An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born July 24, 1977 and Person 2, Born January 21, 1976:

Romantic Compatibility Guide

Uncovering the Truth About You and Your Relationship

You may have been coupled for decades or you might be in a brand new relationship.

While your relationship might be pretty solid, you probably want to make it even better!

It could take months, even years, of deep discussions, intimate moments, and occasional arguments to learn the true nature of your relationship to help you improve things...

Or you can turn to astrology to get the answers now. After all, the beauty of astrology is in highlighting probabilities.
The location of the planets on the days that you and your partner were born and how they relate to each other can illuminate all kinds of details about
  • how well you communicate
  • how deeply you connect
  • and most importantly if there's a chance for everlasting love to grow between you.
This powerful information reveals the strengths in your relationship and how you can best leverage them to make your relationship even stronger

It also reveals what you can do to overcome any weak areas in your relationship. 

As you know, every relationship is unique. Where one person leaves you cold, another can light your fire in a major way! 

You will connect deeply with some people the very moment your eyes first meet, feeling like you've known each other for years (or even lifetimes). 

But with other people, it can take a LOT of time and effort to make the connection flow… and it still might not ever happen. 

If you are wondering whether you should take that next step to deepen your current relationship or keep looking for someone else with better compatibility, the Romantic Compatibility Guide will help you make the right decision by exploring your relationship potential with your current partner. 

You’ll discover the answer to important questions like…
  • Does your conversation flow easily, or do awkward silences prevail?
  • Is there a spark of chemistry or a sense that things between you just don’t click?
  • If things are going well and you develop a deeper bond, what can you expect from the relationship long-term?
Remember, knowledge is power! So read on to find out if your romantic partner is The One... or if you're better off looking for love somewhere else.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Romantic Compatibility Guide report.

And I want to help you discover the compatibility in your relationship so you can make it even BETTER!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover how you can leverage the strengths in your relationship so each day just gets more wonderful with your partner?
And how to overcome the specific challenges in your relationship so they don’t hold you back from having the amazing and beautiful relationship with your partner that you both deserve?

Your Connection Bar Graphs

Wondering how the two of you match up? Now you can find out, at a glance!

This two-way bar graph reveals the chemistry between you and your partner - how you affect them, and how they affect you. It will give you a quick overview of the strength of your connection in six very important categories that can make or break your relationship such as...

  • how your core personalities mesh
  • how the two of you communicate
  • and the levels of love and attraction you feel for each other

Ready to know if your relationship has what it takes for you to feel happy and fulfilled?

The Romantic Compatibility Guide will give you the answers!

But remember... even if you both rate high in all six categories, the relationship still might not work out. And even if you rate low, your bond can still grow to create a solid and satisfying relationship.

The most promising indicator is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their attraction and connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out!

The bar graph only gives you a quick peek at the chemistry of your relationship - the rest is up to you. Look to your compatibility report for a more in-depth reading of the strengths and challenges of your relationship.

Your Soul Connection

Your Soul Connection with another person is based on how your Sun connects with their personality, including their values, their outlook and what matters to them, and how their Sun connects with you. Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in our solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life. It represents your basic, core personality, separate from all the other influences that... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Your Communicative Bond

In this bar graph, your Communicative Bond is based on how your Mercury connects with your crush's world view, their attitude toward relationships and how they express themselves, and on how their Mercury connects with you. Often called the planet of communication, Mercury rules your thought processes, your sense of logic, your intellectual ideas and the way you get those ideas across to the world. If the lines of the graph -- your top line and your sweetie's... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Your Passionate Attraction

Your Passionate Attraction with your honey is based on how your Mars connects with their sense of who they are, what they go after and how they express themselves, and on how their Mars connects with you in the same way. Mars rules passion, so your sex drive, your propensity for irritation, your urge to compete and succeed -- all of these fall within this powerful planet's realm. Mars affects your attitude toward dating, and it also determines how you argue with... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Your Shared Values

In this bar graph, your Shared Values are based on how your Jupiter connects with your honey's sense of what life is all about, and how their Jupiter connects with you in the same way. Jupiter is referred to as the planet of luck because it brings opportunities and advantages into your life that can seem like a stroke of luck, but are really life lessons meant to test and teach you about your own value system. This planet is also about learning, intellectual pursuits and spirituality -- in short, the expansion of the soul. If the lines of the graph – yours is the top line and your sweetie's the bottom one -- are very different in length, then one of you is going... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Your Long-Term Potential

