An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born June 18, 1980 and Person 2, Born November 22, 1980:

Romantic Compatibility Guide

Uncovering the Truth About You and Your Relationship

You may have been coupled for decades or you might be in a brand new relationship.

While your relationship might be pretty solid, you probably want to make it even better!

It could take months, even years, of deep discussions, intimate moments, and occasional arguments to learn the true nature of your relationship to help you improve things...

Or you can turn to astrology to get the answers now. After all, the beauty of astrology is in highlighting probabilities.
The location of the planets on the days that you and your partner were born and how they relate to each other can illuminate all kinds of details about
  • how well you communicate
  • how deeply you connect
  • and most importantly if there's a chance for everlasting love to grow between you.
This powerful information reveals the strengths in your relationship and how you can best leverage them to make your relationship even stronger

It also reveals what you can do to overcome any weak areas in your relationship. 

As you know, every relationship is unique. Where one person leaves you cold, another can light your fire in a major way! 

You will connect deeply with some people the very moment your eyes first meet, feeling like you've known each other for years (or even lifetimes). 

But with other people, it can take a LOT of time and effort to make the connection flow… and it still might not ever happen. 

If you are wondering whether you should take that next step to deepen your current relationship or keep looking for someone else with better compatibility, the Romantic Compatibility Guide will help you make the right decision by exploring your relationship potential with your current partner. 

You’ll discover the answer to important questions like…
  • Does your conversation flow easily, or do awkward silences prevail?
  • Is there a spark of chemistry or a sense that things between you just don’t click?
  • If things are going well and you develop a deeper bond, what can you expect from the relationship long-term?
Remember, knowledge is power! So read on to find out if your romantic partner is The One... or if you're better off looking for love somewhere else.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Romantic Compatibility Guide report.

And I want to help you discover the compatibility in your relationship so you can make it even BETTER!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover how you can leverage the strengths in your relationship so each day just gets more wonderful with your partner?
And how to overcome the specific challenges in your relationship so they don’t hold you back from having the amazing and beautiful relationship with your partner that you both deserve?

Your Connection Bar Graphs

Wondering how the two of you match up? Now you can find out, at a glance!

This two-way bar graph reveals the chemistry between you and your partner - how you affect them, and how they affect you. It will give you a quick overview of the strength of your connection in six very important categories that can make or break your relationship such as...

  • how your core personalities mesh
  • how the two of you communicate
  • and the levels of love and attraction you feel for each other

Ready to know if your relationship has what it takes for you to feel happy and fulfilled?

The Romantic Compatibility Guide will give you the answers!

But remember... even if you both rate high in all six categories, the relationship still might not work out. And even if you rate low, your bond can still grow to create a solid and satisfying relationship.

The most promising indicator is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their attraction and connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out!

The bar graph only gives you a quick peek at the chemistry of your relationship - the rest is up to you. Look to your compatibility report for a more in-depth reading of the strengths and challenges of your relationship.

Your Soul Connection

Your Soul Connection with another person is based on how your Sun connects with their personality, including their values, their outlook and what matters to them, and how their Sun connects with you. Just as the sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in our solar system, it's also the center of you -- your inner fire, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life. It represents your basic, core personality, separate from all the other influences that... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Your Communicative Bond

In this bar graph, your Communicative Bond is based on how your Mercury connects with your crush's world view, their attitude toward relationships and how they express themselves, and on how their Mercury connects with you. Often called the planet of communication, Mercury rules your thought processes, your sense of logic, your intellectual ideas and the way you get those ideas across to the world. If the lines of the graph -- your top line and your sweetie's... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Your Passionate Attraction

Your Passionate Attraction with your honey is based on how your Mars connects with their sense of who they are, what they go after and how they express themselves, and on how their Mars connects with you in the same way. Mars rules passion, so your sex drive, your propensity for irritation, your urge to compete and succeed -- all of these fall within this powerful planet's realm. Mars affects your attitude toward dating, and it also determines how you argue with... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Your Shared Values

In this bar graph, your Shared Values are based on how your Jupiter connects with your honey's sense of what life is all about, and how their Jupiter connects with you in the same way. Jupiter is referred to as the planet of luck because it brings opportunities and advantages into your life that can seem like a stroke of luck, but are really life lessons meant to test and teach you about your own value system. This planet is also about learning, intellectual pursuits and spirituality -- in short, the expansion of the soul. If the lines of the graph – yours is the top line and your sweetie's the bottom one -- are very different in length, then one of you is going... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Your Long-Term Potential

