason to stick to a formula that you didn't make up. You like to find your own path through the maze of a relationship, and the great news is, you're good at it. You've got both practicality and idealism on your side. You don't like to be tied down, by a person, a commitment or an idea; but you're not just willfully restless or rebellious, either. You like to choose your commitments carefully. Once you make one, you're in it for the long haul. You're not likely to commit yourself to a relationship that limits you in any way; you want to be free to pursue your lifelong process of learning. In short, life and love are both growth processes for you, and your best partner will be one who can grow and learn alongside you.

Jupiter sextile Neptune

A lover, not a fighter

No matter what setbacks you might experience in love, you'll always come out ahead in the end -- you're too optimistic not to. Your relationships are sweet and sensitive, because you bring those qualities to them. You're a true lover, not a fighter. You want nothing more than to help out your sweetie whenever they need it. You're compassionate with them, sensitive to their moods and their needs. You can be very selfless, which might get you into trouble at times -- but even if you've been taken advantage of, you wouldn't want to harden yourself, just because some people don't realize the gift you're giving them. Obviously, your best partner in love will be someone who can give as generously and selflessly of their time and attention as you do. You need to find someone to love who returns the favors that you give them, because otherwise, your relationships can spin quickly out of balance. You always look for the best in other people, but the sad truth is that some people aren't worth your trouble. You're better off choosing a bit more wisely first, and then letting your generosity and compassion flow.

Saturn: Love's Lessons

Saturn in Gemini

Dependent upon logic

In a relationship, communication with your lover can sometimes be a difficult business. At times you feel like your words are locked up inside, not realizing that really, it's your emotions that are having trouble finding expression. At other times, you might feel like your honey is trying to keep you from speaking freely, or is trying to impede your logic. Trip-ups in your thinking or your understanding of your lover can lead to big bumps in the road of your relationship. But in general, you're a solid, logical thinker and communicator. When your mind is disciplined, great things result. You tend to think your way through problems in your intimate relationship, of course, when sometimes, an emotional approach would be more appropriate. Intense emotionalism can scare you, because it's so irrational; new ideas can scare you as well, unless they're well-founded and well-explained. And your steadfast dependence on logic and facts in an argument can really annoy your sweetie if they're more comfortable than you are with the abstraction of emotions. On the other hand, your sense of logic can act as an anchor for your relationship.

Saturn trine Uranus

A new spin on an old tale

One of your strengths in relationships is that you're able to highlight the things most people take for granted -- commitment, marriage, the progression of a relationship from the first date to the altar -- and put a brand-new spin on them. And you're not spinning them just for the sake of something new and exciting, although that could be a fun byproduct; instead, you understand that just as rules were made to be broken, traditions were made to be built upon and changed. You'd never move blindly through the commonly accepted steps of a progressing relationship: dating, deepening intimacy, moving in together, a proposal, an engagement, marriage, kids (yawn)... If you take those steps, and in that order, it will be because that's what feels right to you. You neither do things impulsively nor out of habit. Instead, you follow your instincts, while keeping in mind your respect for what's gone before. Maybe your parents or grandparents had a wonderful marriage, one that you'd like to recreate in your own life; but you're not going to go out and grab the first eligible person you see! Instead, you're going to follow your intuition and take the steps that feel right in that moment.

Saturn square Pluto

Tempering your emotions

No doubt you've got a relationship history full of intense, powerful, even explosive partnerships. The phrase 'casual relationship' is an oxymoron to you -- at least, you've never had one! When you identify someone who seems like a good potential romantic partner -- and you may definitely be responding to deep unconscious emotional patterns here -- you fixate on them obsessively. You think of them day and night, even if you never act on the feelings you have for them, which is a distinct possibility. You may be too engrossed in building your career or required by circumstance to attend to important responsibilities in your life, all of which severely limits the amount of time and energy you have to devote toward your relationships, particularly since they don't come easily for you. When you do find yourself partnered, there are constant struggles for power and control, all laced with your suspicion. You torture yourself with dark thoughts, none of which are true, and yet you sense that the arena of relationships is where you are destined to temper these raw emotions and transform them into the deep passion and devotion of which you're capable.

