An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born October 23, 1972:

Romantic Forecast

Navigate Your Way to the Relationship of Your Dreams

Sometimes love seems to just fall into your lap, just as easy as saying hello; other times, no matter how much you want to connect with that special someone, you just can’t seem to make it happen. You’re too busy to make time for love at that point in your life, or they’re already involved with someone else -- and that’s the very definition of bad timing.

Ever wish you knew the right time to ask someone out, or to tell them you love them? If you could just pick the perfect moment to open that door and drop that bombshell -- if only you could have some kind of guarantee that the experience would go as smoothly as possible, with the exact outcome you were hoping for.
Well, astrology can’t offer any guarantees, but it can highlight the best times to reach out to someone new and cute, cement the deal with someone you love or break it off if you’re just not connecting.

And it can also highlight the days when you’re better off staying home, catching some me-time. Whatever your impulse might be, check your transits to see if the stars are behind you.
Hi, I’m Kelli Fox, a professional accredited astrologer and creator of this personalized Romantic Forecast report.

And I want to help you discover the most powerful windows of opportunity for romance.

Wouldn’t you LOVE to discover which days are the most opportune for romance?

And which days are probably not the best for a first date or important relationship discussions?
This Romantic Forecast gives you that exact information so you can have a far better chance of meeting your soulmate and beginning the relationship of your dreams or improving the relationship you are in.

What Does Your Future Hold for Love & Relationships?

Love, for many of us, is a tricky, yet ever so rewarding road. Who doesn’t love to be loved and adored? Discover what the Stars say for your Love Life in the near future, revealing the six most important categories when it comes to Love:

  • Your Heart-Soul Growth
  • How you Think & Talk Romantically
  • Your Love & Affection Forecast
  • Your Passionate Desires
  • Where and How you’re going to get Lucky in Love
  • What your Love Lessons are and your potential for Relationship Longevity!

An easy-to-read Bar Graph is a quick explainer showing which of these categories are more highlighted over this period, and the meatier, in-depth Romantic Forecast helps you explore all of these in great detail – letting you live your best (love) life!

Using Astrology to help guide your Love Life is an ancient practice in many old cultures, helping to determine the absolute best time to date, marry, start a family, and so much more! So why not use this insightful art to help you make the best of your love potential?

Astrology helps to make anxious times less stressful by knowing which areas can support and boost you and showing you a clear view of the future so you can relax and go with the flow. Using Astrology to enrich your romance is an empowering way to take control of your love life, and to help you and your sweetheart make the best of the best times and see you through the hard periods. And if you’re single, the Personal Romantic Forecast calculators can be helpful to see if love is about to come into your life!

So, go ahead and dive deep and enjoy your Romantic Forecast calculators, letting the Stars and Planets be your guiding lights when it comes to Love and Romance!

Your Heart-Soul Growth - The Sun Influences

The Sun in Astrology is about the core of who you are. It’s your personality including your outlook and the opportunities you will attract during this time period. When you are at your best you can attract just about anything or anyone. Just as the Sun is the center of our solar system, it’s also the center of you, that inner fire and the vital energy that runs through you your whole life.... Read more

8-10 You're manifesting like magic
4-7 Focus on your goals - almost there
0-3 Keep smiling, there's more work to be done

Pillow Talk - Mercury Influences

This bar graph is based on how you’ll express yourself, be heard by others and how well you will listen during this time period. Mercury is the planet that is connected to your thought processes, your sense of logic, your intellectual ideas and the way you get those ideas, thoughts and feelings out into the world. If your Mercury bar graph is long then others will be receptive to... Read more

8-10 Your words are like music to someone's ears
4-7 Say what's on your mind as people are listening
0-3 Time for a brief pause while you gather your thoughts

Your Love and Attraction Factor - Venus Influences

This bar graph, based on the connections Venus is making to your natal planets at this time is all about love, attraction and romance. It shows how you will connect with others at a heart level and how attractive you are at this time. The energy of Venus is sweet, pleasurable and harmonious. This planet is not just connected to love and dating but friendships, partnerships... Read more

8-10 You're oozing with charm
4-7 Fun and flirtatious
0-3 Sweet as candy

Your Passionate Desires - Mars Influences

Your passionate desires, sex appeal and carnal appetites are based on Mars. This planet is all about your drive, energy and motivation. Mars rules passion and pleasure so your sex drive as well as your propensity to compete and succeed all fall with the realm of Mars. It affects your attitude towards dating, mating and relating and whether you’re going to be feeling revved up... Read more