Your Long-Term Potential with that special someone is based on how your Saturn connects with their needs, their romantic nature and their sense of duty in life, and on how their Saturn connects with you in the same way. Saturn's influence in your chart is like that of your conscience. This planet keeps you in check, reminding you of your responsibilities -- including your commitment to your sweetie. If the lines of the graph – yours is the top line and theirs the bpttom one -- are very different in length, then one of you is going to get deeply involved fast, while the other just won't share that sense of commitment -- not right... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Your Harmony and Excitement Ratings

The Harmony and Excitement Meters: love can be complex, but The Astrologer can break it down! The Harmony and Excitement Meters reads the compatibility chart between you and your sweetie, and reveals the levels of harmony and excitement in your relationship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between the two!

Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff and very little spice, but what you really want is a balance between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And too much passion can also ruin a relationship; without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you'd tire each other out, fast! Something in the middle is just the ticket. A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good... Read more


Harmony = 9

9-10: So easy its dull

7-8: sweet as candy

4-6: a real affinity

0-3: A nice rapport!

Excitement = 8

9-10: War Zone

7-8: Over the edge

4-6: Hot,hot,hot

0-3: Healthy

Person 1, here is your Romantic Compatibility Guide report

This Romantic Compatibility Guide can tell a lot about your relationship including how the relationship functions and where there’s dysfunction...


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Keep reading to discover how each of your natal planets connects to your partner’s planets.

Strengths of Your Relationship

Venus trine Venus

Harmonious love

This aspect has a good chance of leading to something long-term, because you two feel really attracted to each other and very in sync with each other's rhythms. You have a great sexual connection, but also a wonderful bond as friends -- as two people who just really, really like each other. The more you learn about each other, the better you get along. The empathy you feel for each other is strong and natural, and helps smooth out any problems that might arise between you. You give each other a lot of love and affection. The sensual connection you share is heated up by this influence -- you consider your intimate bond to be sacred and important. Even if other aspects between you are more difficult to deal with and bring up problems again and again, this aspect makes you not want to fight. You just want to get along, to treat each other well and make your lover feel as wonderful as they make you feel. Remember to appreciate this bond, and don't take it for granted! Even the best of relationships needs tender nurturing.

Venus trine Mars

Sexually complementary

You both have a major appetite for the other, but you rarely have trouble with complications like jealousy or possessiveness, at least not on your side. You just support your lover and give of your love freely. And in turn, they bring a lot of excitement, sexuality, sensuality and fun to your life. Your passion for each other can be an incredible bond that runs quite strong between you, but it isn't just about reaching physical excitement and release. You also connect emotionally when your bodies are intertwined. In fact, your lover might satisfy you on a sexual level more than anyone else has ever before! And your partner could feel more emotionally bonded with you than they ever have with anyone else. You've developed a real friendship that will go beyond the physical attraction between you; you give each other a lot of support, love and affection, and you just make each other feel wonderful. You two probably have a fun and active social life, too, due to your influence; and your lover gives you their own brand of support, strength, and optimism that you might lack at times.

Mars trine Venus

Sexually complementary

You have a major appetite for each other, but you rarely have trouble with complications like jealousy or possessiveness, at least not on your lover's side. They just support you and give of their love freely. In turn, you bring a lot of excitement, sexuality, sensuality and fun to their life. Your passion for each other is an incredible bond that runs strong between you, but it isn't just about reaching physical excitement and release. You also connect emotionally when your bodies are intertwined. In fact, you might satisfy this person on a sexual level more than anyone else has ever done before! You may feel more emotionally bonded with them than you have felt with anyone in a long time. You develop a real friendship that goes beyond the physical attraction between you; you give each other a lot of support, love and affection, and you just make each other feel wonderful. You probably have a fun and active social life, too, especially due to your partner's influence; and you give them your own brand of support, which is the strength and dynamism that they might lack at times.

Sun trine Neptune

Idealistically romantic

The emotional connection between you was powerful and deep, right from the get-go. You may not even be aware of it as such; you simply feel connected, and that was true even when you didn't know one another well. There is a sense that your souls recognize one another, that you're bonded on a spiritual level. You also have a lot in common on a basic level -- your fundamental spiritual ideals are in tandem. You have plenty of wonderful discussions and heart-to-heart talks about your innermost feelings, hopes and dreams, but you have just as many moments of wonderful nonverbal communication. Your lover, especially, is able to tune right in to you. They are highly sensitive to your moods, and they have great respect for your feelings. They may finish your sentences or even intuit exactly how you're feeling even when you're not physically in the same space. It probably didn't take long to fall in love with this aspect in place! There is a sense of willing sacrifice between you -- your lover gets so much out of the relationship that they want to give back by honoring your bond and sacrificing time and tenderness for the good of their lover. They probably view you in an idealized light, but who cares? The devotion between you is real, as is the sweetness.

