An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born July 3, 1976 and Person 2, Born February 20, 1974:

When Love Hurts

How to Uncover Roadblocks in Your Relationship

That's where When Love Hurts report comes in. If you've been together for a while and things aren't looking quite so rosy anymore, When Love Hurts can help. 

After all, facing your problems is half the battle, but sometimes that's the hardest part. Not because you don't want to face them -- you do -- but because they mystify you. You try to get along with your honey, and you know they have good intentions too. Yet somehow, things just don't go as well as you'd like.
Read more....

Friction, Differences, and Karma Meters

The Friction, Differences and Karma Meters: every couple faces a certain set of challenges, and the number and type of challenges determine whether your relationship will be merely interesting or out-and-out difficult. At The Astrologer, we've broken down these challenges into three sections: sources of friction, the major differences between you, and the karmic ties from past lives that draw you together today.

On the first two meters, Friction and Differences, a score somewhere in the middle is probably best. Friction can be a good thing -- after all, the same energy that makes you lust after each other also makes you fight. And we all know that a good argument, like good sex, clears the air and lets you know your passion is alive! The same goes for differences between you in the ways that you think and view the world: These contrasts keep the relationship dynamic.

Karma, on the other hand, isn't such a great thing, even if your past-life bonds were positive ones. This lifetime is... Read more


= 9

7-10: Open warfare

4-6: The occasional dispute

0-3: Whatever you have to say dear

= 3

7-10: Who the $#@% are you, again?

4-6: Some interesting contrasts

0-3: Two Peas in a pod

= 2

7-10: New love, same old story

4-6: Total deja-vu

0-3: No past life ties (whew!)

Person 1, here is your When Love Hurts report


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Read below to find out where each planet was on July 3, 1976, and how your birth chart has shaped your personality and guided your decisions so far…

From Friction To Fulfillment

Mars square Venus

Emotional Junk Food

At its worst, your relationship is the emotional equivalent of junk food: good for some jollies, but with very little real meat to it. It is possible that one of you is in the relationship primarily because of your physical connection, while the other wants more of an emotional connection. If this describes your pairing, watch out, because such a mismatch of desires can lead to disaster. Jealousy is another area of trouble for the two of you, with both of you insecure that the other has a wandering eye. You may find yourself behaving in uncharacteristic ways: checking up on your partner, asking too many questions. In a weird way, the sexual heat of your relationship masks a rather cold center, and it can leave you feeling emotionally malnourished. Nonetheless, you are well-placed for growth if both of you are willing to work on the relationship. You need to shore up your confidence and learn to trust. Rather than demanding, learn to calm down and wait for what you want. You like action, but calm is what's needed here instead. Be kinder to each other and your love will grow in fertile soil.

Sun square Mars

Titanic Twosome

Of course your relationship has issues! The meeting of two such powerful personalities is bound to strike sparks. Your lover likely excites you like no other. This force of nature tends to be impulsive and fearless, lusty and straightforward, with a confidence that rivals your own. Together and apart you stride through your lives with a daring that others can only wonder at. When you are united you live a life writ large -- but unfortunately, your conflicts rival your passion. Titanic arguments, friction, a link that always seems to be teetering on self-destruction -- you never heard love was easy, but does it have to be this hard? One of you has to learn to give. You can't struggle over everything or you'll waste your prodigious energies just treading water rather than moving forward. And since you're the more gentle-natured, it's probably going to be you who has to accept what you cannot change. Stop hounding your lover over issues that are mere annoyances instead of true deal-breakers. If you can manage to quell your troublesome quibbling, you and your lover could really have something special.

Mercury square Mars

Couple of Hotheads

You and your sweetie have a problem: You're both hotheaded. Easy to insult and quick to criticize, you fight over the silliest things, and pursue each battle to the death. Have you been turning the cold shoulder to your partner? These problems are at the very root of your pairing. Though your connection is passionate and intense, it's also inclined to tumult, since both of you tend to view a difference of opinion as a threat to your egos. In addition, you may find yourself cursed with a curious compulsion to blurt out the most inappropriate things -- or a habit of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. You're going to have to work at it if you want this one to be a go. You'll never meld together smoothly if you don't put some time in. Schedule regular time to sit down calmly and work on your issues. If the urge strikes to have a rager, resolve to table the issue until your next meeting instead. If you can get a little distance and gain a little perspective, you both can learn to appreciate what the other has to give.