8-10 You're too hot to handle
4-7 Tension breeds attraction
0-3 Spooning is sexy

Lucky in Love - Jupiter Influences

In this bar graph, how lucky you are in love is influenced by the planet Jupiter. This is a planet that brings luck, advantages and opportunities in all areas of your life. Sometimes, it’s a matter of being in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone or if you’re coupled, it’s all about feeling hopeful and optimistic about where your relationship is headed... Read more

8-10 Luck is on your side
4-7 Your positive attitude makes a difference
0-3 Focus on what's right in front of you

Your Love Lessons - Saturn Influences

Saturn is the planet of karma. This bar graph indicates your life lessons, obligations and responsibilities you have during this time period. Saturn is linked to your conscience and commitments but it’s also linked to rewards and accolades. It’s about reaping what you sew and if you’re prepared to roll up your sleeves and to do the hard work then the benefits will manifest.... Read more

8-10 Keep going and stay focused on the end goal
4-7 You're headed in the right direction
0-3 Enjoy this time of reprieve

Person 1, here is your Romantic Forecast report


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your private life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions
reveals what truly motivates you in all areas of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values
guides you on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life
reveals your karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Keep reading to see how the current planetary transits are affecting your love life and the best times begin (or rekindle) romance...

Your Strengths

Jupiter sextile Jupiter

Good changes for your future

Your social life could expand during this four-month transit, without even any special effort on your part. The invitations will just start coming in, and there might be so many that you'll have to choose which ones you can make and which you can't! Obviously, this increased social energy makes this the perfect transit to get things moving in your love life. Go out dancing, to parties, anywhere your friends invite you; and say yes to offers for dates. You might be surprised at how well things go when you just open yourself up to the possibility of love. Don't stop with just going out and having a great time; that's a lot of fun, but there's also significant work you could be doing during this period. If you keep your eyes open, you'll start to identify things about your life or your dating habits that could stand some improvement. It'll be easy at this time for you to make the necessary changes. Have you been going after the right kind of person? Do you have enough confidence in yourself, or have you been projecting insecurities? Whatever it is, you can deal with it now and have a great experience.

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Uranus sextile Sun

Creative self-revelations

Your life could change in some subtle but fun and interesting ways during the course of this long transit. Your eyes and heart are open to new experiences now, and you're interested in people who can show you a new way of living. You might be very attracted to someone whose philosophy of life is quite different from yours, and intriguing to you both for its substance and for its very difference. You'll find new, creative ways of expressing yourself when you're getting to know someone new; if you've been hesitant in the past to talk about yourself or reveal your true personality due to nervousness with someone new, all of that will start to shift. You'll begin to enjoy the getting-to-know-you process with a potential date, and you'll love revealing yourself in creative or assertive ways. And you'll definitely love the warm attention you'll receive. Your admirers will tune in to you because you're putting out such energy at this time. They want to know who you are, and you want to show them. In this way, you'll take control of your love life and begin to shape it to fit the creative, unique individual that you are.

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Jupiter sextile Mercury

A special time

You're very perceptive during this transit, which only comes about once every six years or so, so make the most of this energy! You're able to make good decisions about the people that come into your life now. If you're attracted to someone special during this time, it's probably for a good reason; you're reading people well, both their personalities, their intentions and their interest in you. You won't shy away from a date with someone who's really different from you, either; quite to the contrary, you're interested in learning, in experience, and if you can go out with someone who can teach you something you didn't already know about the world, so much the better. You do have to reach out and take hold of the opportunities extended your way during this transit, however; don't just sit back and be lazy. Good things could come about through friends, so if they want to set you up with someone new on a blind date, say yes! You'll probably have a great time, and who knows? It could be the start of something really special. The contacts and decisions you make during this period could affect your life for years to come, so embrace the possibilities.

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Mercury sextile Pluto

Going deep with someone special

You want to know everything about that special someone -- every little thing about what makes them tick. You want to know their insecurities as well as their strengths; you want to learn about their past, and how it has shaped them to be who they are today. Anyone who won't let you probe deeply during this transit might not hold your interest for long, because you want to communicate at that deep level with someone. On the other hand, you'll really love mysteries at this time, so you might be intrigued by someone who refuses to let you in! But you're also highly persuasive, so you'll probably get them to open up sooner than they might have intended. You might even probe until you uncover their deepest, darkest secrets and fears -- good thing this transit is basically benign and beneficial! At the end of all this soul-exploration, you could feel really close with your potential sweetie, because you've gotten so intimate so fast. They could even start to rely on you for advice and support, because suddenly you'll know them so well, and all their limitations. Make sure that if you start something at this time, you're genuinely interested in seeing it through.

