An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born May 23, 1978:

Personality Profile

The Astrological Guide To Discover The Secrets Of Your Hidden Self

Have you ever wished you had a way to understand who you are on a deeper level?

Do you want to gain greater clarity on how your mind and emotions interact with each other?

Would you love to have a tool that can enable you to see the strengths in your personality and how to best leverage them to improve your relationships with the people you interact with every day?

It can be challenging to look at yourself from “observer mode” without being biased by your own self-perception. 
Astrology is an excellent tool to explain the hidden aspects of your personality that you might not even be aware of right now. It works on much deeper levels than simple surface physical realities and helps you understand yourself in a completely new way. 

While the planets do not cause anything and do not determine our behavior, they do represent the different energies that operate within each of us. They are symbolic of various parts of our psyches, with unique impulses and drives associated with each planet.

The positions of the planets at the time of your birth are like a map of your own unique psyche. These positions are all energy potential and it is possible for them to manifest either positively or negatively, depending on your environment and, most importantly, the choices you make. These choices have little to do with the positions of the planets, and everything to do with personal consciousness and will power.

Your Romantic and Passionate Nature, Person 1

The Romance and Passion Meters read your birth chart and reveal the levels of romance and passion you have been gifted with in this lifetime. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will be smooth sailing or an uphill battle when it comes to matters of the heart.

Before you jump in, know that there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think it would be better to have a lot of sweet stuff with the Romance meter, but what you really want is balance.

Just imagine: with all good feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty boring (yawn). And too much passion can also ruin a relationship. Without a little breathing room between fights and lusty encounters, you just might tire your lover out, fast! A healthy dose of passion means strong physical attraction plus a good argument every now and then.

One more word of caution before you get started: Remember, no relationship or person is perfect. Even with what seems like the ideal balance of romance and passion, a romantic relationship could turn out to be a total flop. It really all boils down to our free will.


Nature = 5

7-10 Over-the-top: diamonds and heartfelt declarations

4-6 Indulgent: flowers, chocolates, back rubs

0-3 Thrify: the occasional rose

Nature = 5

7-10: Revved and ready, morning and night.

4-6: Up for it almost anytime

0-3: A bit shy and reserved

Person 1, In this Personality Profile report, you will get insight into the following planetary energies:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally
reveals how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your private life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions
reveals what truly motivates you in all areas of your life
unveils your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
uncovers your non-negotiable values
guides your way to true love


teaches you lessons about love
illuminates your deepest challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life
reveals your romantic karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


uncovers your greatest fears
reveals your opportunities for massive change
tells you about the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Read below to find out where the Sun and Mercury were on May 23, 1978, and how the location of the planets on your birthday has shaped your personality and guided your decisions so far…

The Sun: Person 1's Unique Self

Sun in Gemini

Mercurial Mind

As a Gemini, you're most likely a lot of fun to be around. You are rather cerebral, living in your head rather than in your body, and as a rule, your decisions are logically based, not emotionally. Even choices that are made on the basis of your feelings are processed through the mental system. Your moods, ideas, and opinions can change in an instant; in some ways you are mercurial and inconstant. You are very curious and love to learn new things, reading everything you can get your hands on and surfing the Internet as much as possible. You mind loves to flit from one thing to another. This, combined with your insatiable curiosity, means that you can get bored rather quickly. Your attention span is fairly short and you often don't delve beyond appearances, nor do you often dive beneath the surface of most subjects. VArity rather than depth is your strength. When you are relaxed, you are delightfully playful. You're quite social and know a lot of people; between your address book and your wide range of interests, you can make an excellent networker, hooking people up with suitable partners and opportunities. You can never go astray when you strive to improve your communications and connections with others.

Sun square Saturn

Overcoming Obstacles

It seems to you that no matter how hard you work, no matter how responsible you try to be, no matter how dedicated you are, something always seems to get in the way of accomplishing the goals you set out for yourself. It's very frustrating, and sooner or later you arrive at the point of thinking, 'Why try anything anyway? Nothing ever works out for me!' Don't stay in this unfortunate spot for long, because it's not true. The trick here is to see that it's not outer circumstances that create problems for you; those problems originate from within yourself. Oh, you can blame your father, or your boss, or the government, but that will only work for so long. The key to overcoming your inner frustration is to plan carefully, work hard, and don't permit yourself to be overwhelmed by obstacles. Don't give up when the going gets a little tough. Instead, take a deep breath, and keep on going. Sooner rather than later, you'll find that your strength and endurance improve, that you can overcome difficulties, and that in fact, you are a stronger person for having overcome them.