Your Long-Term Potential with that special someone is based on how your Saturn connects with their needs, their romantic nature and their sense of duty in life, and on how their Saturn connects with you in the same way. Saturn's influence in your chart is like that of your conscience. This planet keeps you in check, reminding you of your responsibilities -- including your commitment to your sweetie. If the lines of the graph – yours is the top line and theirs the bpttom one -- are very different in length, then one of you is going to get deeply involved fast, while the other just won't share that sense of commitment -- not right... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Your Harmony and Excitement Ratings

The Harmony and Excitement Meters: love can be complex, but The Astrologer can break it down! The Harmony and Excitement Meters reads the compatibility chart between you and your sweetie, and reveals the levels of harmony and excitement in your relationship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between the two!

Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff and very little spice, but what you really want is a balance between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And too much passion can also ruin a relationship; without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you'd tire each other out, fast! Something in the middle is just the ticket. A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good... Read more


Harmony = 8

9-10: So easy its dull

7-8: sweet as candy

4-6: a real affinity

0-3: A nice rapport!

Excitement = 6

9-10: War Zone

7-8: Over the edge

4-6: Hot,hot,hot

0-3: Healthy

Person 1, here is your Romantic Compatibility Guide report

This Romantic Compatibility Guide can tell a lot about your relationship including how the relationship functions and where there’s dysfunction...


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Keep reading to discover how each of your natal planets connects to your partner’s planets.

Strengths of Your Relationship

Mars sextile Venus

Sensual support

The attraction between you runs sweet and strong! Your natural ability to communicate with each other and to access each other's best selves only increases your appetite for each other. This bond is based on mutual support, but also on your complementary qualities: you bring the energy and enthusiasm to the bedroom, while your partner adds a practical viewpoint to the mix. That practicality isn't dull, however; on the contrary, your intimate, sensual moments are highly charged and your desire for each other both passionate and vivid. Though your physical, sensual connection is a wonderful bond between you, there is a lot more that draws you together. You have a highly emotional and affectionate bond as well; you find emotional sustenance through your physical connection. This could be the most sexually satisfying relationship that your partner has ever had, and it could be the most emotionally satisfying you've ever experienced. You support each other like friends, you desire each other like lovers and you work together like a real team. The easy paths of communication that run between you should pave the way toward understanding each other and yourselves better and better over time. This aspect supports a long-term relationship, and helps warm up any cooler or more difficult influences between you.

Jupiter trine Sun

Big plans for success

You both have an instinctive idea of what's good for each of you and the relationship, from the very start! Even if there are other, more troublesome aspects between you, this one helps warm things up and stabilizes your bond. This relationship is characterized by growth and success. You both go through some changes as individuals that can only be brought about through your connection with each other. These changes could be internal -- perhaps your partner, for example, has been struggling with some aspect of their personality or their past for some time -- or they could exist outside the normal scope of your romantic connection. For example, during the course of the relationship, you might choose to go back to school to advance your education, or your partner might change jobs in order to move onto a career path that is more closely aligned with the type of person they really are. These kinds of major life changes are supported by this relationship, as you're each able to offer one another a type of unconditional support and encouragement that makes both of you feel optimistic, even lucky, as if you can't go wrong. You discuss all the changes you're undergoing with each other, and listen with an open heart and an avid ear. This aspect lends a foundation of friendship to your romantic relationship that could help you make it last long-term.

Mars trine Neptune

Potential for confusion

Your partner is completely able to understand your creativity, which is no small thing -- you might not let out your most creative ideas with most people, because you're not sure how they'll be received. But with this pairing, neither of you should worry about that. You give form to your lover's more abstract ideas, and they stimulate yours. With this kind of influence between you, you could accomplish a lot together because it pairs your practical drive with your partner's creative ideas. You, especially, are inspired by your partner to move to a whole new level in your thinking -- perhaps an emotional or spiritual transformation. If you desire, you can just keep getting more and more in tune with yourself, your intuitions and your deeper motivations. And in return, you offer your partner all your energy, enthusiasm and support. Just be sure to stay communicative with each other, even when things get murky. You could simply be confused together about your aims in life and in the relationship; a feeling of confusion could mark the relationship. So take care to be very, very clear with each other and encourage each other in your self-expression. You'll find that through your diligence, you two can gain a new perspective on life and the world you live in. You can open each other's minds to all kinds of new horizons! So talk, express yourselves, listen to each other and keep moving forward together into the creative unknown.

