An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born January 12, 1979 and Person 2, Born July 3, 1973:

The Break-Up Guide

Reveal the Hidden Forces Behind Why it Didn't Last




Each of you contributed at least a few less-than-desirable qualities to this relationship that made it difficult for you to get along.

While you were probably able to outline your lover's failings complete with bulleted points and subheadings, you may not have realized that some of your character traits brought out the worst in them.

That's not to say that all your relationship problems were your fault, any more than they were all theirs.

No two people are a perfect match; every couple has areas that need work.

But some relationships function better than others, and the stars are a good place to look for answers regarding the issues you had as a couple.

Forewarned might have been forearmed.

Friction, Differences, and Karma Meters

The Friction, Differences and Karma Meters: remember how perfect things seemed back in the beginning?

Or maybe you can't even recall those glorious early days, when the future looked rosy and the possibilities for your relationship seemed limitless.

What was it that broke the two of you up, anyway?

The answer to that question is complex and multilayered, to be sure.

Had you known what your relationship trouble spots were, then you could have been better prepared to take one of three routes; avoid them as best as you could, worked through them as a team, or decided it just wasn’t worth the trouble and move on.

Your Friction, Differences and Karma meters give you a quick, at-a-glance view of the strife in your previous relationship -- all the sources of irritation, stress and hostility that ultimately led to that final goodbye.

This information can help you come to terms with your breakup, but also make you aware of pitfalls you may encounter in the future.


= 6

7-10: Ouch -- you might still be bitter

4-6: You both knew which buttons to push

0-3: The Problem? A lack of passion.

= 6

7-10: You never got each other from day one.

4-6: Your differences were eye-opening... until they got annoying!

0-3: You could still be friends

= 6

7-10: It was doomed from the start.

4-6: Unconsciously, you both acted out old issues.

0-3: At least you made new mistakes instead of repeating old ones.

Person 1, here is your The Break-Up Guide report


illustrates your basic commonalities
tells your basic differences
indicates how well you get along with one another
shows what each of you brings to the relationship


shows how you communicate with each other
reveals who is the thinker & who is the feeler
helps you understand each other’s communication style


reveals your connection to each other
indicates how each other prefers to receive love
highlights how both of you express love


represents the physical bond you share
reveals each other’s desires and impulses
shows how each person expresses frustration


highlights the non-negotiable values held by each of you
shows what is important to each person
indicates whether the relationship will grow


challenges the relationship
unveils each other's shortcomings
demonstrates where extra effort is needed in the relationship


uncovers each other’s rebellious side
points out the unique qualities each person brings to the relationship
shows how the two of you have fun


rules the psychic connection you have to each other
reveals how you help each other grow
indicates if a relationship is a spiritual one


reveals each person’s greatest fears
indicates opportunities for change
demonstrates the self-transformation the relationship brings to both of you
Read below to find out where each planet was on the day of your birth and how it has shaped your personality and guided your decisions so far

The War Zone

Mars square Mars

Two Egoists Met

You met your match, a lover as brilliant and magnetic as you are. So why did you get so pissed off? It seemed like your lover was always trying to steal your thunder. If you had big news, your mate found a way to top it; if you were getting attention, your mate stepped all over it. You both tended to boss each other around; there were constant arguments over how to do every little thing. You picked fights over the stupidest things, and other people may have told you that your simmering anger made you difficult to be around.This kind of conflict dimmed your light. When you were constantly using your powers to block your partner, you shifted your energies away from your own goals. That was a mistake. What might you have done differently? Been the bigger person. If you had freely given your lover more attention and credit, they would have stopped agitating so fiercely. The ego flare-ups would have died down and you would have felt that 'us against the world, honey' feeling again. If your dueling energies were conserved, even joined, the pair of you could have accomplished great things together. It would have taken energy to get the ball rolling -- but the payoff could have been splendid. Keep that in mind for next time.

Jupiter square Venus

Failure of Appreciation

You can be a real pain in the butt, and we couldn't blame your sweetie for booting you right out the door. You pushed your luck too far. The fact of the matter was that you chose a lover who didn't harmonize with you naturally. They tended towards the indulgent: fine food, good wine (and plenty of it!), and abundant socializing while your more discerning, intellectual nature cried out for weightier stimulation. You craved a lover who could talk and argue and analyze as well as experience and enjoy. So, feeling stifled in your relationship, you took it out on the one person who loved you more than any other, which just wasn't fair.Had you squashed your desire to lecture and hector, you could have made it past the rough period. Though you refused to see it, you two actually brought out the best in each other -- you were drawn out of your ivory tower, while your lover's self-indulgent tendencies were curbed in your presence, whether you realized it or not. You should have tried to give your lover a break; stopped trying to control, to change them. Ultimately, the love you wanted was already in your hands. Next time, remember to appreciate what you've got when you've got it.

