An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born May 6, 1975 and person 2, Born March 16, 1981:

Relationship Potential

Is Your Partner Your Soulmate or Temporary Flame?

It's not simply a comparison of two people's natal planets. No... the Composite chart presents a picture of your relationship itself -- an entirely separate entity from the two of you as individuals.

Let's look at it from another angle. If you're like most people, you probably feel, behave and even view yourself differently depending on whom you're with.
When you're at work, for example, interacting with your colleagues, you might seem like a different person than when you're hanging out with your best friend or at dinner with your parents. Are these simply different facets of your own personality, or is there something more at work beneath the surface? Astrology says it's both.

Different aspects of your personality are activated by different people: that much is clear. But something even more unique is occurring at the very same time. When you interact with another person, you create something brand-new together, something greater than the sum of its parts: a relationship that has its own particular energy, its own way of communicating, a specific set of goals, dreams, and needs that are unlike any other relationship you're a part of.

This, in a nutshell, is the wisdom and insight of your Composite report: It is a view into the specific energy you create when you become intimate with another human being.

As you read through your report, you may notice sections that describe feelings or behaviors that seem completely unlike you ('I'd never act that way...would I?').

But that's the beauty of the Relationship Potential Report because it is a Composite report. Instead of describing you and your partner as individuals, it illuminates your relationship itself, and the parts of your own personalities, perhaps otherwise hidden, that will be activated by this relationship.

You'll also find that the more intimate you become with your partner, the more apparent the truth of your Relationship Potential Report becomes. Dynamics that seem incorrect or even impossible in the beginning of a relationship will become more obvious over time. So read your report with an open mind, and you'll discover far more about yourself and your relationship than you ever thought possible.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Relationship Potential report.

And I want to help you discover the potential in your relationship so you can make it even BETTER!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover the potential in your relationship revealed by how you connect when you are together?
And how to overcome any potential challenges in your relationship so they don’t hold you back from having the easy and flowing relationship with your partner that you both deserve?

This Relationship Potential report gives you that exact information so you can have a far better chance of learning the dynamics of the energy created when you are with your partner and improving your relationship so you can take it to its full potential!

The Overview of your Relationship

The Romance and Passion Meters: love can be complex, but I can break it down for you! Our special Romance and Passion Meters reads the composite chart between you and your sweetie, and reveal the levels of romance and passion in your relationship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing, an uphill battle -- or a roller coaster ride between you both.

Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of sweet stuff and very little spice, but what you really want is a balance between the two. Just imagine: With all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn).

And too much passion can also ruin a relationship; without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you’d tire each other out, fast! Something in the middle is just the ticket.

A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then to... Read more


Romance = 5

7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations

4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs

0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose

Passion = 3

7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.

4-6: Up for it almost anytime

0-3: A bit shy and reserved

Person 1, In This Relationship Potential report, you will get insight into how the following planetary energies affect your relationship:


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Read below to find out how each of yours and your partner’s natal planets connect to form your unique relationship.

Sun: Your Heart and Soul in Love

Sun trine Juno

Honor Your Special Connection

You'll both derive a lot of energy and vitality from your partnership, because the core energy of your connection is very similar to the qualities you're each seeking from this relationship. You'll both feel as if your connection embodies the type of values and goals you're looking for, which will make you both feel happy and excited at the prospect of sharing a future. Make sure that you're actually a solid match in terms of your communication, your goals and how much of yourselves and your energy you're willing to commit to the relationship. If you find that you're similar in all of these important ways, it's likely that you'll be able to build a really strong, fun and mutually satisfying connection. Just be sure to put effort into making the relationship live up to everything you're looking for. There's a chance that your bond will feel so easy and natural that you'll both start taking it for granted, at which point it won't feel quite so special anymore.