Jupiter trine Jupiter

A sense of purpose

Your relationship creates a supportive energy that gives you both room to be the people that you are. You're similar on an idealistic level, and you find that your ideas about life -- what you want to do, what you believe in -- are comfortingly similar. The sense of purpose you feel when you're together is inspiring; you want to get big things done, launch creative projects, move forward in your lives as individuals and as a couple. It could even feel as if your purpose is revealed simply by forging a relationship together! This is not to say that the relationship itself is your sole purpose; instead, something in the way you relate with each other reveals where you should go next. You both want to expand your minds and your horizons when you're together, and that's something you're able to do as a couple. Learning and education is a focus for you, and the optimism you bring to each other's lives inspires self-confidence in both of you. You're protective and supportive of each other, and you really help each other grow as individuals. Just be careful not to take each other or this positive effect for granted. You could come to depend on each other's strengths as individuals so thoroughly that you simply expect them -- not remembering that they're gifts to be appreciated. As long as you don't become complacent about these strengths, you're able to put them to good use, and grow together.

Jupiter trine Saturn

Working as a team

You two are able to work together and achieve some major goals under the influence of this aspect, but this process is hardly simple and effortless. It's true that you have a naturally attuned gift as a couple as your expansive ideas pair up with your lover's strong sense of responsibility; and putting these gifts together has great results. But you have to be open to the benefits of this combination. As a couple, you have the strengths needed for hard and focused work -- a vision for the future, a sense of discipline -- but you don't get anywhere except when you make sure to treat each other with respect. You should respect and appreciate each other's individual strengths. Allow each other to do what you're best at. You're probably more creative when it comes to dreaming up ways of working toward a goal, so you should be the idea person -- the cheerleader for your team. And your lover probably has more real-life experience or more of a sense of how to work hard, so they should function as the engine of the team, keeping you both moving forward at a steady pace. Lack of faith in those creative ideas or a self-indulgent urge to slow down whenever you feel like it can kill those high-flying ideas and bring that momentum grinding to a halt. But supporting each other's strengths leads to success for both of you every time!

Sun sextile Jupiter

The sky is the limit

You derive a feeling of expansiveness and optimism from this relationship. As individuals, you might both be very positive, forward-thinking people, but when you're together, that influence grows exponentially! You each feel as if the sky's the limit -- as if there's an endless horizon of new experiences and lessons to be learned. Happily, this isn't be all about the drudgery and tedium of learning; far from it. Rather, it's about the joy of inner growth, of becoming the person you truly are -- the person you always suspected you could be. You each offer the other unconditional support and encouragement that fosters some highly positive energy. They encourage you to be your truest, kindest, most honest self, and they admire these qualities in you. You might move the relationship outside the bounds of a simple romantic connection by taking classes together to learn a new skill, or even by starting a business together or undertaking some other enterprise. At the very least, you can read to one another in bed or on long trips; you can share funny stories you heard, or heartbreaking ones you read in the paper; you can go to movies that make you laugh, cry and stay up late into the night, discussing the boundless possibilities that the universe has to offer.

Sun sextile Saturn

A practical pair

Your partner naturally takes on the role of guide or mentor in this relationship -- being, perhaps, older or more financially stable, or having had more education or general life experience. This should be a comfortable dynamic for both of you. You have a lot to learn from your lover, and you actually want to learn these lessons. Your relationship is grounded in practicality. You've both known, almost from the start, what your limitations are as a couple -- meaning, what works and what doesn't. You both understand and accept the type of communication style you share, and don't expect dramatic declarations of devotion or swells of emotion. This is because you both understand that the bond between you runs deep and true, and doesn't need qualification or even reiteration. Similarly, you both also know and respect the physical connection between you, and even if you're not exactly in sync sexually, you don't push one another to be a different kind of lover than the one that you are. Precisely because you don't push one another to be someone you're not, you're able to grow as individuals in a natural way through the course of the relationship, regardless of how long it continues to last. After all, you both have something to offer the other -- your lover can offer that life experience and knowledge that you lack, and you can offer them a sense of freshness and vitality that keeps the relationship new and exciting.