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Saturn trine Uranus

Blending the old with the new

You're uniquely able to blend the old and the new during this fun ten-month transit. So what does that mean for you? It means that you'll be attracted to unusual people, people whom you wouldn't normally think are your type -- but they'll excite you and make you think of relationship possibilities that never occurred to you before. At the same time, you won't lose sight of what's important to you in a love relationship. You'll still retain your ideals, even as you dip your toe into something new. Furthermore, you may have put some changes in place in your methods of dating or looking for love; and now is the time when you can enjoy the effects of your new way of doing things. Any effort you've put into bettering yourself, your perspective and so on have paid off, and you're now enjoying the benefits in a calm, self-assured way. You're also patient now; you don't expect anything amazing to happen fast, or to be swept off your feet. Instead, you're content to take things as they come, and have a good time while you're at it. So keep your eyes open for new opportunities in love, and new and unusual people to keep you company.

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Mercury trine Jupiter

Enjoy yourself

You've got a great attitude during this transit for dating and finding love. You're feeling optimistic about the future, and confident in your abilities to attract someone special -- as well you should. You're charming and funny now, talkative and expressive, and your natural intelligence is easily conveyed. You might even be feeling so on a high that you'll feel a bit intellectually superior to the people around you -- but don't let yourself fall into that trap. This is too nice of an influence to waste it on feelings of superiority. After all, you're smart, but you don't know all there is to know about the world. Getting to know someone special will take you a step closer to that knowledge, however! Reach out to someone who seems unique and unusual; your mind will be blown by their perspective on life. You're very communicative at this time, able to reach people at a deep level, so you'll be able to make this person feel seen and heard in a way that's pleasurable to both of you. Most of all, during this period, have fun! You're tuned in to the best parts of life, so enjoy yourself.

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Neptune trine Sun

Break down barriers

Your dreams for that wonderful, all-encompassing love could easily come true with this two-year transit, which marks a marriage between your ideals in life and love with your core self, the strong and definite person that you are on the inside. Just being yourself will help you find the real-life version of your dearest fantasy about love. You'll attract people to you who are drawn to your compassionate nature, your sweet energy. You won't want to go out on dates to noisy clubs where you can't talk; you'll be much more interested in artistic activities that stimulate your sense of the universe and all its subtle mysteries. Take that special someone to an art gallery, or for a walk along a river that will allow you to talk in-depth about all the things that are most important to both of you. You'll impress your sweetie with how sensitive and compassionate you are. They'll feel accepted and cared for in your presence, as if they simply have to be themselves and that is beautifully enough. You're much more forgiving of flaws in a potential lover, such as insecurities; you have a higher understanding of what it is to be human, so you can use that to break down barriers to love.

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Jupiter trine Pluto

Life of the party

You could become the in-demand hot property during this four-month transit, receiving all kinds of invitations for dates, parties or at least flirtations with new and interested people. To let it go to your head would be a mistake; instead of getting comfy with your newly jammed social calendar, you should look for the deeper significance in your increased social life. Is it because you're any hotter, smarter or friendlier than you were before? No, probably not -- at least, not under the surface; at your core, you're still the same person you were a month or a year ago. But you may take big strides at this time toward personal betterment, because you've got a really good, insightful perspective on yourself and your own life now. Whatever you've been doing wrong when it comes to dating and romance, you can change it now; and whatever you've been doing right, you can emphasize. So don't just stop at being happy with your increased popularity, because popularity fades like the sunset. Look for the deeper meaning in whatever you experience at this time; you'll probably come up with something amazing about the big picture of your life.

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Mercury trine Mercury

Variety is the spice of life

Even if you have opinions that don't match up with anyone else's right now, you'll still love exploring your diverging viewpoints. You're in the mood to find out what makes someone tick, so reach out to a potential sweetheart, and set up a date to do something that will spark conversation. See a movie, visit an art gallery or a museum, or go to a play or a lecture. You'll be amazed and intrigued by all the levels on which you two agree, and the ways in which your viewpoints differ! For you, during this two-week period, variety is the spice of life. You're not interested in finding your mental twin; instead, you want to get to know someone well, exactly as they are, and to communicate yourself to them in all your uniqueness and individuality. Any differences between you and that special someone will actually feel like bonding points, because you'll understand them so well and you'll feel so heard and accepted yourself. You should definitely feel free and open to discuss whatever comes into your head at this time, even heavier subjects like your past relationships, your family or your hopes and dreams for the future.

