An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born February 7, 1973 and person 2, Born December 21, 1981:

Karmic Compatibility

How the Law of Karma Affects Your Relationship

The word 'karma' may conjure such sayings as 'what goes around, comes around' -- based on the idea that our bad behavior will come back to haunt us, while our good deeds will be rewarded.
And the concept of 'destiny' might evoke the notion that our lives are already plotted out for us, perhaps well before our births; that all of our choices and behavior are foreordained, utterly beyond our control

But karma and destiny are MUCH broader concepts than that! Together, they speak to the Big Picture -- the endless cycle of human life, death, regeneration and self-awareness, the growth of the soul and the transformation of consciousness to ever-higher planes.
Like life itself, relationships are about growth. The concept of destiny is often present in our love lives, especially when we meet someone with whom we click at a deep level.

We may feel as though we've finally met 'the one' -- that twin soul that our own soul recognizes so truly. We may feel as if we were meant to come together with this special person.

But contrary to what many of us believe, the best relationships aren't necessarily the ones that are smooth every minute of the day. Those relationships may not foster personal growth.

The couple that never argues, that always soothes and supports each other and enables each other's faults and weaknesses may actually be karmically stagnant!

The purpose of being in relationship is to provide a mirror into our own souls, while enforcing higher human principles such as compassion and cooperation. The best relationships are those that teach us something important about ourselves and about humanity at large. But those relationships may be far from easy.

Intimate partnerships offer a prime venue for learning life lessons:
  • how to communicate well
  • how to cooperate and compromise with others
  • how to assert our own needs while being sensitive to the needs of others
ALL of those skills are essential to life on this overcrowded earth. And even more than that, our relationships push us to grow within our own souls, to face the dark and scary parts of ourselves that, left to our own devices, we might choose just to avoid.

This astrological report attempts to reveal the karmic secrets hidden within your connection with another person. It explores the possibility that you are attracted, subconsciously or otherwise, to people with whom you share past-life connections -- old relationships lived out lifetimes ago, whose lessons have yet to be fully absorbed.

A note of explanation and caution is in order before you dive into your report...

This report explores both beneficial and challenging karmic connections between you and your partner. The beneficial ones will lend a sense of familiarity, tenderness, togetherness or support to your relationship. But the challenging ones will be more difficult to deal with, as they will push you to face up to those lifetimes-old issues that still haven't been resolved between you.

While everyone knows that even the best relationships are sometimes difficult and require work and dedication, this report does not suggest that you should EVER stay in a relationship that is destructive to your self-esteem or that endangers your physical or emotional safety.

While many karmic ties are beneficial and most aren't that difficult to handle, some can lead to situations of emotional or physical abuse that simply aren't worth the karmic lessons that may be inherent in the experience.

In the case of a relationship that is harmful to you, it is always best to leave rather than trying to work out those old issues. You can take care of the karmic lesson later. In the moment, what's most important is that you take care of yourself by getting out of a bad situation.

That being said, please enjoy this report and use its lessons to deepen your own understanding of the role that karma plays in your life, love, and destiny.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Karmic Compatibility report.

And I want to help you discover the karmic connections in your relationship so you can make it even BETTER!

I’ve prepared this powerful tool for you that will help you do exactly that!

Wouldn’t you love to discover how you were connected in past lifetimes?
And how to overcome the karmic challenges in your relationship so they don’t hold you back from having the easy and flowing relationship with your partner that you both deserve?

This Karmic Compatibility report gives you that exact information so you can have a far better chance of overcoming karmic ties and improving your relationship so it can be even better than you ever imagined!

Your Connection Bar Graphs

Wondering how the two of you have been intertwined throughout lifetimes? Now you can find out, at a glance! Our two-way bar graph reveals the destined kinship between you and your twin soul -- how you affect them, and how they affect you -- giving you a quick view of the strength of your connection in six important categories.

And what ARE those categories? Just the ones that can make or break a bond...

  • how your souls connect
  • how the two of you communicate in this lifetime and prior lifetimes
  • the levels of karma you have for each other
  • In short, have you got what it takes to continue your cosmic connection or is it time to break free?

Just remember... even if you both rate high in all six categories, your bond still might break in this lifetime...and even if you rate low, you may still be here to learn lessons from each other.

What's best is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their cosmic connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out! The bar graphs can only give you a quick peek at the chemistry of your karma and destiny -- the rest is up to you.