Strengths of Your Relationship

Saturn conjunct Venus

A sober romance

When you get together with this person, you are driven by a sense that you have some important work to do together. What this work entails is up to you -- it could be of a personal nature, such as building a good, solid relationship that leads to a long-term commitment and establishing a family; or it could be a business venture that requires both partners' careful forethought, planning and hard work. You work on a project together, and you encourage your partner to work harder and better than they would have on their own. This aspect lends a grounding effect to your relationship. There is a sober feeling to your bond, and though this doesn't have to be a restrictive influence, your partner might feel dissatisfied under its influence. For a business relationship, sober energy, focus and hard work are fine, even desirable. In a romantic relationship, though, they want a little bit of lightheartedness, of freedom and spontaneity, even foolishness. They don't want everything always to have a purpose or a goal; sometimes they just want to lie back with you and enjoy the bliss of the moment. This is probably hard for you to do with them. You just naturally focus on the more serious side of life, and your responsibilities and your commitment take center stage. You're likely to be in it for the security above all else, which can make your combined social life seem superfluous or stilted to your lover.

Saturn conjunct Mercury

A sobering effect

Don't expect this to be a fun, frivolous affair, because you, especially, get serious fast. If you have a problem to solve or a project to work on, together you give it a much more concentrated effort than you might on your own. Your lover probably comes to depend on your point of view if you are in a long-term relationship, because you give them such solid, practical advice. This aspect could have a bit of a difficult side to it, as well; if they aren't used to being thorough in their thinking, they're challenged to think things through in a much more careful way. You point out the weak spots in their logic and require every idea they present to you to be solid, with ample proof backing it up. Does this get tiresome at times? Yes. But it could help them to develop mental skills that they use for the rest of their life. On the other hand, it's possible that this relationship ends up having a stifling effect on their more high-flying, unique and creative ideas. There is a general sense between you that you shouldn't spend time on anything that's not perfectly practical. Don't expect many flights of fancy in your conversations. Whether this aspect turns out to have an overall positive or negative effect is influenced by the other aspects between you, and how you handle this one.

Strengths of Your Relationship

Sun opposite Mars

A volatile connection

Unless there are many other strong, positive aspects to your relationship that will strengthen a feeling of support and understanding between you, this aspect could eventually be the deal-breaker. The problem is a certain level of natural irritation that occurs when you're together: You just get under each other's skin on a variety of levels. The energy that is created when you're in one another's company can run hot and high; it can stimulate quite a powerful physical attraction between you, and make you each downright hungry for the other. The likelihood is also that you're a couple who argues passionately and then kisses and makes up even more passionately. This can be quite exciting, but it's not a great influence for a long-term bond. It's hard to sustain a feeling of trust and support with someone who seems to challenge you at every turn, and this is likely how your partner seems to you -- regardless of good intentions. Both of you feel that your own individuality and ego are at war here; any disagreement will feel like a personal attack. You each fight to defend yourselves, and you may not even stop to consider whether this is a battle that really needs to be fought. In order to avoid the pointless flare-ups that could become commonplace between you, you'll both need a highly positive attitude -- or simple acceptance that you have a hard time staying calm when you're together.

Mars opposite Pluto

Struggling for power

This aspect is a difficult one to handle, as it tends to bring up a lot of anger, resistance, rebellion and aggression between you. Even if you're usually very even-tempered, you will be provoked constantly by your partner. You just aren't able to stay calm around them, and at times you get the feeling that they're actually provoking you on purpose -- which could be correct. The ways that you express your anger at them tends to be overly extreme, because they really push your buttons and bring up deep feelings of anger and resentment. There is a feeling that your partner is trying to challenge you -- and even when that's not happening, you respond as if it is, and that just start the train rolling again. Basically, with this aspect influencing your relationship, power struggles are almost impossible to avoid. So how do you deal with it? The best way to do so would be to stop struggling -- to realize that you have no power over each other, not really, and nor should you. Of course, that would try the patience of a saint! There are lessons to be learned here -- about not allowing your buttons to be pushed; about finding out where all that deep-rooted anger is really coming from -- but they're difficult lessons, and the positive effects are hard-won.