Mars square Jupiter

A Bad Influence?

There's something unhealthy about this relationship, and you're just beginning to realize it. What are the unsavory acts or emotions your lover draws from you? Your worst side is emphasized in your sweetie's presence. You become more aggressive, temperamental, egotistical and impatient when you are together, while your lover's tendency towards laziness and excess seems to swell when you're around. It's likely that the two of you have accumulated debt together (perhaps credit card debt, gained from your tendency to spend too much on fripperies), and that you have difficulty keeping to a budget. Even worse, your sharply dissonant views on matters like beliefs, ethics, politics and education makes it difficult for you to find common ground. Nonetheless, there is opportunity here for a fine connection. You share a certain drive and passion, and are both equally openhearted and loving. If you can find a way to compromise, a way to look past your differences and create new habits that serve you both rather than creating problems, this could be a very solid and sweet relationship indeed.

Sun square Uranus

Inconstant Love

You're having that sick feeling in your gut again, aren't you? Your lover is slipping away, fading out, losing interest in you. You may even be checking for signs of infidelity -- you know, going through pockets, calling your lover at odd times hoping you won't find out something underhanded's been going on. But you knew you'd be here when you started, didn't you? Isn't this the same old pattern for you? You always choose inconstant lovers who keep you on your toes, probably because at some level you don't want to find someone who'll really hang around and challenge you. But buck up. All is not lost. You can still pull this thing out, depending on your willingness to bite a few bullets. You won't ever find ease and contentment with your sweetie, but you can still have something lasting -- not to mention a lusty connection so hot that it makes up for a great number of deficiencies. Learn to play it a little cooler. Confidence is sexy, so display some. The more you learn to draw your lover hither fearlessly rather than leading with your insecure side, the less you'll have to worry about abandonment.

Saturn square Pluto

Hot and Cold

When your relationship is on, it's so on. You're passionate and intense, attracted to each other beyond all reason, which is probably why you've been acting like one possessed. But on the other hand, when your pairing's gone sour, it's very, very nasty. Arguments erupt over things large and small: paying the bills, where to go to dinner, where your relationship is headed. You whine and sulk; your partner regards you with unsympathetic distaste. You've never been one to carry on emotionally, but something about this partnership brings out your weak, cringing, easily-wounded side. It feels as if your mate has all the power, and all you can do is cause irritation like a small stinging insect.If this partnership is to last you simply must learn to give yourself the same respect you give your partner. Stop seeing yourself as unimportant and useless. Demand equal time, and equal rights. You may think you're throwing everything away by standing up to your lover, but paradoxically you'll win the love and respect you crave, the love and respect you never could and never will win by begging.

Mercury square Uranus

An Interesting Life

There's an old Chinese proverb that goes like this: 'May you live in interesting times.' On the surface it seems like a blessing. But you of all people can confirm that it can also be a curse. The one who's claimed your heart is exciting all right -- and completely unpredictable. You could come home at night to find your lover's changed the curtains in the living room or oh, changed careers and made plans to move to Antarctica. You like excitement as much as the next person, but this is ridiculous. You're having a lot of trouble managing the day-to-day problems, because who has time to figure out what day to visit Uncle Fred in the hospital when you're arguing over giant life-changing issues.But you're going to have to roll with it if you're going to make this thing work. Don't ask for stability from a live wire. Instead, enjoy the passion and intensity that's the silver lining of the rather dramatic life you've chosen. You may not have quiet nights snuggling on the sofa, but you will have the kind of love relationship that makes for great stories -- and great highs.

Friend or Foe?

Saturn opposite Sun

Critics and Cranks

A fly on the wall of your love relationship would have no idea why either of you continue on. You view your lover as lazy, arrogant and self-indulgent; your lover looks at you as a negative ol' kill-joy. Neither of you are shy about sharing those viewpoints, either. Each of you tries to play the part of the stern adult, chastising the wayward child. It's fun to feel so above it all, but you're both so busy criticizing each other that you can't see your own role in your problems. You complain and you kvetch, but nothing gets solved. Aren't you sick of being stuck in the same old rut?If so, you're going to have to make some changes. If you keep banging on the same doors, you're going to get the same answer. Try shaking things up instead. Change your attitudes and try taking some direction from your mate. Loosen up. Laugh. Put work off and just have fun. You may be surprised at how much you enjoy yourself -- and how that enjoyment translates into a sweeter, more harmonious connection between you and your mate. You have the power to get things started -- don't let foolish pride stand in your way.