Sun - Soul to Soul

Your Soul Connection with your foreordained friend is based on how your Sun connects with them on a Soul level, including their values, their outlook and their experiences brought over from past lives, and how their Sun connects with you. Just as the Sun is the center of the orbit of all the planets in our solar system, it's also the center of you -- your life lessons, the vital energy that will run through you your whole life. It represents your basic, core personality... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Mercury - Karmic Conversations

In this bar graph, your Communicative Bond is based on how your Mercury connects with your moirai mate’s world view in this lifetime and previous lives, how they express themselves, and on how their Mercury connects with you. Often called the planet of communication, Mercury rules your thought processes, your sense of logic, your intellectual ideas and the way you get those ideas across to the world, now and in the past. If the lines of the graph – yours is the top one while your cosmic buddy’s is the bottom one are very different in length, then one of you will feel mentally turned on and tuned in, but the other just won't feel... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Venus - Soul Mates?

In this bar graph, your link with your twin flame is based on how Venus, your love planet, connects with them at a heart level, and on how their Venus connects with you, now and in the past. Venus -- the sweet and affectionate planet of love, harmony and socializing -- is all about pleasure, bringing people together and uniting them in harmony, so this planet rules not just love and dating but also friendships, partnerships and any social gathering. If the lines... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Mars - Past Life Passion

The excitement and passion you have with your twin flame is based on how your Mars connects with their sense of who they are and who they were, what they go after and how they express themselves now and in previous lives. It’s also how their Mars connects with you in the same way. Mars rules action, your propensity for irritation, your urge to compete and succeed -- all of these fall within this powerful planet's realm. Mars affects your attitude toward passion, and it also determines how you could argue with your mate. It’s also the experiences we bring with us from the past that determine our level of passion in this lifetime.... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Jupiter - Faith in Each Other

In this bar graph, your Faith, Beliefs and Shared Values are based on how your Jupiter connects with your predestine pal’s sense of what life is all about and perhaps what it was, and how their Jupiter connects with you in the same way. Jupiter is referred to as the planet of luck because it brings opportunities and advantages into your life that can seem like a stroke of luck, but are really life lessons meant to test and teach you about your own value system. This planet is... Read more

Your connection to them
Their connection to you

Saturn - Lessons Learned

Your Long-Term Potential to become mates for life is based on how your Saturn connects with their needs, their nature and their sense of duty in this and past lives, and on how their Saturn connects with you in the same way. Saturn's influence in your chart is like that of your conscience. This planet keeps you in check, reminding you of your responsibilities -- including your commitment to your kismet kin. If the lines of the graph – yours are the top one’s and theirs the bottom-- are very different in length, then one of you is going to recognize the past life bond, while the other just won't share that sense of fate -- not right away, and maybe not ever.... Read more

Your connection to them:
Their connection to you:

Your Harmony and Challenge Ratings

The Harmony and Challenge Meters read the compatibility chart between you and your kindred soul, and reveals the levels of harmony and challenges in your relationship. Now you'll know at a glance whether things will feel familiar, be constant angst-- or too much water under the bridge between you two!

Before you jump in, there's a trick to reading the meters. You might think you want a lot of harmony and very little challenges, but what you really want is a mix between the two. Just imagine: With old familiar feelings, pleasant times and nothing to break up the monotony, things would get pretty dull (yawn). And too many challenges can also ruin a relationship; without a little breathing room between fights and disagreements you'd tire each other out, fast! Something in the middle is just the ticket. Sometimes a good argument every now and then to clear the air, and a sense of trust and understanding means you will always have each other’s back and you can both move forward with your destiny.

One more word of caution before you get started: Remember, no relationship perfect. Even with what seems like the ideal balance of harmony and challenge, a relationship could turn out to be a total flop.... Read more


Harmony = 10

9-10: Twin flames?

7-8: A comforting connection

4-6: Sometimes your relationship feels like a pair of old slippers

0-3: Relationships shouldn’t be too much hard work

Challenge = 6

9-10: It might be time to learn your lessons from each other and move on

7-8: You have something to learn from each other

4-6: A hiccup here and there between you but nothing life shattering

0-3: Sometimes a challenge can be a good thing!

Person 1, here is your Karmic Compatibility report


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Keep reading to find out how each of your natal planets has a karmic connection to your partner’s planets.