Sun sextile Pluto

Growth through unity

The bond between you two is powerful and transformative. On a physical level, you respond to each other with a deep and compelling passion, one that is enhanced by a strong emotional sensuality. They're able to provide you with a lot of support, and they encourage you to pursue your ambitions. Not just career-related ambitions, either. You are on a personal growth trajectory that is heightened by your involvement with your partner. What's more, the support that they offer you can actually have the effect of increasing your growth spurt -- in other words, though it may be counterintuitive, you've been able to grow more as an individual through the relationship than you would have on your own. Unconsciously, your partner is able to identify your needs and respond to them in a powerful, usually positive way. The communication between you should be good -- both verbal and nonverbal. You're able to talk things out effectively, but you don't always need to verbalize your thoughts and feelings to your lover. Somehow, they just know what you're thinking and feeling. They should take care to be open to your ideas, though. They have such a powerful effect on you that if they allow their responses to be negative or overly critical, this could actually hinder your growth. This aspect gives your relationship the opportunity to keep growing, as long as you can keep it positive.

Jupiter sextile Mars

Realizing your potential

You encourage your partner to be the person they want to be -- to pursue their goals, achieve their ambitions and become the success that they have the potential for within them! This encouraging energy is an active part of your day-to-day interactions, but it also comes through as a sort of effortless good-luck vibe. The support and enthusiasm you offer them actually creates a very positive energy that pushes them to dream big and act fearlessly. Sexually, you're very much in tune! Your passions are aroused whenever you're around each other; you excite them, and your physical intimacy also furthers the good feelings and sense of fortune that characterizes your relationship. You encourage them to take good risks and they inspire you with their natural bravery, so even if either of you is ordinarily more held back, this interaction pushes you out into the world, to act with fearlessness and courage. Basically, there is a lot of energy between you, and you love being active together. Playing sports together, going hiking, building or renovating houses or furniture -- whatever projects you undertake as a team are a success because you know that you can rely on each other as teammates. You have a positive, optimistic effect on this person, and you help each other meet life head-on, with both eyes open.

Mercury sextile Saturn

A studious approach

Your lover has a serious effect on you, literally. When you two get together, you focus on serious matters. You're thorough in your thought processes together; if you have an issue to talk out, you do so with serious intentions to get past the obstacle and never let it happen again. This makes for a lot of pressure for a romance, but it's ideal for the long-term relationship, because it helps to ensure that you two always communicate well and carefully, and that you're considerate of each other whenever problems arise. You don't just help each other with problems in your relationship, either; your partner also helps you deal with outside issues in your own life, offering advice on anything from your career to your friendships to your relationships with your family. Other more difficult aspects to your relationship are aided by this generally positive one, because of the good communication it fosters. Any issues that arise find real solutions; any ideas either of you has are either grounded in a stable reality, or discarded quickly as unusable. You work well together; this aspect would support a business or creative relationship as well as a romantic one. Practical experience, knowledge and advice should be a focus between you, and you should both try hard to put your best effort forward in this relationship.

Mercury sextile Uranus

A creative team

Your conversations have never followed the usual tracks. Instead of talking about your likes and dislikes, your jobs and your families and yada, yada, yada, you went off on some wild and crazy tangents that had both of you amazed, amused, and really appreciating this new, interesting person's company! And the better you got to know each other, the more this became true. You two are an idea couple, but with just a little extra planning, you could really put your ideas to work. You make a great team, since you each have your own unique gifts to add to the mix. You put form and function to your partner's more abstract ideas, combining your practicality with their vision to create a whole that's larger than the sum of its parts. So use this influence for something big: a creative project, a scientific discovery, an invention -- something that will change the world as you know it. You can fan the flames of each other's fire, breathe life into each other's unconscious minds... What a wonderful, creative influence! The possibilities are limited only by your imaginations, so make the most of this wonderful influence.