Sun trine Saturn

Becoming More Mature

There will be a very comforting sense of stability to your connection. You'll know where you stand with each other, and that counts for a lot. To your friends, you may seem a bit on the serious or predictable side, or outwardly unaffectionate as a couple, but you'll both appreciate the feeling of steady trustworthiness that permeates your bond, and you'll both feel confident that this could last a long time if you want it to. Even if life seems hectic or chaotic when you're apart, you'll feel safe and grounded when you're together. You can have a very positive effect on each other, in fact, especially if one or both of you tends to be overly impulsive in any way -- emotionally, materialistically or otherwise. You'll learn a lot from each other and become much more mature and restrained through the course of this relationship. The only problem is, you might become too comfortable within the limits this connection describes -- in other words, you could easily get stuck in a rut together. Try to challenge yourselves on a regular basis to experience new things together and think outside the box, even if it's something as simple as trying a new restaurant. Don't forget about growth and flexibility, which are every bit as important in a relationship as stability and durability.

Sun trine Neptune

In Pursuit of a Higher Ideal

You'll idealize this relationship and each other to a great degree, and you'll both feel as if you've come together to achieve something very special -- some sort of spiritual pursuit or higher ideal. You'll tune in to each other's thoughts and feelings intuitively, and you'll share such feelings of devotion that you'll work selflessly to meet each other's needs. Your connection will seem incredibly meaningful to both of you, significant at some intangible level that defies reason. There are a couple of potential pitfalls here that can be avoided if you watch out for them. One is that your focus on the more 'perfect' parts of your bond may encourage you to ignore the mundane or imperfect parts, even though those parts of your connection will be just as important as anything else in the relationship. If you try not to use this influence as an excuse for avoiding reality, you should be fine -- in fact, better than fine. It's lovely in a romance to have such spiritual attunement! Just don't neglect the more tedious, day-to-day issues that will crop up between you. And don't neglect your physical connection in favor of nurturing a more spiritual or emotional one. If you do, this relationship may stay in the platonic realm.

Sun opposite Pluto

An Overpowering Urge to Dominate

Competition and ego clashes could easily get the better of you if you aren't careful in how you treat each other. You'll both need to remember that no one is perfect, and that in a love affair, it's more important to accept and appreciate each other as you are than to try to force each other to become something you're not. That's a tall order for this relationship, though. You'll both push each other to change in ways that aren't necessary or fair, and power struggles will take center stage between you. You might never feel appreciated and accepted for the person you are inside, which will make it hard to relax together. Frequent arguments could even break down your self-confidence over time. Take a look at the rest of the aspects between you: If there are plenty of harmonious influences, they can balance out the challenges of this one. But if there are several others that indicate conflict, you can expect this relationship to be a tough one. Still, if you consciously focus together on accepting each other and toning down your own controlling impulses, you can make this work -- with effort.

Mercury: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve

Mercury trine Juno

Communication Brings You Together

A meeting of the minds is a strong possibility in this relationship, especially if you have an overall positive communicative bond. The way you'll naturally communicate with each other will dovetail nicely with what you're each looking for in this partnership, which will make it easy to talk about any issues that might come up. In an important sense, you'll speak similar languages when it comes to love. You'll also just enjoy talking to each other, and you may want to keep in close touch, chatting often on the phone or e-mailing each other from work, even when you know you're going to see each other later that evening. Whatever your goals are for the relationship, you'll be able to talk those out together and make decisions as a team. Make sure that you do talk these issues through together, however, and always check with each other on your partner's feelings and needs. If you assume too often that you know just what they're thinking, you could start to misuse this precious gift.

Mercury trine Neptune

A Compassionate and Intuitive Connection

You'll idealize each other and your intellectual connection, and you may both realize from the start that you've come together for some higher purpose -- some spiritual, intuitive experience in harmonious communication with another human being. You'll tap into each other's thoughts and feelings in a naturally intuitive way, and the more you practice this, the better you'll become at it. This will make for a warm, special feeling of intimacy. Just don't forget to communicate in words sometimes, too! And try not to get too caught up in grand, romanticized fantasies of what this relationship could become. Your bond will be meaningful enough without being viewed through rose-colored glasses. Still, it shouldn't be too hard to stay grounded, even as you exercise more tenderness and compassion in your communication with each other than you might with anyone else in your life. That's the blessing of this particular influence: It allows you to treat each other as a precious, important part of one another's lives, without losing sight of the reality of your relationship. You'll both understand that you share some mental ideal, even as you accept each other's day-to-day imperfections.