Sun - Soul to Soul

Sun trine Pluto

Rocked to the Core

An immediate physical and emotional connection will make the bond between you seem intense, important, even fated. This person will be able to tap right into your core energy, the part of you that responds uninhibitedly on a feeling plane. Doing so will be almost instinctive for them, because you shared an intense, loving and sensual bond before, one that is long-hidden in the layers of time; and now that bond is resurfacing for you to enjoy once again. You'll both recognize that old joy of connection when you touch for the first time, or share an emotional problem and work it out together. Together, you'll be creative, sexual, vital. That old strength of connection will rock you to the core all over again, making you gasp in wonder and delight at the possibilities between you. If other unifying factors are present between you, this aspect could point to a healthy and long-lasting connection, because it is so energizing and at such a deep level. If you do develop a long-term relationship, you'll surely help each other to grow into the person you already see -- the one that shines inside you and wants to be unleashed onto the world in its full power and glory.

Sun trine Saturn

The Pleasures of Partnership

As partners in business in another lifetime, you two learned how to work together well. You provided energy and personality to the venture, and your partner brought their solid work ethic to the table and made sure that you made sound, practical decisions. In this lifetime, you'll do just as well as a romantic couple as you did so long ago in business -- and in fact, you could start a business together again, if you want to. The venture would very likely go well. Whatever the nature of your involvement in this lifetime, you'll look up to your partner as a voice of reason in a sometimes confusing, chaotic world. They can be a grounding influence in your life in the best way, reminding you to work hard, be cautiously optimistic and tend to your responsibilities. You'll give them a great deal of respect, which they'll return. For this reason, this relationship has a wonderful chance of lasting long-term. If you do stay involved in one another's lives for a long time, the relationship you build will be a growth experience for you both, one that teaches you trust, maturity and the pleasures of a strong partnership.

Sun sextile Neptune

Echoes of Selfless Devotion

Sympathy and compassion will enhance your connection, based on an old, deep echo of shared feeling from long ago. These feelings will be mutual, but this person, especially, will adore you and want to give selflessly of themselves to you. They could even overwhelm you with love, especially in the beginning, because their devotion to you will be strong. In another life you must have served them with equal devotion, and they're returning the favor in this one. Somehow, you'll set off a reaction within them of tender affection. They will treat you with compassion and empathy, smoothing out your rough edges and helping you to unfurl like a budding flower. And you, in turn, will want to return all that kindness and more, especially as you get to know them better. But that sense of trust and connection will be present between you from the start, as will a feeling of recognition -- those echoes of heart strings, reverberating from a deep and forgotten past. Creativity and spirituality will play important roles in this connection, as will intuitive, nonverbal communication. If this relationship lasts long-term, you will grow to know each other as intimately as you know yourselves.

Mercury - Karmic Conversations

Mercury trine Pluto

The Conscious Pursuit of Self-Awareness

To make the most of this particular connection between you, you'll have to pursue its gifts consciously. This person can help you to think more deeply, to become more self-aware and self-expressive. You may have had a less mutually understanding connection with each other in a past life, and so this life is meant to open up your awareness and put you both in touch with your own deeper selves as well as each other's. But you do have to be conscious in bringing this transformation about, precisely because you'll talk so easily with this person about profound and interesting subjects. You could be satisfied with that, and never probe deeper into your own psyche, or theirs; but doing so would be a waste of this special bond. The best use of this energy would be to actively pursue discussions of your truest, most complex and sometimes darkest feelings. Initiate conversations about your childhoods, or past relationships. Open up about your fears and your desires. Don't be afraid to describe your emotions in a raw and honest way -- this person can certainly take it, and you'll learn so much about yourself as well as about your partner in the process.

Mercury trine Saturn

Learning to Communicate

This person was your teacher or your mentor in another lifetime, and they will have a similar role in this one as they teach you, both directly and by example, to think in a careful, thorough and steady manner. Your conversations will hinge on solid communication and building trust. If there are any difficult aspects between you that would otherwise make this a troublesome relationship, this aspect will help smooth things over, because you'll have a wonderfully strong foundation that includes positive prior-life karma. Your partner will give you good advice and you'll look up to them on an intellectual level. As you get to know them better, you'll strive to make your own thinking as sharp, organized and efficient as theirs. You'll even learn through this relationship to express yourself more clearly and efficiently, and with greater confidence. Making plans together should be especially instructive for you, whether they're plans for your next date, a vacation that you'll take together or a way to advance your own future. Your partner could be quite helpful in preparing you mentally to take on greater responsibility at work, school or in life.