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Saturn trine Venus

Finding that stable connection

You'll work on your existing relationships during this transit, to make them as stable and mutually beneficial as possible. Whoever it is that you're attracted to at this time is probably a good bet in terms of a long-term bond, because you're not interested in anything frivolous or unstable. Your flirtations could even verge a little bit on the boring side, because you're so security-conscious; but that's not a bad thing. You can use the energy of this period to focus on what's truly important to you in a love affair. What are you looking for in a romantic relationship? At this time, you could almost make a list and then compare it to the people you see, and make a connection with someone who's just right for you; you're that tuned in to yourself and your needs. And furthermore, you're more than willing to meet the needs of your sweetie pie; you want to explore how you connect with someone else and how your bond will serve you both. What starts out as just a flirtation or a series of getting-to-know-you emails at the beginning of this transit could deepen into a stable, important relationship by the end.

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Sun trine Saturn

Being yourself, naturally

Anyone you get involved with at this time will give you a lot of respect, because right now, you command it. Not in a forceful or overbearing way, either; you're just being yourself, and you're coming across to the world as a mature, authoritative and sophisticated person, someone to be reckoned with. Obviously, if you get to know someone new at this time, they'll be very impressed with you! Even the smallest details will make a great impression: You'll show up on time to meet your date; you won't interrupt them during conversation or try too hard to wow them with how smart or cool or attractive you are. You won't need to; you'll just be yourself, natural and confident, and that will be plenty. You're also good at setting boundaries during this transit, so if someone is coming on too strong or making you uncomfortable, you'll be able to get out of the situation easily and gracefully. You might look at this period of a couple of weeks as a great time to get your dating life in order. Make contact with new people, and don't bother to push a connection if it doesn't feel like a sure thing. Your instincts are well-focused now, and you can trust them.

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Sun sextile Uranus

Playing the field

You're into group activities at this time, being around people who excite you and open you up to new ideas and all the possibilities of the universe. So it's a great time to go out with someone new, but don't limit yourself to just one! This two-week period is a great time to play the field, so to speak -- without being crass about it, of course. You'll attract lots of different kinds of people, and there's nothing wrong with talking with all of them, seeing who you match up best with, who excites you the most, who makes you the most nervous and so on. As long as you don't get too intimate with anyone, you'll have a great time talking, flirting, riffing new ideas and being generally fun and spontaneous. If you do go on a date, keep it public. You're in the mood to be out in the crowd, mingling with the masses, so parties, amusement parks and the like are all great venues to get to know someone new while keeping your eyes and your options open. Just take care not to step on anyone's toes. If you go to a party with your date, it's not fair to leave with someone else! Don't forget the rules of dating, and you'll have a great time during this period.

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Mercury trine Saturn

Looking for love in all the right places

You could make a good, solid romantic connection during this period. Not a wild and exciting one, no; but solid and stable are more important for the long-term than excitement, which comes and goes in fits and starts. During this two-week period, you're focused on what's good for you and what you're looking for in love, and you're practical enough about it that you won't waste time looking for love in any of the wrong places. Sure, your dates during this time might feel more like interviews in certain moments, when you're asking a potential sweetie serious questions about their values, their needs and their expectations; but what better way to get at the truth? If you're attracted to someone special during this period, chances are good that they're worth your time. You'll come across to them as maybe a bit quiet or reserved, but intelligent and focused, disciplined and well-organized. If you go out with someone who doesn't fit your idea of your usual 'type,' do give them a chance. You're not exactly open to anything new and unusual now, and it would be a shame to pass someone up just because they didn't look or behave quite how you thought they should.

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Venus trine Venus

Instant infatuation

Some lucky incident or unexpected occurrence could happen during this transit that will set the wheels in motion in your romantic life in a way that will affect you for some time. What could it be?? Hmm...maybe you should reach out and make contact with that potential sweetie you've had your eye on! You're definitely in the mood for good times and making a great, affectionate connection with someone you're really attracted to. You're not really in the mood to do hard work or anything that's dull or repetitive, and that's okay. This is a time for fun and flirtation. You could find out that that special someone is actually good for you and your life in a way that you couldn't have anticipated -- maybe they'll introduce you to someone who will help your career along, or maybe they've been someplace or done something that you're interested in for your own life. But whatever it is, it will seem like a cherry on top of this two-week-long cake. You create warmth and good times and harmony wherever you go. Love at first sight isn't out of the question, or at least instant attraction and infatuation!