Mercury opposite Pluto

Playing Armchair Psychologist

At least one of you will have a way of using versions of the truth against your partner, in a bid to control them. During arguments, one of you will use subtle psychological tactics against the other as a way of trying to gain the upper hand. When your partner gets angry, for example, instead of talking things out and dealing with their feelings at face value, you might dig deep and develop a psychological explanation for the origins of their anger. In short, you'll play armchair psychologist together, but in a way that's more hurtful than helpful. Part of the potential for damage here is that you really will have a high level of sensitivity to each other's inner thoughts, feelings, fears and desires, and it won't be difficult to analyze each other. But rather than offering your analyses in a genuinely helpful spirit, you'll present them in an effort to make your partner feel vulnerable and flawed, helping you gain power. You may even convince each other of the truth of your psychological portraits, even if they're at best a distorted version of the truth. You can turn this influence around, though, if you capitalize on your deep, sensitive understanding of one another's psychology but don't use this perceptiveness as a method of domination. Instead, use it as a tool in becoming closer and more intimate with each other, and in building a foundation of trust.

Mercury square Jupiter

The Power of Positive Thinking

You'll both idealize this relationship, believing you can get everything you want and dream of out of it. Normally, idealization can lead to disillusionment or even bitterness. But in this particular pairing, it's quite likely that by thinking so positively and assuming the best, you'll actually create the best, most positive outcome for yourselves. You'll both have a lot of optimism about the relationship and your future together as a couple, and this strong, warm feeling will certainly make it much easier to deal with problems together. Communication breakdowns, hurt feelings and mismatched needs or objectives are all common and even unavoidable in love affairs; at least in your case, you'll both believe, deep down in your hearts, that you'll find a solution to anything that upsets you. Just don't get caught in the trap of looking for some grand, overarching or spiritual source for the problem. Sometimes, the issues that crop up in your relationship will be in the smaller details -- something as minor and petty as a simple miscommunication or differing tastes. Don't make mountains out of molehills, and you'll be fine.

Venus: The Key to Your Heart

Venus sextile Jupiter

Creating Positive Outcomes

Your feelings for each other will be strong, warm and affectionate. You'll really like each other, and your friends will notice that you both seem a lot happier when you're together. You'll idealize your relationship, but this shouldn't lead to disillusionment or bitterness; instead, it will enhance your mutual optimism about your shared future. And positive thinking creates positive outcomes; in effect, the confidence and hope you inspire in each other are likely to create the very sort of relationship you both hope for and dream of. You can achieve a lot together -- almost anything you put your minds to. Creative projects and financial investments should go well when they're a team effort. And you'll bring out the best in each other. You'll both want to bring as much sweetness and harmony to the union as you can, because you'll get so much out of it. Don't be afraid to disturb the peace from time to time, when necessary. The harmony you'll enjoy together will be wonderful, but there's no need to avoid addressing problems for the sake of keeping the peace. After all, you can count on your optimism to pull you through any issues that come up.

Venus opposite Uranus

Avoid Any and All Expectations

You may fall for each other fast and hard, with a strong and immediate mutual attraction; but if the heat between you dies out just as fast, don't be too surprised. The excitement and electricity of this connection just may not be sustainable, and even if they are, you'll still need to get to know each other before you can know whether there's really something deep and valuable between you, something that can last long-term. If this does become a committed relationship, you'll need to give each other plenty of freedom to make it last. Otherwise, you could stifle your connection before it even gets off the ground. You'll also have to learn to live with unpredictable emotional highs and lows; your romance may well be characterized by drama. If either of you tends toward jealousy or possessiveness, you'll really have to keep those impulses in check, or you'll only increase the drama between you. Your best bet with this affair will be to avoid any and all expectations. Just let it follow its own course and define itself, and be prepared to let go when the time comes.