Mercury: How Person 1 Communicates

Mercury in Taurus

Common Sense

You may not be the speediest thinker, but your mental processes are methodical and thorough, although they may be somewhat emotionally based. Good old-fashioned common sense is one of your gifts. You're great at figuring out practical, workable solutions to everyday problems, using materials and tools that you already have on hand -- which can lead to some rather unique repairs. You enjoy learning what is of practical value and you may have little use for theory. You learn best in an organized, school-like environment. When it comes to reading, a good way of learning is to read aloud, utilizing your voice, which is a lovely one, by the way. Once you have made up your mind about something, it is very difficult to get you to change your opinion, even with plenty of evidence that your position is incorrect. You are mentally stubborn. You communicate slowly and carefully, perhaps inserting a few too many details, but you'd rather be thorough. Your responses can be delayed, which can be frustrating in the midst of wittier friends. Later, you think of all sorts of funny things you could have said, for all the good that does.

Mercury sextile Jupiter

Gifts of the Mind

You're a lifelong learner with an insatiable curiosity for more and more information. This makes you an incredibly interesting person to talk to, because you seem to know something about everything! Not only that, but you connect things together in a new and interesting way. You're great at identifying learning opportunities, and smart enough to know that you'll learn more if you shut up and listen. Generally, you will do well in any type of learning situation or educational facility, as long as you do not get bored. Be sure to take on subjects that challenge you to grow. In most cases, classes you take will be stepping stones to learning about other subjects. You like to be well-rounded in your thinking and generally have a broad perspective, inherently understanding relationships and how things fit together. You're always looking for the higher principle. You may well become a teacher yourself, because you are articulate and enjoy being around people younger than yourself who look up to you as a mentor. Using your mind and intellectual abilities is the best way for you expand yourself and experience the greatest personal growth.

Mercury opposite Uranus

Rebel, Rebel

Your thought processes are not quite stable and you often say things that surprise, or even shock, other people. Your conclusions are usually different from everyone else's, and you have a hard time explaining your logic, because in truth, it doesn't make much sense. Ideas and inspirations come to you in little bolts of lightning, at any time of the day or night. You have plenty of mental energy, but it is erratic and restless, so it's difficult for you to complete a learning process or educational program. You are often willful, simply refusing to do reading or tasks that are necessary to learn a specific skill. You may take the role of the devil's advocate, adopting positions that you don't even agree with in order to spark or create an argument (which you call a 'discussion'). With practice and experience, you can learn to take a more centrist approach, enabling you to develop better, more well-rounded relationships with individuals who are not so extreme or radical. When this happens, not only will your mind calm down to a great degree -- without losing its edge -- but even your body will be calmer, with a noticeable diminishment of nervous energy.

Mercury quincunx Pluto

The Back Rooms of Your Mind

Once you latch on to an idea, you're like a bulldog with a bone -- it's pretty hard for you to let go of it. This obsessive thinking actually has some positive applications: You're great at research and investigation, sniffing out the important details and ignoring the rest. You've got a knack for zeroing in on the central issue or crucial point. You can analyze with the best of them. You grasp other people's motivations and have a gift of understanding. Why, then, are you so mentally stubborn, rigidly clinging to old, outmoded ideas and resisting all intellectual change? The more embedded you become in your ideas and the more dogmatic your attitude, the harder you close the door on intellectual fresh air. This leads to stagnation in the back rooms of your own mind. You can be extremely reserved about communication. You avoid expressing your ideas, even though they are sound, because you don't want to be challenged. This is too bad, because with some adjustment to your mental attitude, you can use words to great purpose.

Venus: How Person 1 Love

Venus in Cancer

An Incurable Romantic

You're a real softie, aren't you? An incurable romantic, tender of heart, and warm of spirit. You can fall in love in an instant, but getting out of love is another story altogether. That's not nearly as easy! You're quite tenacious in love, after all. And you don't want just a little bit, either; you want the whole enchilada -- going steady instead of casually dating; marriage, not just living together; family gatherings at the holidays, not private vacations; and so on. After all, your love is good, and you know it. You'll happily care for your beloved, and take pleasure in doing so. You'll do things for your them that you'd never consider doing for yourself, and in fact, self-care or self-image can sometimes set up the scenario for less-than-ideal situations. Your desire for intimacy with your partner is so intense that you may sometimes fall for a person who really doesn't deserve someone as good as you are. Learn to pay careful attention to the energy exchange in your relationships: There should be an equal give and take. If you see that you're giving everything and receiving nothing back, that's a danger sign you should address right away. Otherwise you'll get resentful, and that's not going to feed your heart the way you deserve.