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Venus trine Uranus

Unexpected encounters

Any flirtation you start up now might not last, but that's okay -- you're not really looking for The One right now. Instead, you're in the mood for something exciting, something unexpected. You're attracted to people you might not normally be into, because you've got a taste for something different and completely original. For that reason, you could be drawn to unreliable types who keep you guessing; or, you could be the one who shows up late for a date or acts ambivalent when that special someone confesses their attraction to you! And that's okay. You're your own person right now. As long as you don't make any promises that you can't keep, you'll be fine. And who knows? A flirtation begun now probably won't extend long-term, because you're less able than usual to incorporate excitement with harmony. Meaning, this could be the start of a very unusual and stimulating -- but short -- relationship. Or, it just could be a fun period in which you flirt it up with lots of different people and have spontaneous, unexpected encounters with strange and unusual folks who get your brain wheels turning!

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Mercury sextile Uranus

Your unique style

You could end up talking and laughing way into the night if you go out with someone new during this transit, because your mind is attuned to anything unique and extreme -- really funny, clever people, really strange and unusual likes and dislikes, and so on. Whatever it is, it's not too weird for you now. You're interested in human experience, and you want to get to know someone on a brand-new level that you haven't experienced before. You're curious, willing to ask questions and draw someone out of their shell. Even if you go out with someone at this time who's normally very shy, you'll probably have them laughing and chatting openly by the end of the evening! Unusual, creative conversation is the highlight for this period. You have a unique chance to connect with someone in a creative way. You're also at your comedic best, which will put your date at ease. You will definitely make an impression on someone new at this time, one that won't easily be forgotten; you're just too much of an original to fade from their memory! You can feel confident about reaching out and making a connection.

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Venus trine Sun

Your sweetest self

Don't put too much pressure on yourself during this two-week transit to get a lot of hard work done. You're not in the mood for hard work, and you're definitely not in the mood to be alone. You want to reach out into the world and connect with people, and you're in the perfect mind space -- and heart space -- to do so. You're feeling especially warm, energetic and generous, and your best side is definitely showing. Actually, that's true physically as well as emotionally! You're very attractive now to your admirers, because that inner energy is coming out through your pores, almost, and making you feel and look great. Ask someone out, because this is the perfect time to be among friends or with a potential sweetie. Parties and dance clubs are especially fun for you now; you love anything that's group-oriented and you'll thrive off the energy that pulses at these places. This is a great time to go out with several different people and flirt with all of them, seeing who you like best, but even more, it's a better time to nurture a special connection with just one person who's caught your eye.

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Your Intensities

Mercury conjunct Neptune

A sensitive mind

Some people just aren't good at dating; they get all mixed up and nervous when faced with someone new, and make a bad impression when really they're a fine person, and very much worthy of love. Anyone who's like that would be lucky to go out with you at this time, because you'll see past their stuttering, their sweaty palms and their inane conversation to the real person beneath. You might be moved during this two-week period to write love sonnets about the object of your affections, or to read poetry that focuses on the heart and its mysterious workings. You're able to connect intuitively at this time, so use your highly emotional mental powers to reach out to someone and get to know who they really are, heart and mind. The only danger with this transit is that you'll idealize someone, but that will just come from looking so intently into their heart. You'll be able to see all their good intentions instead of getting caught up in the outer details. You might make a really dreamy romantic connection during this period; just don't be surprised if your object of affections turns out somewhat different from whom you initially thought they were.

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Jupiter conjunct Mars

Activity is the name of the game

Your energy is high, you're feeling strong and healthy, and you should definitely get out into the world with someone special. Since getting physical is one of the best ways to use your energy during this four-month transit, ask that hottie to play Frisbee with you, or take a yoga class, or play on your volleyball team. Working up a sweat together will put you both in mind of another way to get heated, which is a very sexy state of mind indeed -- pre-satisfaction, when you get to fantasize about it all you want. Ah, wonderful romance! Even if you're not the sporty type, you can still take advantage of the great energy of this transit by simply being proactive about your love life. Join an exercise class to make you feel more confident about your looks and your physical appeal, and then make contact with that special someone you've got your eye on. Any type of action should bring great results for you now; you're able to put a real push on things. And since this transit comes around less than once a decade, you should make the most of it. It marks the beginning of a new twelve-year cycle, so start it off right by getting active and getting to know someone new.

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Mars conjunct Sun

Your vital self

Your energies are on high during this three-week transit, and this period comes around only once every couple of years, so you should definitely take advantage of it. Especially if you're normally a shy type, this is your time to shine. You can get out there and make a connection with just about anyone, because you're so vitally yourself. The only thing to watch out for is being too pushy or forward, because while confidence is attractive, aggressiveness isn't. No one likes to feel like they're being steamrolled by a potential mate, and coming on too strong can make people build up walls against you. So try to keep yourself in check. Remember: Confidence is good; arrogance and aggressiveness are bad. Don't argue with your potential sweetie if you go out on a date; let them be who they are, and be who you are. Don't be overly aggressive if you play a game together; it's okay if you lose, or if you let them shine a little brighter than you (just this once!). After all, isn't it more important to make a real connection than to show off? Sure it is. So be yourself, but leave room for that special someone to shine, too. You'll have a great time if you do.