Saturn opposite Mercury

Serious Meets Slick

You've been hearing a laundry list of your failures, have you not? You're stiff. Serious. Absolutely no fun. A pain in the tush. And depressing to boot. It would all be unforgivable, if it weren't true. But your partner's no prize pig either, cursed with the knack of always saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, embarrassing you in front of friends and coworkers. What's interesting about the pair of you is that you hate in each other what you fear in yourselves. Your mate is well aware of a certain tendency towards sloth and slack, and hates the way your drive and stick-to-itiveness points up those failings. Meanwhile, you recognize in yourself a lack of lightness and fun.Instead of criticizing each other for what you lack, why not pass on your strengths? If you can bend a little, you can take on a few of your partner's quick, easy ways, be a little easier to approach. You could have more fun, in many areas of your life. Your mate, on the other hand, could stand a little more discipline and responsibility. Stop resisting. Relax. There's nothing that'll harm you here.

Why Are We Involved, Again?

Mars quincunx Pluto


It's no use fitting a square peg into a round hole, they say, but that hasn't stopped you from trying to nitpick your lover into submission. You're the sign of aggression and energy. That's usually a good thing. But in this case your drive has gone awry. Your irresistible force has come up against an immovable object: your stern, sexy, stubborn love. You're convinced you can change your sweetie into just the person you'd like to be with. Can't you see that all your demands are getting you nowhere? Rather than comply with your directives, your lover pulls away. You view this retreat as a challenge, and push harder. And thus a cycle is set up, The more you chase, the further away your lover gets.It's time you cooled your jets a little. Back off. Give your lover a break. Your way is not THE way, and you don't know everything. Maybe if you spent a bit more time trying to understand the way your lover does things, rather than demanding everything be your way, you could channel some of that extra energy into fun and passion rather than draining it all away with anger.

Mars quincunx Neptune

Deep Water

There's something odd here, something unhealthy beneath the surface. Are you or your lover dealing with issues around addictions? Is one of you being unfaithful to the other? Are problems from the past making themselves known right now? There's something going on, but it's difficult to grasp and really figure out -- it could be that you're not looking honestly at your problems, that you're ignoring what you see and just blithely focusing on day-to-day issues. Look a little deeper. Is there something your lover has been telling you in their actions but not with words? It's difficult for you, the straight-ahead communicator, to read signs and vibes. But you're going to have to learn, and fast, because something's gone wrong between you and your sweetie.Once you figure out what the problem is, it's best to face it squarely. Bring it out into the light and it won't seem so mysterious and looming. Ask questions. Listen to the answers. It's not that your lover means to withhold information, it's just that you're so intimidating at times. Your problems aren't insurmountable, just difficult -- and figuring out what you have to work with is your first step.

The Ties That Bind

No conjunctions

Enjoying Togetherness and Apartness

There's glue, and then there's glue. Elmer's versus epoxy, Velcro versus nails. Fortunately, with no difficult conjunctions between you, your relationship is bound by the easy-to-separate type of togetherness, not the wild-horses-couldn't-drag-us-apart variety. Now, don't misunderstand: This is not to say that there's not a strong connection between you. But it's nice, isn't it, to be able to take the occasional separate vacation; to enjoy your own interests without your partner feeling threatened; to be two distinct individuals who choose to hang out together. Compare this to the joined-at-the-hip, can't-bear-to-be-apart couple. Don't you always wonder about them? What do they think will happen if they're not together for an entire evening, much less a day or even a week?Separation is not a problem for you two; in fact, you may do it by choice on a regular basis. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and this is surely true of you and your partner. You take great joy in sharing your individual experiences, as well as in spending time together. If anything, you might have to make it a point to schedule in time to be together! You may each be so wrapped up in your own orbit that you suddenly realize that days or even weeks have gone by without you two sharing a full day together.Don't let that happen. Use the previous sections of this report to discover the challenges of your relationship, which so often turn out to be opportunities for growth and development. You two have chosen to be together, and likewise, you can choose to grow together.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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