The Romance and Passion Meters: love can be complex, but I can break it down for you! Our special Romance and Passion Meters reads the composite chart between you and your sweetie, and reveal the levels of romance and passion in your relationship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between you both.
Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff and very little spice, but what you really want is a balance between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn).
And too much passion can also ruin a relationship; without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you’d tire each other out, fast! Something in the middle is just the ticket.
A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then to... Read more
7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations
4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs
0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose
7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.
4-6: Up for it almost anytime
0-3: A bit shy and reserved
As a pair, you two feel quite independent of others around you, and perhaps even detached from them. You are, quite literally, a couple who is self-governing and autonomous. There are few overt controls on your life, so you can carve out your own path together, although you may respond to the expectations of society and culture in general. Without any other major restraints upon you, the two of you form a contained unit, and can establish yourselves in the world according to your own will and effort. You are free and self-determining. This independence directly influences your confidence and awareness as a couple. It can also bring out your strengths and ambitions and can even emphasize your faults and shortcomings. Because of this, you must help each other achieve awareness and try, constantly, to improve. As a couple, you may not connect with other people very easily, although as individuals, you do well. If you go to a party, for example, you may part ways at the door and reunite only intermittently until you leave together. The two of you must decide which areas of your life will receive your incredible focus and drive. As a pair, you can go far.
You're intellectually and mentally compatible, and the similarities in your outlooks will help to foster a feeling of friendship between you. It's not that you'll always think in exactly the same ways; it's that your ideas and perceptions will complement each other and teach you both a lot about life and your places in the world. Your viewpoints will expand a great deal through being together, and you should both look for ways to increase this growth. Even when you disagree on some interesting, important subject, if you talk out the reasons for your disagreement, you'll both learn something. All this positive communication and healthy outlook will increase your idealistic feelings about the world as well as about your relationship. You'll actually help each other become more forgiving and patient with other people in general, because you'll teach each other about tolerance and a holistic view of humanity.
You'll see and hear what you want to see and hear, rather than perceiving the real truth of your relationship. You'll both idealize your communication in the beginning of this affair; you might feel as if you can talk about anything together -- as if your sweetie listens to you with just the sort of rapt, devoted attention you crave, and understands you in an intuitive way. But over time, disappointment and bitterness could set in as you both realize you don't communicate as well as you thought you did. That intuitive understanding? You'll find it's just a series of assumptions that have actually inhibited your ability to understand each other. Feeling as if you just 'get' each other will lead to a failure to listen as carefully as you might otherwise. You may even feel as if your partner misled you or out-and-out lied to you, even though you'll both be guilty of telling each other, and yourselves, unintentional half-truths. Though the realization of just how many misperceptions exist between you could really get you down, this aspect also offers a growth opportunity. Make the effort to listen more carefully to what's actually being said rather than simply hearing what you want to hear. With time, care and effort, you can hone your communication skills and learn to see each other in a more realistic way.
Giving and receiving love will come naturally to you as a couple, and you'll both delight in demonstrating your passionate feelings for each other. In fact, the intensity of your attraction and affection for each other will transform both of you, permanently and for the better -- no matter what happens with this relationship in terms of its longevity. This transformation may be noticeable, or it may be subtle; either way, it will be a shift in how you look at the world, and in how you respond to life. You're likely to find that being together somehow soothes your souls and makes both of you more whole. Your sexual connection will take on a lot of importance, as well, and being physical together will be similarly emotionally overpowering and therapeutic. Having children together is a distinct possibility here, because you'll both want to find ways to physically manifest your love, and children would be a wonderful way to carry on its legacy.
Spiritually and emotionally, you two will share an incredibly close, warm and romantic connection. You're likely to idealize each other at these levels; you'll both believe you've found the 'perfect love' in each other -- which, of course, is virtually impossible. Disappointment or disillusionment may be unavoidable, at least in moments, because idealization almost always leads to a fall when reality inevitably intrudes. But as long as you make the effort to stay at least somewhat grounded together, such as by facing down your problems as a united couple, you should be able to tap into the wonder and magic this influence has to offer. And you really will make each other feel wonderful! Your connection will help you both tune in more deeply to the beautiful, spiritual side of life. You'll feel your souls uplifted by the love that you'll share, and you'll both work hard to cherish the sense of harmony you feel when you're together. You'll intuit each other's emotional needs to a high degree and you'll work selflessly to meet those needs. Again, if you can stay grounded in other ways, this influence will lend a lot of creativity and subtle passion to your bond.
You'll both find it difficult to let each other know how you really feel about each other. Even if you fall deeply in love, there will be some barrier to expressing your true passion. Maybe you'll feel too shy to do so, or maybe you'll worry that your partner doesn't return your feelings, so you'll stay quiet and keep yours in check. It's also possible that outside circumstances could get in the way of fully, freely expressing your affection, such as if one of you is still in love with someone else when you meet, preventing you from really letting go in this relationship. Your sexual connection may also be strained by this influence; you might find that you're out of sync in this area, with one of you feeling turned on and tuned in when the other isn't in the mood, and vice versa. You'll have to look at the other aspects in your composite chart to get an overall picture of the potential of your relationship, and to get a sense of how much this particular aspect will affect you as a couple. It may be something you can work on together, consciously opening yourselves up to expressing your affectionate feelings in a free and spontaneous way; but it may turn out that the barriers between you are too great to overcome.