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Your Challenges

Saturn square Neptune

Romantic disappointments

You could experience such romantic disappointments during this ten-month transit that you'll start to think you're really paying your dues. The truth is, maybe you are. This transit signifies the breakdown of ideals, and though it's an uncomfortable process, it's also a necessary one. After all, it's wonderful to have ideals in love, but you can mislead yourself if you take them too seriously. You're the only one who knows what your own vision of the perfect mate is; it's someone that you've made up in your head -- someone who doesn't exist. And this period of time will show you in no uncertain terms that your ideals are in serious need of a reality check. The possibilities for this period include being misled not only by yourself, but by that certain someone who seems so special. They might end up not being entirely honest with you about their intentions; or maybe it's you who will read all kinds of things into their words and actions that they never intended. When the relationship ultimately falls short of your expectations, you'll be disappointed indeed. Just try not to make any decisions at this time about a potential lover, positive or negative.

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Saturn opposite Saturn

A hard lesson

If you haven't been on the right path in your love life during the past few years, this could be a difficult ten-month transit for you. Bad choices you may have made in the past will come up again now, either as regrets or as insecurities that date back to that old, bad relationship. This period calls on you to make positive changes in your life, changes that will have long-lasting effects, but it's not going to be made easy for you. Any area of your life that is presenting major difficulties -- not just your love life -- will indicate that a major overhaul is needed. So how can you overhaul your love life? Take some time, either alone with a journal or with a trusted friend, to look over your past relationships. Have they been good for you? Have you chosen to date people who treated you well, who made you feel good about yourself? If not, now's the time to start looking for a new kind of love. You deserve to be treated right and to have everything you've ever dreamed of, but the only person who's going to make it happen is you. So now's the time to start. This way, if you make the changes you need to make, you can look back on this difficult period with pride.

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Jupiter opposite Neptune

A very appealing dream

You're very gullible during this four-month transit, and you could be taken in if you go out with people who aren't good for you. People who try to take advantage of your good intentions will likely get their way during this period, because you'll buy any story hook, line and sinker, as long as it fits in with your fantasy of the love you're looking for. You probably won't experience this transit as anything less than a fun period full of hopeful signs and opportunities; you might meet someone you're really into, and you'll have all kinds of fantasies about where the relationship is going to go. But you've got a blind spot to trouble, emotional issues and even just people whose intentions don't match up with yours. You could go out on a good first date and think that a second date is naturally going to follow -- but at the end of the night, your date says a friendly goodbye, making it clear they won't be calling you. And you could still hope for the best with this person! That's just the kind of head space you're in now -- you are basically avoiding reality, because the dream you've come up with is so much more appealing.

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Saturn square Mars

Watch what you say

Watch what you say to that special someone during this ten-month transit, because if you're not careful, you might end up saying something you'll regret. This will be a difficult period for you; you'll feel angry and irritable and you might not even know why, but whoever happens to cross your path will get the brunt of your turbulent emotions. Needless to say, it won't make the greatest impression on someone who doesn't know you yet, if you're touchy, aggressive or sarcastic with them! They might take one look and decide to look for love elsewhere. It might be best during this time to take a break from the dating game, except this transit lasts the better part of a year, which would be a long time to sit at home, twiddling your thumbs. So try to work out that aggressive energy in some more constructive way. Step up your exercise routine; talk to your close, trusted friends about any feelings of anger or bitterness; and if you feel like snapping at someone, don't do it, especially not if that someone is someone new in your life. If you go out on a date during this time, keep it simple; you could be accident-prone under the current troublesome energy.

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Mercury opposite Mars

Hold your own counsel

You're probably familiar with the idea that each of us dislikes in other people the qualities that we least like in ourselves. Well, that could really apply to you at this time. You might go through this two-week period feeling like you keep reaching out to people you're interested in, and they keep turning out to be, well, less than you expected! The likelihood is high that you're actually reacting to qualities in them that you possess yourself. You're basically spoiling for a fight with everyone you come into contact with, and that will include romantic interests and people you don't even know. You're irritable, and anyone's fair game. You're much more impulsive than usual at this time, and you'll say things you don't mean before you're able to catch yourself. At the very least, if you don't pick fights, you'll suffer from foot-in-mouth disease. The best course at this time is to hold your own counsel until this troubling energy blows over. If you do make contact with someone special during this period, try your hardest to stay even-tempered with them. Remind yourself that if they're coming across badly, it's probably just you.