Venus square Pluto

Overwhelming needs

Jealousy, emotional manipulation, possessiveness and control are likely major components of this relationship if you both weren't careful to sort out your feelings from the start. You've been stirring up intense feelings in your partner from the very beginning. Your sexual attraction to them may also be overwhelming, and you feel transformed by your intimate experiences together. Your emotional lives are closely linked, almost without your having noticed when they merged. And that's when the trouble started. Any separations could leave you feeling intensely insecure, even abandoned, but if that happens, it might have more to do with the kind of dependency your lover has worked hard to create than with anything really to do with you. In fact, they might be the one that really feels insecure and bereft when you display your independence. This kind of emotional extreme can lead the best of us toward urges of possession and manipulation, although dominating each other never brings real satisfaction for either partner. But your partner likely tries it anyway, because your relationship feels so vital to their well-being. Your individual needs for connection and love could be keeping you locked into this pattern, unless you can find a way to examine your emotional life and figure out why you've made the choices you have in your love life. It could be that you feel an overwhelming need for companionship, and that has led you into this controlling, emotionally twisted situation. You both have to learn to stand on your own two feet if you don't want to wear each other out completely.

Saturn opposite Neptune


Your naturally different ways of viewing the world don't mesh together well at all. You challenge each other on your ideas of reality, and you could end up actually hurting each other's self-esteem through the process -- inadvertently, of course! You might have entered the relationship thinking you had a lot in common, but it's become clear that that's not the case on a subtle but fundamental level. You are naturally more practical and grounded than your partner. You work hard and you're responsible, and anything less can come across to you as flakiness. But your partner is much more freeform than that. They're in touch with their intuitions on a deep level, and from the outside, it could look to you like they're just acting at random when really they're operating based on some deep, inner cues that are telling them what move to make next. This method might actually be threatening to you, because you're used to operating based on facts and figures. Calculated risks are your forte, whereas your partner is good at leading with their gut and finding their way by feel. How to meld the two viewpoints, instead of falling into patterns of challenging and rejecting each other's way of doing things? Instead of trying to control your partner's sense of reality, which can be the tendency with this aspect, you both have to try hard to accept your differences. Convincing each other of your own point of view is nothing more than a frustrating and ultimately futile process.

Saturn square Jupiter

An inhibitive influence

Though individually you might focus on your dreams and ideals for the future, when you're together, you, especially, have a restrictive, inhibitive effect on your lover's ability to attain their ideals. Whenever they have a bright, creative, high-flying idea about a goal that they want to meet, you tend to bring it down with an overly sober interpretation of everything that might go wrong. Whenever you're trying to be serious about working hard toward one of your goals, your partner is off somewhere, refusing to focus or get serious with you. You probably take on the role of the overly serious nay-sayer more often, while your partner adopts the role of the careless, unfocused, freewheeling one. After a while, you both might realize that you haven't achieved anything of significance since you got together, and the whole time you've been burdened by a feeling of limitation and responsibility, or of fighting off the chaos that lurks only a step away! Neither of you deserves to have your sense of responsibility challenged or your joie de vivre stripped away. So your task in this relationship is to learn how to move forward and achieve your goals, even in the face of opposition. It might not be a fun process, but it could be a very important step in developing your own strength and determination.

Saturn square Saturn

Tension will mount

You don't see eye to eye when it comes to duties and responsibility in general. This is frustrating enough in realms that exist outside your relationship; if you have very different work ethics, for example, or senses of familial duty, or convictions about money and how much to save, how much to spend and on what, you find yourselves arguing your points again and again. Within the realm of your romance, any disagreement in this area is a real and immediate problem. If you have very different ideas about how much emotional security you need, how much work should go into the relationship and so on, you both start to feel angry and even depressed, fast. What if one of you wants a serious commitment and the other doesn't? What if one of you wants to go to couples counseling and the other thinks that's the worst idea in the world? You come to a major standoff, at the very least. Arguments and bad feelings only increase if you can't find common ground in these areas, because the stakes are so high -- or at least, they feel extremely high. This doesn't have to mean the end of the relationship, but it does mean lots of communication and compromise are necessary. But who knows? Through your struggles with each other, you might just push each other and yourselves to come to an agreement or a commitment.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!