About the only thing you can expect from this relationship is that it will be unconventional in some noticeable, important way. This influence between you will increase your feelings of restlessness and your mutual need for freedom, as well as any inherent instability in the relationship. This connection might become intense fast and then end even more suddenly; alternatively, it might defy convention in some way, especially if you try to make it conform to any type of traditional path such as marriage, moving in together and the like. It's possible for an influence like this to be outweighed by other harmonizing, uniting influences in your composite chart, but on its own, it indicates a short-lived, unstable, even erratic love connection. You may both desire a commitment and a warm, steady connection, but either your rapidly changing feelings or outside factors will make that difficult, if not impossible. Look at the other aspects in your composite chart to gain a more complete picture of the overall potential of your relationship; that will let you know how much of an effect this particular influence will have on you as a couple.
The two of you enjoy doing things together but as a couple, you don't necessarily want to be with other people. Somehow your schedules and rhythms don't quite match up. The two of you wake up early to get some exercise together, but everyone else is still sleeping. You're ready for your breakfast and they're still sleeping! And so it goes. You'd rather just be together, doing things as a pair, than adjusting to anyone else. Also, you're quite ambitious as a couple. There seem to be very few limits or restrictions to your drive, desires and motivations, so you can come across as a very strong unit. Be careful not to take on too much, burning the candle at both ends and therefore fizzling out before you've achieved any of your goals. Your intensity may drive others away and prevent them from offering the help that you need to get where you're going. Avoid the 'good-cop, bad-cop' dynamic when dealing with family, neighbors and business associates. You may find your passionate nature disconnected from the rest of your life.
Somehow, as a couple, you're never satisfied with what you have or what you're given. You always want more. Not in a whiny or unpleasant way, but still, there is a sense of entitlement. Even if there is a little voice inside you saying that you are sufficiently sated, you don't pay attention to it. Clearly this can lead to overdoing it on all fronts, with inevitable results. Do be careful of excesses, because neither of you knows when enough is enough and probably egg each other on, while protecting each other from criticism. On the plus side, you are a couple of great faith and optimism. You were brought together by similar belief systems very early on, and if they are different from the norm around you, that's OK with both of you. You inspire others with your strong faith and independent beliefs, and these may even be the qualities for which you're best known as a couple.
You'll be much better off as a couple if you can train yourselves to deal with irritations as they come up instead of bottling them up inside, which will be your instinct. Bottling things up, of course, only makes them expand and eventually boil over, and at that point, the tension you've created may be way too hot to handle. Unfortunately, if you tend to irritate each other on a regular basis, the only thing for it will be to deal with each incident as it happens, clearing the air for the next one. Yes, this will be an annoying process, but it will be far worse to try to sweep your feelings under the rug, only to have them rear up later, far bigger and more insistent. This influence can actually have a healthy effect on your relationship if you can take it as a lesson in honesty and tact. You'll need both in dealing with each other, especially if your relationship progresses and you end up living together or getting married. But if you let tension build up between you too much, it could spell the end of the relationship.
It will be important for you two, as a couple, to determine how your relationship will be structured, completely apart from anyone else's expectations or 'rules.' The good news is, all you'll need to do is focus on your natural, innate partnership needs for clues to making your relationship as unique as it deserves to be. It's possible that this emphasis on freedom and uniqueness will go overboard at times, but in general, the element of surprise and spontaneity in your relationship will make things fun and exciting. That can really come in handy in a committed relationship, because it will keep both of you guessing! You should have fun as long as you know to expect the unexpected -- and know that whatever form this unpredictability takes, it's right for you as a couple, since it could only work for you two and no one else! Just don't take this easy flow of fresh energy for granted. You'll have to work at balancing freedom with commitment to derive the best benefits from this influence.
Your intuitive, psychic awareness of each other will deepen over time. There will be plenty of times when you can tune in to each other's feelings without any need for words; you'll know just what your partner is thinking and feeling, simply by being ultra-aware of them at a spiritual or psychic level. Being intimate with each other in this way will change you both over time. You'll learn to develop your more sensitive, feeling side, and you'll both hone your intuitive skills through the course of this relationship. You'll use those intuitions to dig deeply into each other's minds and psyches, and uncover hidden memories, feelings and desires that lie there. This will change you, especially if the rest of your relationship is supportive, loving and warm; you'll have a soft, safe haven in which to evolve at an important personal level. Since this is an overall positive and harmonious influence, this shouldn't be an unpleasant process for either of you, but do make sure not to don't cross any boundaries your partner doesn't want you to cross! You both still deserve your privacy, even in an intimate relationship like this one could become.
There is an intensity about you as a couple, and a certain mystery and charisma, accompanied by an aura of quiet power. This pairing has an internal force, a hidden treasure, and untapped depths. These are important qualities, but with nothing else to restrain or contain them, so they could be either untapped or over-tapped in this relationship. This connection is all about personal transformation and regeneration, and these processes could be turned into something that you feel is beyond your control. It is up to you to direct this powerful energy to accomplish deeds that benefit others besides yourselves.
I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!
Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.
That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.
Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.
Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.
You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!
Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!
I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.
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