Mars: What Turns You On

Mars square Neptune

Threatened by Each Other's Self-Expression

This particular influence could make it difficult to communicate with each other in an effective, straightforward way, because nameless anxieties will work beneath the surface of your relationship, undermining your connection. When your partner tries to express their goals or needs in a strong way, you could take it as a threat to you at some level that you won't completely understand. At a deeply emotional level, you may fear that their self-expression will somehow overpower or drown out your own selfhood and emotional needs; but at the surface, all you'll know is that you're uncomfortable with the way things are going. You'll both need to be careful about the way you use your egos within the relationship and make sure that you don't try to dominate one another at that level, because any ego games or power struggles that you initiate aren't likely to go well for either of you. Part of the problem will be that neither of you will even be aware of what you're engaging in, enabling the pattern you're creating to continue unchecked. Be certain that you treat each other with both care and honesty. Any level of dishonesty, including manipulation, won't lead to good things.

Jupiter: Confidence and Charisma

Jupiter trine Uranus

The Freedom of Individuality

As a couple, you'll focus on the excitement of new discoveries and experiences. You'll pick up on a certain love of freedom and adventure in one another, which will attract you to each other from the start. You'll both know intuitively that this is a relationship that won't restrict your desire to experience life to the fullest and constantly broaden your horizons. In fact, you'll help each other to seek out those unique experiences that will define your souls. You won't subject your relationship to overly traditional expectations, either; instead, you'll both be happy to let things follow their own course. You'll encourage independence and individualism in each other, so even if you do become a committed, long-term couple, you'll rarely restrict each other's personal freedom in any way. But this influence also won't undermine your connection or its durability. In fact, it will help to strengthen your bond, because both of you will so appreciate being able to truly be yourselves, through and through. Creativity, discovery, inventiveness, adventure and new perspectives will all be core values and interests that define your connection.

Jupiter square Pluto

Check Yourselves

You'll want to cooperate and support each other as each of you tries to reach your goals, become more self-aware and make your dreams come true; but if you aren't careful, you may get stuck in power struggles instead. Somehow, teamwork won't come naturally to you, even if normally you're both good at working with other people. If there are other more harmonizing influences in your composite chart that indicate amicability and working together, those will help, but it's possible that in this particular pairing, each of you will see your partner's successes as somehow a threat to your own -- as if only one of you can be the achiever at any given time. You'll both want to learn and grow and make progress, but you'll trip yourselves up if you're overly competitive. As things move forward in your relationship, achievement and success could take on too much focus, as if everything in your lives, or at least in your partnership, rides on these. The good news is, you can work on this; you can make a conscious effort not to be too ambitious or aggressive in chasing down your own goals, and you can both be sure to offer your partner they support they deserve.

Saturn: Hook, Line or Sinker?

Saturn conjunct Juno

Bound by Duty

Your mutual needs for partnership and security within the relationship will be a close match, which will make it easier for you both to build the kind of connection and commitment you're looking for. There will be constraints that come along with this, however. You might both feel obligated to stay in this relationship, even if you're a mismatch in other important ways. Even if you don't communicate well or you lack a passionate connection, you'll still feel as if you should stay together -- bound by a sense of duty or necessity. This relationship will bring both of you a very real sense of security, but one that is bound up with responsibilities and other limitations. You might find each other's careers or families to be an unwanted restriction on your own life and time; you might even feel your relationship itself is a restriction on your freedom, but you won't know how to disconnect from it, or you simply won't want to. Still, overall, the stability and security you'll get from this relationship will be right in line with what you're seeking from this partnership, which should give you both a sense of satisfaction.