Uranus: Your Unique Attraction

Uranus in Libra

Commitment and independence

You can have a hard time with committed relationships. In your heart, you're singing, 'I just gotta be free' even as you're professing your love to your sweetheart. Now, your love is true; it's just the commitment thing that alarms you, and makes you want to run in the opposite direction. You're quite independent, and you might feel, deep down in your soul, that no one could ever understand or accept this about you. Finding that long-term relationship in which you can be comfortable might just be a matter of giving that special someone a chance, because freedom within a relationship probably isn't as difficult to attain as you might think. But knowing that logically is different from believing it down in your soul, so you may find yourself faced with the prospect of a committed relationship with a wonderful person that you love...and instead of feeling happy at the prospect, you're breaking out in hives at the idea that your freedom is about to be cut off like the split ends in your hair. Your best bet? Talk openly with your sweetie about your concerns. You'll probably find that they're a lot more amenable to your freedom and independence than you think they'll be.

Neptune: Your Rose-Colored Glasses

Neptune in Sagittarius

Strong intuitions

You have a strongly intuitive side, but you often misread your inner compass, and if you act according to your instincts, you might find yourself moving in the entirely wrong direction. When it comes to your instincts, you tend to miss the trees in favor of the forest. That means your 'inner eye' isn't attuned to the important little details, or the subtle variations of whatever feeling you're getting. In a romance, for example, you could get a strong sense that things are off with your partner -- but you'll ignore the specifics about your feeling and end up drawing the totally wrong conclusion about what's going on with your sweetie and why. You're seeking the truth, though, and that's the very reason why you so often misread your own signals -- because the truth is such a broadly varied and changeable concept. And it's wonderful that you shoot for the stars in your quest for the truth. But you should always incorporate all your senses, not just your sixth one. Rely on the combination of your inner feelings plus the facts as you can see and understand them, and you'll steer yourself along a straighter track.

Neptune conjunct Juno

An incurable romantic

You might repeatedly get into relationships that you expect to go one way and then they go another, or you could get involved with someone and then, as you become more intimate with them, you start to realize that they're really different from the person you thought they were. It's not that you purposely mislead yourself, but you do tend to build up romantic partnerships in your head before they play out, which is a sure prescription for disillusionment later. Why not simply read the signals as they come instead of getting caught up in your own little fantasy of how things are going to be? Well, in short, because you're a romantic! That's what a romantic does -- they dream of romance, and they look forward to the day when they find that special someone who will be by their side 'forever.' But really, all of that is a fantasy, and the sooner you face that fact the better. You'll most likely find more than one special someone in your lifetime, and even if there is only one for you, there's no way to tell how the relationship is going to go until you live through it. Learn to embrace love's little surprises instead of deluding yourself as to what's possible or probable.

Neptune sextile Pluto

The transcendent experience of love

While you may get involved in a few flings, you're more able than some to transcend your bodily needs for a higher ideal. Sex just for its own sake may not hold a lot of appeal for you unless other aspects indicate it; you'd much rather connect on a physical level with someone with whom you're emotionally bonded with, because that way, the experience is so much more transcendent and important. Sex without love is basically empty, but sex can be an important growth experience when paired up with true intimacy and emotional attachment. You've always understood that, so you tend to look for relationships that really mean something to you rather than pursuing someone who just appeals to you on a physical level. Love, also, is a spiritual experience for you, one that helps you grow hugely as a human being. If you look back over your life, you'll find that your romantic affairs corresponded with periods of intense personal growth and transformation, and it will always be this way for you. So when you're getting involved with someone new, use this truth about yourself as a barometer for whether the relationship is worth pursuing. If there's more there than simple attraction, it probably is.

Pluto: Taking it Deeper

Pluto in Libra

Personal growth through relationship

Love affairs have always been intense for you, because that is one arena that really lets you progress and transform yourself as a person. While other people might do their best internal work on their own, you're all about relationships and the lessons you can glean through being intimately involved with someone. Of course, 'relationship' can also mean the one you share with your therapist; that would be another wonderful way for you to connect more deeply with yourself and grow to understand and nurture yourself. But love affairs for you tend to be intense and symbiotic, and you rarely come out of them unchanged. A harmonious balance between you and your sweetie is one of your highest ideals, and you're willing to go to great lengths to bring that ideal into reality. You'll work hard on a relationship that's important to you, and you can be very introspective in your quest to make the bond the best that it can be. Just remember not to be too hard on yourself -- you're allowed at least a few flaws and idiosyncrasies! -- and not to subvert your own needs and desires in favor of maintaining harmony. With some effort, you should be able to have both.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!