Saturn sextile Saturn

Eyes on the prize

You're a highly goal-oriented couple. You work well as a team, and you help each other accomplish whatever you set your minds to, as individuals or as a couple. Whether it's on an emotional or financial level, you both want the same level of security and you have the same idea about how to make it happen. You have very similar ideas of how to be a disciplined and responsible human being, and you cooperate with each other very well -- which makes you wonderful business partners as well as romantic ones! The level of open communication between you helps you to stay informed and mutually supportive. So, you work hard together, keeping your eyes on the prize, and best of all, you get to enjoy the fruits of all that honest labor together. This aspect shouldn't make you overly goal-oriented; it should just add the right amount of energy to allow you to work well and hard, and make real progress in your lives. If your relationship is a long-term bond it's greatly enhanced by this aspect. If either of you is feeling insecure or anxious at any point, you're able to rely on your communicative bond to move through any problems together. This is a very durable influence that makes your bond similarly strong.

Saturn sextile Uranus

Vision and planning

Ordinarily, the differences in your personalities might be too much for you to handle. You're a more traditional person than your partner, and their sense of spontaneity and rebellion runs directly counter to your hardworking, methodical approach to life. But in this particular relationship, your opposing qualities actually work well together. It's a case of bringing your own gifts to the table, in order to benefit you both as a couple. You're able to strike a creative balance between you that helps in any project you might work on together, which definitely includes the relationship itself. You're able to endure a lot of stress together, irritations that could otherwise bring down a less well-aspected relationship. You each bring your own strengths to the relationship when it comes to getting things done: Your partner brings their spontaneous, high-flying creativity and you bring your sensible way of mapping out a plan, and you blend the two strengths into one. Your combined caution and willingness to take risks usually yields great results. So don't pass up the opportunity this relationship presents you with. Tackling problems is your forte as a couple, one that you should use to the best advantage of both of you.

Strengths of Your Relationship

Mars conjunct Pluto

A powerful force

How this aspect affects your relationship is entirely up to the two of you, and depends on various factors -- how you each normally deal with strong emotions, since this aspect intensifies them; how you each handle power, because this aspect brings control issues to the surface; how well you're able to work together, because with this aspect you could accomplish a great deal; and so on. Basically, this influence is one very potent force! And how you use the power is up to you. For a lot of couples, this turns out to be a difficult aspect to deal with. It's likely led to battles of will, with your partner taking the authoritarian and power side, allowing themselves to be completely overtaken by all the unconscious and overwhelming feelings they experience within the relationship, and you relying on the strength of your own will to withstand the emotional storm visited upon you by your lover. This kind of pairing of irrationality and stubbornness is obviously not the best use of the power generated by this aspect, nor is it the most fun. Your sexual connection is charged up by this influence -- okay, getting more fun by the minute. But why not take it even a step further? You could work as a team, and divert all that intense energy into a project that you two work on together. After all, with this influence on your side, together you could move mountains! If you can focus on a big project or goal together, you'll achieve more than you could dream of on your own.

Strengths of Your Relationship

Jupiter opposite Venus

Rose-colored glasses

You both are looking for the ultimate romance -- and you think that you've found it in this person. But what looks like the perfect love, the most generous and romantic bond, could actually be excessive and beyond the truth. Don't misunderstand: you're very attracted to each other, and you thrive on the love you experience together. But those swelling, overwhelming feelings could actually obscure the differences between you -- the parts of you that make you who you are, which, when opposing, are the issues that you have as a couple, ones that need to be brought out into the open and resolved. In particular, you don't always see eye to eye on some of the more fundamental subjects -- your values and beliefs regarding money, for example, or spirituality, or your personal philosophies of life. If you're constantly looking at this person through rose-colored glasses, you might just wake up one day and realize -- Wait a minute, we have nothing in common! Why not avoid that unpleasant wake-up call? This aspect encourages you to sugarcoat the problem areas of your relationship and to just have an eye for the good stuff, which is a very comfortable situation. But you can and should force yourself to be honest, with yourself and your partner, about the areas where you don't get along that well. That's the only way that you can grow as a couple or as individuals while in this relationship.

Sun opposite Sun

Unique and unpredictable

The two of you fell hard and fast! You were both infatuated with the other from the start, and those feelings have done nothing but grow. You always just seem so new to each other -- so different -- and you both bring unique perspectives, ideas and experiences to the relationship. This feeling of newness is one that could just keep going and going and going. Heightening the excitement and tension will be the fact that neither of you ever seems completely committed or fully involved in the relationship. Periods of intense togetherness and awe-inspiring intimacy are followed by periods of detachment, during which you might even feel so separate from each other that you feel like strangers. Despite these fluctuations you want to hang onto this relationship, though, because it just gives you both such a rush! How could these powerful feelings not be leading toward something amazing, something enlightening, something that will expand your consciousness in a way you never dreamed of? Well, it won't necessarily do that; it could be that your relationship will simply always be unstable. But the likelihood is high that you can each introduce the other to many new ideas about yourselves and the world around you. You're very social together, and your lover will introduce you to people you might otherwise never have met. You can be sure that these feelings of excitement will continue to carry you through the downtimes.