Venus conjunct Jupiter

Big Love

You've got a big heart and a very generous nature. You're remarkably cavalier with your money, spending freely on yourself and others, having perfect faith that there's plenty more out there and it will come to you quite easily, almost without any effort on your part. This inborn attitude of being well off is reflected in your emotional generosity and good will; you have a wealth of feelings, and you feel wealthy. Even the bad times don't seem so bad to you! You like being around other people and you like having a good time, so your social calendar is usually full. You are charming and warm, and enjoy physical contact with people; you prefer a hug to a handshake. Philanthropy comes naturally to you. Your benevolence and charity are best when done privately, out of the public eye, which indicates humility and sincerity and reduces any appearance of self-congratulation. Pay attention to the spiritual side of life, and develop philosophies that give your life meaning and substance. Instead of frittering away your resources, use them for the greater good, a cause to which you can contribute an enormous amount of time, dedication, energy and money.

Mars: How Person 1 Are Motivated

Mars in Leo

Solar Flare

Your upbeat and enthusiastic way of moving through life both amuses and inspires others. You've got so much energy and drive that you really need a direction in which to focus yourself, or you're likely to be all over the place. You are so passionate! When you devote yourself to a person or a cause (even when that cause is yourself!), your initiative and intensity is something to behold. Your own ego is your primary motivation, but when you are operating at your best, you can devote yourself to bettering conditions for others. In this way, you are truly like a ray of sun that shines and touches people you're not even aware of. You're certainly action-oriented and are never satisfied just sitting around. Physically, you have a strong libido and make a devoted, ardent lover. You probably 'run hot,' generating a lot of body heat; in this case, the outer reality mirrors the inner condition of your passion for life. You put a lot of energy into exercise and looking good, because your appearance is important to you. Your body is your vehicle, after all, and you like driving a really nice car.

Mars conjunct Saturn

Purposeful Action

Yours is not an easy row to hoe. You set out time and time again to accomplish a task, to become more independent, to attain your goals, but circumstances and authority figures seem to conspire to keep you exactly where you are. The frustration and anger that result from this situation are enormous. Since childhood you may have felt stifled and inadequate. Your father may have acted like a drill sergeant, and if so, these days you find yourself behaving just like him sometimes -- and while this isn't necessarily what you want, it may be all you know. You're certainly all too familiar with the feeling of restriction, which has left you feeling very inhibited. You become your own worst enemy. You're so sure you won't succeed that you may not even try anymore. You may experience sexual repression or anger issues. It's going to take a change of consciousness to see your way through this difficulty, but if you can learn to cancel out the negative messages in your head, you can take advantage of the excellent potential of this planetary combination. You're a dedicated and tireless worker when you apply your energy purposefully and pointedly. If you pace yourself correctly, you can develop amazing strength and endurance. Practical action can be your forte. Strength of will and good timing are your gifts.

Mars trine Neptune

Dream Weaver

More than most, you are able to act on your dreams to make them come true. This can happen in the everyday mundane world, but it can even happen at night, through active or lucid dreaming, a technique in which you learn to control and direct your sleeping dreams. This skill is one you can carry over into your daily existence. You are not very focused, and even when you get going on something, it's far too easy to distract you. Learning to direct your dreams will help you stay more directed in actual life as well. You're blessed with a natural dramatic flair that is not only entertaining to others but also helpful in making your point. You may use visual arts as well as drama to articulate your ideas; photography and film could be particularly successful for you. It's not enough for you simply to view art; you must participate in it, and it must express an important ideal, in order to be meaningful for you. You find the greatest satisfaction in helping other people; again, this doesn't mean donating money so much as becoming directly involved in assisting those in need. Keeping your body strong and active extends your ability to reach out compassionately.