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Sun opposite Venus

A wish for pleasure

You'll be in the mood for company and pleasure during this two-week transit, so you'll probably have a great time. But you could be indiscriminate in who you hang out with, just because you don't want to be alone; in terms of company, just about anyone will do, for now. You'd do well to keep that in mind, and don't leap into a new relationship at this time. Hanging out and having fun is fine; just don't make any decisions about the future until this influence has passed. Also, if you've already been getting to know someone new and cute, cracks might start to show in your budding relationship, even if you really, really like them and really want to get along. Though this transit is usually a relatively pleasant one, it can have a way of highlighting underlying tensions in a relationship. It doesn't have to be a big deal if that happens; just earmark any issues that come up as things that need to be discussed later, when you're more in the mood for straightforward communication and facing problems. Because for now, you're just in the mood for fun. Let's hope you don't have too much important work to do at this time, because it will probably fall by the wayside!

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Sun square Pluto

Time to be on your own

Ooh -- this could be an intense couple of weeks, and not in a good way. Your best bet right now is to drop out of the dating scene for a while, because you're not in the right frame of mind to attract good people your way. If you try to make contact with someone during this period, it's likely to go awry. If you go on a first date now, you'll probably end up arguing with them -- a perfect stranger! This period is all about strange power struggles and needless strife. You could feel emotional in an unusual way; you might not realize it, but you're under the sway of your own, deep past at this time, and old hurts will come bubbling to the surface, making you as sensitive as a newborn baby. Anything and everything will get under your skin and you'll react with anger, or at least hurt; and that's no way to start a new relationship or get to know someone. Instead of making contact with that special someone, put it off for a week or two. In the meantime, do something creative -- keep a daily journal of your thoughts, write a short story, paint a picture. Getting in touch with your creative self can get straight to your deeper levels and will help ease you through this otherwise difficult period.

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Jupiter square Saturn

Cutting the dead weight

If you've been getting to know someone new who's not really up to snuff, the truth will come out now. This four-month transit is all about cutting dead weight, and there's no better area to do that than in your love life. Flirtations with people who aren't good to you or for you will end now, and it's up to you whether that's going to be a painful process. It's a necessary evil, but if you try to hold on too tightly to something that's not good for you, you'll make the whole process harder. During this period, you're looking for love with someone that you can rely on, and if you've been getting involved with unreliable types, you'll realize that it's time to close that chapter on your life. Maybe you're attracted to 'wild' types, but that's just a surface-level appeal; underneath it, you really want to be involved with someone you can depend on. So flirtations with 'wild' types are out; now you just have to figure out what's in. Well, for the time being, you might want to just go it alone, at least for a little while, until you get your head straightened out. This transit will bring a certain amount of confusion and restlessness with it, which you'll need to sort through before your new direction is clear.

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Venus opposite Saturn

You've lost that loving feeling

Either your outside responsibilities are weighing heavily on you now -- you have too much work to do to go out and have a good time, or family obligations are trumping your dating life -- or you're just feeling emotionally closed off and unavailable. Either way, that special someone might try to get through to you and make a warm, affectionate connection, and you won't be able to respond in kind. Faking it would be the worst way to deal with this, because they'll pick up on your lack of sincerity and it'll only make things awkward! So don't pretend warmth when you don't feel it. And don't make promises you can't keep. If you have too much work to have fun, just buckle down and get it done; don't accept an invitation for a date and then work late to meet all your responsibilities, because you'll just seem harried and preoccupied when you go out with your cutie. This transit is blessedly short, so take comfort in that. Your warm, loving feelings will probably return as soon as this trying energy passes, so don't waste time feeling anxious that this is the way it's always going to be. It's just a phase!

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Sun opposite Sun

Opposites attract and repel

This one could go either way. You're operating under a strange and interesting energy, and it could either make you feel uncomfortable or it could leave you feeling excited, turned on and tuned in! It all depends on you. You might be attracted at this time to someone who's really different from you, and you'll be simultaneously annoyed by and drawn to those differences. Whether this will be a relationship that lasts remains to be seen. Some folks thrive on connections with people who challenge and stimulate them, but other people like to be more comfortable. Which type are you? If you fall into the second category, you might want to wait a week or two before making contact with anyone new, because this period will probably leave you feeling out of sorts, and you'll be guarded around anyone who seems too different or unusual. But if you're into unique types who keep you on your toes, by all means, send that hottie an email or ask them out! Just don't expect to be two peas in a pod. The energy of this transit is all about an interesting, even uncomfortable challenge.