Mercury opposite Mercury

Opposing points of view

Any other difficult aspects that exist between you could be worsened by this one, because it is such a challenge for you to communicate well. You find that you tend to view almost everything from completely opposite angles. At first, this makes things interesting; you want to debate everything under the sun, and if other factors in your chart support this kind of vital energy, you could get quite a sensual boost from your verbal sparring! But take care as time goes on. You may verge away from the realm of friendly, flirtatious debate and more into actual intellectual challenges, in which you try to defeat each other using such unpleasant tactics as criticism and putting each other down for your differences in opinion. At that point, you stop listening to each other in favor of representing yourself, and that doesn't get you far. You both do well to remember that opinions are just opinions, and everyone's entitled to their own. You could become very stubborn about representing your own point of view, however, and this could end up in a sort of power struggle -- a push-pull between who's right and who's wrong. But what to do when you're both right, in your own way? That is often the case, especially when you're arguing matters of perception rather than fact. Just remember that stubbornness doesn't serve you well; listening and agreeing to disagree, when appropriate, does.

Venus square Saturn

Rejected affection

The simple fact that you two are in a relationship is a strong indicator that there are plenty of other positive aspects between you, because this one makes things pretty difficult when it comes to relating naturally as a couple. Your partner likely attempts to control you in a way that makes it hard to get along. You feel restricted in your affection and romantic expression toward your lover, and it could come out cold or just stilted. Your lover tries to restrain your natural way of being in a relationship. You could feel as if any affectionate advance you make toward them is rebuffed as inappropriate in some way. Needless to say, this makes it hard during moments when losing yourselves would be appropriate -- when you're being intimate, for example, or just out and supposedly having a good time. At times, you may have even felt as if your romantic overtures were made fun of or just flat-out denied. Where does this come from? Look at the experiences you've had in your lives with all kinds of love -- relationships you've each had with your fathers, for example, or with past lovers. You may have experienced this kind of coldness and lack of affection before, and somehow, when you two got together, those old feelings from past relationships were stimulated. To keep this relationship strong, it's important that you face your problems head-on, and then get over them.

Mercury opposite Jupiter

Overly idealistic

You have to be careful about how the two of you communicate. You set up a pattern of projection and idealism in the early stages of your relationship, and that's likely led to confused interactions in the present day. Your image of your lover is positive, but it's larger than life -- inaccurate, and with a set of built-in standards that are hard to live up to. Needless to say, this idealized image of them could lead to disappointments down the line -- if it hasn't already -- when you wake up to the uncomfortable truth that your partner is, in fact, only human, flawed and incomplete like everyone else. Idealizing each other came from a good, well-intentioned place in the beginning, of course. You recognize each other's mental strengths, you feel energized and optimistic when you're together and you each look up to the other as a sort of mentor -- someone who you think can teach you all about life and how to live it best. In this process, you might lose sight of your own values or goals, because you're so busy looking to your partner for theirs. You both need to show yourselves respect as well as each other; you must promote your own mental growth instead of looking to someone else to stimulate it. Strive to see each other as the human beings that you truly are, rather than the images you project onto each other -- as your true salvation.

Mars square Saturn

Learn to live and let live

This aspect likely produces negative feelings that fester under the surface of what could otherwise be a very good relationship. The problem is that you don't treat each other as equals when it comes to sex or work or anything else you try to accomplish, either as a team or on your own. Your partner usually tries to take the leadership position, telling you what to do and how to do it, and that can inspire rebellion at the least, or even anger. Haven't they learned yet that you like to be in the lead? Your sexual expression is similarly stilted; you rarely want the same thing at the same time, but you're both insistent about having your own needs met. Guilt and repression could become a part of your routine as a couple; you get excited about something and your partner tries to repress that enthusiasm like water dousing a flame. You two focus too much on respectability versus rebellion, outrageous behavior versus decorous comportment. And you always seem to be on opposite sides of the fence. The friction and tension mounts until you're both able to abandon any pretense or hope that you have about controlling the other's behavior, or directing them in how they use their time. Otherwise, you find yourselves being rather passive-aggressive, or even openly aggressive. Arguments and cutting remarks set the tone between you two unless you both make the effort to treat each other with respect.