Mars sextile Pluto

Power Drive

You have incredible ambition and a strong desire to succeed. Fortunately, you also have the inner strength and determination to actively pursue your goals, and you have a high likelihood of success. Your motivation and endurance are so strong that it is almost impossible to knock you off track once you've set out on a certain course. Combining physical prowess with psychological power, you're pretty much unbeatable! Periods of righteous anger only fuel your ambition and drive. While you may occasionally go over the top in exerting your power, you are sufficiently aware of social customs to avoid alienating others. Nonetheless, you're almost compulsively competitive and can't bear the thought of losing even the most casual game or contest. Sexual energy runs strong within you, and you may perceive romance as just another competitive game, entering for the thrill of the chase but quickly tiring of your conquests. Not only do you ignore taboos, you actually enjoy turning them upside down. In many ways, you prefer to look underneath the surface of things rather than accepting them at face value. This capacity to see the invisible will be apparent in many areas of your life and is an invaluable asset as you navigate through life.

Mars square Uranus

An Independent Organ

In your ideal version of the world, you could do whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and no one would ever tell you how offended they were or how rude you are, or mention all the rules you're breaking. Not that you particularly care what others think, but you'd rather not hear it in the first place. You do enjoy mixing it up, though, via disruptive behavior and shocking statements that are designed to rile up the authority figures who limit your life so needlessly. Too bad about the innocent bystanders who get caught in the crossfire. They should have known to get out of the way! You're only too happy to flout convention, impatient -- as always -- with social mores and silly rules. You much prefer living on the edge, pushing the envelope and bending regulations; you're a risk-taker and an an unbridled eccentric. You won't follow rules or heed common sense. These qualities are likely to be much stronger when you're young. As you get a little older, you're forced to face the feedback and consequences of rash actions. Impulsiveness evolves into decisive action; blind reaction gives way to focused response.

Jupiter: Person 1's Beliefs and Values

Jupiter in Cancer

Lucky at Home

When you think about your family, your group of friends or your homeland, your heart swells with pride and love. Your attachment to the groups you belong to is very meaningful for you, and it is here that you will find your greatest security. You have a kind and compassionate heart, and enjoy caring for others, generously opening your home to guests and travelers from far and near when you can. If circumstances don't permit it, you feel bad. You like to teach others what you know, and could quite easily develop a mentor relationship with a younger person. To you, instilling moral knowledge is just as important as teaching math and science. You will probably be very lucky in your home life, living in a spacious environment or getting help with purchasing your own home. Perhaps your parents can help you with that, or provide other meaningful assistance for you. In any event, you will enjoy your home and want to be there as much as you can.

Jupiter trine Uranus

A Visionary

You're mentally more alive and alert than most. You crave input for your constant curiosity. Wanting to learn everything you possibly can, you quickly integrate technology and modern devices to manage your life and make it easier. You have a natural ability in science, too; the cutting edge is more appealing to you than the traditional branches. The same could be said of your faith; some type of spiritual practice would benefit you as long as personal freedom and choice are emphasized. However, you may decide instead to be free from religion or spiritual practices altogether. No matter what your faith, you are tolerant, and you truly enjoy getting to know people from different cultures, religions and backgrounds. You explore and delight in those differences. You're quite a free thinker and may espouse some very radical ideas or concepts; some may even call you a visionary. The same adventurous mindset helps you adopt innovations and improvements that make your life more manageable. Overall, you have a refreshing way of looking at the world that helps you accept change and move forward.

Jupiter square Pluto

A Force to Be Reckoned With

You are a force to be reckoned with, and that's not always a pleasant thing. On the plus side, you've got incredible ambition and a strong desire to make the world a better place. You're convinced that your position is the morally superior one, and somehow this gives you the right -- you might even call it an obligation -- to spread the word, so to speak. Unfortunately, your dogmatic stubbornness and air of superiority will turn away the very people you could get the most from. When you're overconfident, sure you've found the answer, you close yourself off from new information that could benefit you immensely. Since you aren't very teachable, you overlook important resources. You have an air of entitlement, as if the world owes you more than you've actually earned. Perhaps you were born well off, or married rich. In your mind, you totally deserve it. You may have radical changes in fortune during the course of your lifetime. Learning early not to squander and to set money by will help you through the inevitable lean years. When you learn to be flexible and teachable, you'll reach the best potential of this aspect: incredible will unleashed for the good of all.