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Venus square Mars

Coming on too strong

You'll run the risk during this transit of coming on too strong, in whatever way that applies. if someone special catches your eye, you won't take no for an answer, even if they're clearly letting you know they're not interested in getting to know you! You're passionate and aggressive now, which isn't a bad thing in itself; the trouble could start when you push forward despite what the other person wants or thinks about it. After all, a flirtation or relationship involves two people, not just you and your desires. But you're so in touch with your desires right now that they might cloud what would normally be your better judgment. Another possibility during this transit is that, if there's someone special whom you've already been getting to know, you could get frustrated with them, likely for little or no reason, and you'll start an argument that should have been avoided. You're excitable and easily aroused now, ready to reach to anything. If you're attracted to someone who gets sparked up by high energy and open displays of passion, then this could actually be a fun transit for you both, but the likelihood is that you'll go too far and upset a potential sweetie.

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Mercury opposite Venus

A filter of your own making

You'll have a hard time seeing that special someone for who they are during this transit, which lasts less than two weeks -- thank goodness. You're in a head space in which all your romantic ideas about what you're looking for in love, or maybe it's all your insecurities about whether you're ever going to find it, are clouding your mind and your judgment, making it hard for you to look at people and relationships realistically. You might end up projecting whatever it is that you're looking for onto the object of your desires, whether or not it really fits who they are and what their intentions regarding you might be. Or you might feel down in the dumps, vulnerable and sure it's never going to happen for you...when really there's someone special waiting for you right around the corner. Either way is unfortunate, because you're not seeing reality; you're looking at the world through a filter of your own making. Instead of trying to slog through the mess of your communication and figure out who this person is and what they're looking for in love, you're probably better off just taking a week or so away from the dating game.

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Mercury square Pluto

Too much attention to detail

If you find yourself thinking about your potential sweetie with increasing frequency, take it as a sign that the obsessive, potentially destructive energy of this transit is getting to you. On the other hand, your obsessiveness could take a different form altogether: instead of talking openly and calmly with someone new, you could become intent on figuring out exactly who they are, and you'll pay way too much attention to the details and not enough to the overall picture they're presenting you. You might overanalyze a phone message or email from that special someone, wondering over and over, What did they mean by that? Why would they say such a thing? This is the kind of problem that requires a little perspective (or a lot), the kind you can only get from distance or from objective parties who know you well. Get a good, trusted friend's perspective before you start freaking out. If you're obsessing over someone, feeling like your attraction is bigger than anything else that's going on in your life, take it as a sign that you need to step back and pay attention to something else in order to bring things back into balance.

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Venus square Neptune

Fantasizing about the Perfect Love

If the dating scene falls short of your expectations during this transit, that's okay. You might be more easily satisfied by your daydreams and fantasies of the Perfect Love, anyway. Oftentimes the fantasy is better than the reality! If you do try to make contact with someone at this time, you'll probably idealize them to the point that they're way up on a pedestal, and they won't know how to get down. You could become really disappointed and disillusioned when you finally realize that they're just a normal, flawed person, so you might be better off just avoiding real relationships for now. There's nothing wrong with taking a week or two off to indulge your fantasies, and those fantasies could inspire you to have some really unrealistic expectations of love and real relationships. After all, even the best ones take work and maintenance, and you're probably just not in the mood for that now. You want to experience Perfect Love -- an ideal that you make up for yourself, and that can only exist in your imagination. So spend some time alone until your reason returns. Watch some romantic movies; take a bubble bath; pamper yourself and nurture your faith in love.

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Mercury opposite Sun

Delaying the inevitable

You might feel very intrigued by someone new at this time, and you'll want to get to know them. But for the week-plus span of this transit, you'll find it hard to make a good connection with them. You'll have opposite viewpoints on everything, from the small stuff, like what movies you love, to the big, important stuff, like what you're looking for in a romantic relationship. You run the risk at this time of projecting your own desires onto someone else, because you really, really want to find the love you're looking for! It might feel easier to try to make a square peg fit a round hole, so to speak, instead of doing the hard work of accepting that the two of you are just incompatible shapes. You should try hard to read all the right signals instead of misinterpreting them -- or missing them entirely. If you've got a gut feeling about someone that you're ignoring because you don't want to face the truth -- that it's probably not going to happen -- you're just delaying the inevitable. You might be better off to take a couple weeks off from the dating game. Or at least don't make any decisions one way or the other about someone new.

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Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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