Mercury sextile Neptune

Blending Logic with Creativity

When it comes to the ways in which you two think and communicate, you could end up being a really nice combination of logic and intuition, reason and compassion, because in a sense you're two important halves of a whole. You'll draw on an old past-life connection in which you worked harmoniously in this way, blending your mental and perceptive strengths as you will be able to do again in this life. Then, you may have worked together on an artistic or other creative project, and now, you'll be able to do so again if you choose, to great effect. You can bring your partner's more abstract idea into concrete expression, and they can lend an imaginative whimsy to your ideas that you may not come up with on your own. But whether you work on a project together or simply get to know each other as friends and lovers, you will have much to learn from this person, and much to teach them. They will help to soften your sharper edges in communication, teaching you to listen with your heart as well as your eyes and ears. You, in turn, will teach them the importance of using more than simple intuition in their view of the world around them. This learning and teaching process won't happen in an overt way, however; the lessons between you will flow subtly, often without even using words.

Mercury square Uranus

Scared of a Free Thinker

Initially you'll be attracted to this person's exciting mind and freethinking ways, but over time you'll grow increasingly annoyed with what you'll come to see as their instability, just as you did in previous lifetimes, when their ideas seemed too radical to hold water. Now, as then, their perceived radicalism will end up closing you off to their brilliance. More and more, you'll roll your eyes at them and try to impose your own sense of logic or control on them. But in doing so, you'll forget the fact that every human being in the whole world -- including you -- has a unique perspective that defies logic or rationalism. And isn't that the beauty, the creative genius, of humanity? Why would you want to stifle that wild streak of the mind? Because this person will scare you with their out-there ideas; and because in normal, day-to-day life, you want someone you can depend on, not someone who makes you nervous. Unless you can learn to stretch your mind and accept this person's weird and wonderful way of thinking, this relationship will likely go the way it has gone in past lives as well: south, due to a growing feeling of impatience and instability between you.

Venus - Soul Mates?

Venus sextile Uranus

An Unusually Inspiring Connection

You were likely friends in another lifetime, or even creative partners on some grand and unusual project. Those qualities -- the thrill of invention, the pleasure of inspiration -- will carry over into your present-day connection, infusing your bond with a sense of excitement. This will certainly influence your physical connection; your mutual sexual attraction will run high and you'll find this person's unpredictable energy to be a real turn-on. It's possible that this connection will turn into just a stimulating friendship, but if it continues as a romantic affair, this aspect will keep things electric between you. But even if this turns out to be the romance of the ages, a feeling of fun and friendship will always underscore your bond, because that's what you came from in another lifetime and what you can continue to build in this one. It's quite possible that this person's unusual way of living life will influence you deeply. Even if this is a short-term relationship, it could inspire you to break out creatively in your work in ways you'd never considered before.

Venus square Pluto

Working Through It Together

Get ready for some intense feelings if you become intimately involved with this person, because with this karmic tie between you, a light, casual connection will be nearly impossible. If you get into this relationship, you'll already be in deep, because you'll hit upon this person's intimacy and dependency buttons in a major way. It's likely that, subconsciously, they'll remember you from a long-ago love affair in another lifetime, one that went badly due to betrayal or some other heartbreak. That old hurt has carried over to this lifetime in the form of romantic control and obsessiveness: Whether figuratively or literally speaking, they won't want to let you out of their sight. They could become quite jealous and possessive of you, which actually may be attractive at first -- such intensity of feeling can create the sense that you're closely bonded -- but as time wears on, you'll become frustrated with their inability to trust you or to allow you to be your own, independent person. This will be tough to deal with, but it doesn't have to spell the end of the relationship. Dealing with this issue, however, will have to be a team effort, one that relies on clear communication of all your feelings and fears -- even those deep, dark ones that neither one of you wants to bring to light. If you can work these issues through together, this could turn out to be a truly transformative experience for you both.