Saturn trine Neptune

Spiritual Commitment

Your relationship will be about a lot more than simple mutual pleasure and good times. You'll both feel as if your connection is more important than that -- as if you've come together for some higher purpose, to achieve something profound. This influence may tone down the passion between you, turning what would otherwise be something spontaneous and often physical into something more spiritual, refined and restrained. But this restraint won't be unwelcome; instead, it will be something you impose on yourselves in order to honor your commitment to each other and to the relationship. You'll both put a lot of effort into creating an ideal bond, one that is emotionally and spiritually fulfilling. You'll spend time talking about what's most important to you in life, including your problems, and you'll help each other work on your issues and find ways to solve them. You'll look up to each other as mentors, because you'll each bring such an important and helpful influence to your partner's life. With this aspect between you, a long-term connection is a distinct possibility. If your relationship does continue, you'll always respect and look up to each other.

Uranus: Your Wild Side

Uranus square Juno

Striking a Balance

The things each of you is seeking from this partnership are at odds with the unique course of your connection. You should expect lots of ups and downs in this relationship, and give each other as much freedom as you possibly can. This, of course, will likely be difficult. The unpredictability of your connection often just won't support the type of togetherness you're both seeking. You might break up and get back together repeatedly, or maybe you'll stay together but have an emotionally up-and-down connection, withdrawing from one another one minute and reuniting the next in a blaze of passion. Your levels of interest in one another or in making a commitment may also be out of sync, and it will be difficult to come to an agreement on how this relationship should be structured. Still, this tricky energy also offers you an important growth opportunity. Not being able to rely on your connection in the way you'd like might become tiring, but what it lacks in stability, it will likely make up in excitement. And if you work together, you'll find ways to strike a balance between freedom and commitment.

Neptune: Rose Colored Glasses

Neptune trine Juno

A Sublime Union

You'll both feel as if you've found just what you're looking for in this partnership. The emotional intimacy you'll share will seem more like a spiritual connection, as if your souls are merging as one, and the way you'll bond will feed your needs for union and togetherness. You're likely to find it incredibly easy to communicate, as if you can tap intuitively into one another's needs and emotions. If you have an otherwise difficult communicative bond, this influence will help. You'll have to be careful about over-idealizing one another, as it will be easy to deceive yourselves about the nature of your relationship or of your partner, which could lead to disappointment when you find that the reality measures less than you thought. But in general, trying to see the best in each will serve your partnership needs in a positive way. Just be sure to be honest with each other about your feelings, needs and desires, and your levels of commitment to the relationship. That will help avoid disappointment later.

Neptune sextile Pluto

Hidden Desires and Emotions

Your intuitive, psychic awareness of each other will deepen over time. There will be plenty of times when you can tune in to each other's feelings without any need for words; you'll know just what your partner is thinking and feeling, simply by being ultra-aware of them at a spiritual or psychic level. Being intimate with each other in this way will change you both over time. You'll learn to develop your more sensitive, feeling side, and you'll both hone your intuitive skills through the course of this relationship. You'll use those intuitions to dig deeply into each other's minds and psyches, and uncover hidden memories, feelings and desires that lie there. This will change you, especially if the rest of your relationship is supportive, loving and warm; you'll have a soft, safe haven in which to evolve at an important personal level. Since this is an overall positive and harmonious influence, this shouldn't be an unpleasant process for either of you, but do make sure not to don't cross any boundaries your partner doesn't want you to cross! You both still deserve your privacy, even in an intimate relationship like this one could become.

Pluto: Primal Urges

Pluto sextile Juno

Develop Your Deepest Emotions

You'll share some specific needs as to the type of commitment and togetherness you'll want to create with each other, and one of the best ways to manifest your needs in this relationship will be to go deeply together into your own interiors: the parts of yourselves that are powerful and passionate, and ready for transformation. Exploring this intense emotional energy together will be your ticket to building the kind of deep union you'll both wish and hope for. This could be difficult, uncomfortable work at times, as old hurts and anxieties flare up anew, demanding that you feel them thoroughly and process them this time. But the good news is, if you can work together on creating a mutually supportive relationship, you'll have one another to lean on through this process. If you play this right, you'll get to know yourselves through and through while becoming a closer, more committed couple in the process.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!