Saturn opposite Mercury

Criticism of ideas

Somehow, your relationship leads to an imbalance in the ways that you view each other. Your lover starts to view you as an authority figure or an expert on how to approach life in general, and that misperception leads to an unhealthy dependence on your ideas. The ways that they think and communicate are limited if they place undue importance on your intellect. Though it's wonderful to look up to each other and respect each other for your minds, that can go overboard. You must both remember that you're equals, and that each of you has valuable insights, ideas and goals to bring to the relationship. Your fears and needs for security are highlighted in this relationship; it may be that your partner's idolizing is based on an unconscious desire not to lose you -- if they build you up, surely you'll want to stick around for more adulation, right? Except that just creates an imbalance in the way you two communicate and get along. You might start to criticize and even control and look down on them, trying too hard to influence their thinking by pointing out all the weaknesses in their ideas. This, in turn, could lead to arguments and hurt feelings. Their self-confidence could wither under this kind of influence. Self-expression and honesty, with yourself and each other, are of utmost importance, and they could be very difficult to achieve in this relationship.

Saturn opposite Jupiter

A struggle for dominance

You take opposing sides on achieving any goal or moving forward into the future, and this creates tension, to say the least. Your partner is the dreamer -- the carefree one whose less-than-serious attitude makes you cringe. But your overly serious, even pessimistic outlook has a dampening effect on your partner's creative spirits, like water dousing a candle. Part of the problem is that you represent things to each other that each of you lacks: You lack this person's optimistic outlook and their ability to seize opportunities, and they lack your focus and dedication to hard work. If you can figure out how to blend your individual strengths, then you can really get somewhere as a team -- but that means respecting each other's methods, which might just be too hard. You're a lot more likely to get into power struggles where you're each fighting for dominance, trying to prove that your own way of doing things is the right one. Why not try to learn from each other? Instead of your partner looking at you as being limited and overly focused on responsibility, they could see those qualities as strengths -- focus and dedication are essential to meeting any goal, after all. And what looks to you like carelessness on their part is actually an unquenchable spirit, an optimistic streak a mile wide. Change the way you look at each other, and you stand a greater chance of blending your strengths.

Mercury square Neptune

Muddy waters

Though you two might have gotten along really well for a time, you realized after a while that there's some sort of disconnect in your communication. At some level, your partner isn't entirely honest with you. This could be a major pattern of willful dishonesty, but it's more likely to be as minor and intangible as them holding a part of themselves back due to insecurity or past experiences -- and then you followed suit, because you felt vulnerable and self-protective when you picked up on this strange vibe. Of course, when we're courting a lover and falling in love, it's perfectly natural to put our best face forward -- but doing so hides that whole other side of ourselves that comes out later, the side that isn't so kind and smart and well-thought-out. And if we've been in troubled relationships in the past, in which we learned to keep parts of ourselves secret as a method of self-protection, it's hard to relearn to live and love openly. But the point of a good relationship is to be ourselves, warts and all. You could have gotten involved with each other before you really knew each other, so your expressions of affection might have been less than sincere. And it's very possible that your partner has a confusing effect on you, making it hard for you to think clearly when you're together. The lesson of this aspect is for both of you to be yourselves and communicate as honestly as you can -- even when it's uncomfortable to do so.

Jupiter square Uranus

Temperance is needed

This is a very dynamic relationship, but in ways that at least challenge you and make you two very uncomfortable. The problem is that too many ideas come together and try to assert themselves. You have strong values and philosophical ideas -- for example, about how your romantic relationships should be structured -- but at least some of those ideas are pretty unique and unusual. And under the influence of your partner in your life, you go back and forth between breaking all the rules and then insisting on adhering to them ... It certainly dizzying, to say the least! You create a very exciting and spontaneous energy when you're together, but it may prove to be a little too much to handle from time to time. Where's that trusty reliability when you need it? Well, as you've probably noticed, it could be hard to find in this relationship. Every day together brings something new and different with it. And it's a lot of fun, but you can go too far sometimes, and your partner definitely urges you on and makes you think that there's no such thing as going too far. If you want to have anything stable to build on when you're together, you have to find a way to make room for both your partner's more unusual, idealistic views and your own more traditional ones. And stay away from possessiveness, if at all possible. Remember to give your lover plenty of room.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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