Mars - Past Life Passion

Mars conjunct Neptune

Moving Toward Greater Sensitivity

A relationship with this person will have a draining effect on you over time. They will sap your energy and enthusiasm, just as they did too long ago to consciously remember, in another life when you two were involved. Then, they hindered your efforts with a kind of emotional confusion. They may have been a spouse, family member or friend who prevented you from staying focused on the task at hand, because you were always worried about them, too preoccupied by their well-being to do your own work well. Now, they will have a similar though subtle effect on you. Your enthusiasm will be dampened by their energy, but you won't be able to pinpoint why. They won't, either, in part because their efforts toward you will be in the spirit of helping you to become more compassionate, more sensitive, like they are. The best possible outcome of this relationship will be if you can learn the lessons your partner tries to teach you without letting them drag your energy down. Their efforts to encourage you toward greater sensitivity are well-meant, and you will become a more caring, sympathetic person if you can learn from your partner while staying true to your personal goals and ambitions.

Mars sextile Pluto

Changing Yourselves, Changing the World

When you two combine your energies, you'll shock yourselves and each other with how much you can accomplish. Any difficult karma from past lives regarding ambition or strength has clearly been overcome by this lifetime, because you'll be able to work together as such a well-functioning team; but it's even more likely that your karma was resolved long ago. In a past life you were warriors who stood side by side and fought your way together toward victory, and now, in this life, if you are together on the same team, whether on the job or at a game of softball, you'll be able to blast through the competition like it's nothing. And if your relationship continues into the long term, anything you attempt together should be a rousing success. Your strength and determination paired with your partner's deep emotional power and transformative bent mean that your joint willpower is immense! If you do pursue a long-term relationship with this person, look for the lessons in this pairing. Just trying to win the card game won't be the right use of this energy; use it to change yourselves, your lives and the world around you for the better.

Jupiter - Faith in Each Other

No Jupiter Aspects

A Different Value System

Jupiter, the Planet of Philosophy, is all about faith, belief, ideals and spirituality. This Planet governs where all your biggest dreams lie; it can reveal your paths to success and personal growth. With no Jupiter aspects between you, your core values just won't match up -- which could mean that this relationship will be a casual, short-lived affair. To forge a long-term bond, you'll have to develop some deep and meaningful points of connection, such as similar faiths, ambitions or visions of the future. You two might not match up in those areas, so try not to expect more from this relationship than you're likely to get.

Saturn - Lessons Learned

Saturn trine Venus

Nurture and Protect the Trust Between You

You must have loved each other well in another life, because you created some very positive karma together that has carried over to this life, and you'll be able to make a strong bond. If other factors between you point to love and commitment, this particular aspect is especially beneficial to a long-lasting and affectionate connection. One of your fortes as a couple will be to blend practical concerns with aesthetic and romantic values. You'll both feel as though you can rely on each other. Even if your bond isn't outwardly affectionate, you'll both feel comfortable and solid together, secure in the knowledge that you can rely on each other. You'll be an especially grounding influence in your partner's life. They'll trust that you're there for them, that you hold their best interests in mind. In return, they'll bring a dash of style and romance to the relationship and make sure that things aren't all work and no play. You should both consciously nurture and protect the sense of trust between you. If you do that, you'll establish a wonderful balance between the important elements of affection and commitment, and you can both feel more secure through being involved with each other. Security creates the best foundation for karmic growth, and both of you will be able to take the steps you need to move forward along your personal paths.

Saturn trine Saturn

You Possess Similar Security Needs

Perhaps you both struggled with desolate poverty in another life, so now you both work hard to ensure that you have enough money in the bank and food on the table to feel comfortable. Or maybe you both experienced some form of emotional betrayal in another lifetime, so now you both make certain that your relationships are built on a firm foundation of trust and intimacy. Because you experienced similar past-life traumas, your security needs are complementary in this life, despite the wide difference in your ages. You're both willing to do what it takes to avoid living through those same experiences again, and you'll work together toward this end, perhaps even unconsciously, without having to spell out your feelings or intentions on this level. You'll both understand almost instinctively that if other factors are in place -- affection, love, goals and so on -- you'll be able to create a positive, mutually supportive connection that can last far into the future. This aspect could even imbue your connection with a feeling of togetherness and commitment right from the very beginning, especially if you both seek to connect at the level of supporting and validating each other's security needs.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

P.S. Are you hooked and excited to learn more? Follow the links below for (free!) real-time astrology updates, daily horoscopes, personalized information, and more- all from Kelli Fox!