Saturn: Person 1's Restrictions and Limitations

Saturn in Leo

Becoming Your Own Authority

For whatever reason, authority issues that developed when you were a young person have forced you to become your own inner authority -- or at least the drive will certainly be in that direction. The primal idea here is that you must develop a strong sense of self-responsibility and personal leadership. The ego must be subsumed for the greater good, and your initiative applied to projects that are bigger than yourself. Your ego can take quite a bruising in this process. The challenge is let your ego be flexible and generous without becoming diminished or imbalanced. That's quite an order that will probably take you a few years to figure out! Fortunately, you won't be alone in your task since your peers are likely to have this placement, too. Your responsibilities may impinge on your desire for personal freedom, but as you mature you will realize that you have accomplished much more than you could have if you'd followed your own desires and ego. Your finest character traits -- loyalty, devotion, and steadfastness -- will grow as you do. You can mature into a fine adult who is a valued member of society and the community.

Saturn trine Neptune


You walk with one foot in in this practical world and one in the spirit world. It's rare to be able to balance the two as perfectly as you do. The mundane and the sublime flow together in you, in a way that improves them both. That is, with you, the 'real world' becomes a place of soul and magic, and the spirit world seems more accessible. You dare to hope and dream, but you don't fritter your life away in fantasy. You take care of business, but don't sacrifice the numinous, magical side of life. As balanced as your perspective on reality is, you still push the boundaries of the real world, trying to expand or extend them, perhaps even dissolving them in some cases. You are willing to make sacrifices in order to get what you want, and prefer a simple lifestyle to an extravagant one. You'd be well advised to pay close attention to your dreams, for they deliver important information to you, but you must strive to unravel and understand them. The effort must come from you. You may be a student of alchemy or magic, for the idea of transforming a base substance into something sublime through personal will, technique and belief is a metaphor for your entire life.

Uranus: Person 1's Rebellious Side

Uranus in Scorpio

Changing the Way We Are Intimate

This is a generational influence that affects everyone born within a seven-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, this is probably not the most important feature of your chart, but it describes some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. You and your peers with Uranus in Scorpio are revolutionizing the areas of power and control, particularly as they are played out in intimate relationships. This is the first generation (from 1975 to 1982) to grow up understanding that sex could kill you -- a notion that radically changed our perception of both sex and death. Clearly that concept will change the way one approaches relationships and intimacy. You and your group need a lot of freedom when it comes to expressing your passion and your power.

Neptune: Person 1's Divine Self

Neptune in Sagittarius

Pure Faith

Neptune is the second of the generational planets, spending fourteen years in each sign. Everyone born within that period will have Neptune in the same sign. By itself, this placement is not the most important factor in your chart; however, it symbolizes what was going on in the world at the time you were born, and this has left an imprint on you. You and members of your generation are each imbued with this particular energy, and in some ways it characterizes everyone born during this time. Each individual will express it in their own way, some more strongly than others. As a group, those born with Neptune in Sagittarius are very idealistic about religion, philosophy, education, and travel. Deception or false illusions regarding these areas is also in the mix; the ultimate purpose for you and your generation is to refine and purify spiritual practices and faith.

Neptune sextile Pluto

Spiritual Rebirth

This aspect was in effect for decades in the 1900s, so the vast majority of people born during this period of time have this aspect in their charts. By itself, it probably doesn't mean much on an individual level, but it could be related to hidden ideals. You are participating in the spiritual rebirth that occurred during the 1900s. Your life will have significantly more meaning for you if you develop a powerful spiritual life. You have all the tools you need to do this; you must simply activate them and practice. This energy is far larger than one individual person and relates more to broad financial and political cycles than it does to the common people.

Pluto: Person 1's Great Transformer

Pluto in Libra

Finding Authentic Relationships

Pluto is the final generational planet. It spends so long in a sign that it affects everyone born within a twelve-year period near the time of your birth. All by itself, it is not the most important feature of your chart, since such a huge number of people share this placement. However it does describe some general conditions that were activated during that period, and to a certain extent, you and those of your generation carry that energy forward with you as you mature and develop. Pluto is all about power, and the Pluto sign of anyone in power shows how they will wield this important responsibility. The Pluto-in-Libra generation (from 1972 to 1984) were born into a period when a lot of people were getting divorced. This imprint has left you and your peers with the idea that relationships often don't work out very easily. Although you readily understand that the arena of relationships is one in which you can accomplish a lot of personal growth, part of you hesitates to go there, knowing how hard it will be. Yet in the deepest parts of your soul, you yearn for an authentic relationship, one in which you can truly be yourself.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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