Mars square Neptune


Hmm, now this was an odd pairing. An assertive force linked with the watery dreamer. Opposites attracted, huh? It was likely you were befuddled and bewitched by your lover's mysteries. You couldn't see clearly where the two of you were, and it tweaked both your ego and your intellect. That was all fine and good, but there was a dark side to your pairing. One or both of you was repeating unhealthy patterns, bringing leftovers from the past into your relationship. There may have been issues around addictions -- to drugs, to alcohol, to unwholesome behavior of many kinds. And worst of all, your relationship was insubstantial, misty, a thing composed of passionate nights that crumbled to dust under day-to-day stresses.To make this work, you needed to let some sunlight into your relationship. Stop subsisting on passion alone, and start actually getting to know the lover you chose. Talked about your dreams, make plans. Make sure you were both moving in the same direction. This relationship could have brought good in you, but you had to be willing to put in some work instead of just drifting along like two balloons buffeted by every wind. Next time, you might prefer a more grounded pairing.

Jupiter square Jupiter

The Pompous Pair

Both of you viewed the other as rather pompous and arrogant. The irony? You saw your lover's delusions of grandeur but didn't recognize your own. You were every bit as stuck on yourself as your lover was. Why was it you couldn't see that you despised the parts of your lover that mirrored your own? Was it too painful to face? Or did you simply believe your way was the way and anyone who disagreed must be a fool? It was likely that you and your lover had widely disparate views on moral issues and ethics, and that you were both somewhat foolish with money. Credit card debt may have plagued you, as may a certain lack of motivation. You both meant well, but you egged each other's unrealistic dreams on, instead of pushing each other to perform.But underneath all the bickering, you two were well-matched. If you could have mustered a little tolerance (instead of demanding your lover toe your line), you could even have learned a lot from each other. By accepting each other, you could have expanded your world view and gotten along better with people in general. It required flexibility, sacrifice, and patience, but the work you put in would have paid off, and quickly too.

You Didn't See Eye to Eye

Venus opposite Venus

Sweetums! Dearest!

If you two had been a personal ad, you'd have been the one awash in verbiage about cozy cuddles by the fire and sunset walks on the beach. You snuggled and cooed -- I love you hunny-bunny! Not half as much as I love you, cutsie-wootsie! All that warm-puppy love was sweet, but you were making everyone else at the table sick, particularly since they saw through the act. The truth was that you two were much more in love with love than you were with each other, and that you spent so much time polishing your adoring-lovers act that you didn't truly get to know each other. Had you two wanted to make this work out, you needed to drop the syrup, and start doing some real work. You guys liked each other, right? Well, right? If you had to pause before answering that question, there was a reason why. Did you share values? Where did you see this relationship going? A few discussions should have gotten things started. It would have been difficult, to be sure, to puncture the sweet pink balloon you were living in, but it was a dream world, one that should have been replaced with something solid and dependable.

Mercury opposite Venus

There Was Much to Gain

It's not that either of you meant to be unkind -- it was just that it seemed so hard to understand each other at times. You were all logic and reasoning; your sweetie was all sensual good living. It was hard to find a place in the middle, as attracted as you felt to your delicious mate. Your lover may have viewed you as cold and unemotional, while you may have be impatient with what you viewed as your lover's laziness and oversensitivity. You got sick of catering to your sweetie's emotional whims. You felt like you needed air. You were tired of intending no harm yet causing offense. And you were sick of being pressured to share in your mate's whirlwind social life.The answer was compromise. Your lover was very different than you, and there was something to learn from that as well as much to gain. You could have let your lover's sweet, loving nature be a balm on your soul. Or learned from your mate how to connect more deeply with others, and tried to be more accepting of what you viewed as shortcomings. There was much here of value; hopefully you didn't throw it away without deep, deep thought.

Mars opposite Mercury

Frustration Station

You loved your sweetie. That was the first disclaimer you made when discussing your many relationship problems with your friends. But ooh, you just got so irritated! Your lover was apt to yak and yak, at inappropriate times -- you couldn't read a newspaper or watch a movie without being interrupted by a flood of chatter. Even more annoying, much of the babble concerned your lover's big plans and soaring dreams. At first it was cute, but then it wasn't. You got fed up with hearing about goals that would never be realized, dreams that would never come to fruition. Your lover was all talk and no action, and you were all about energy, movement and force. All the inactivity made you feel stultified and angry. If you were going to get along, you needed to take things slowly. Your partner viewed you as aggressive and kinda mean, and there was a reason for that. Take a good hard look at yourself. Were you a partner or a parent? You were often impatient and inconsiderate. You needed to think of your lover's feelings before you spoke and acted. Instead you let your annoyance color your dealings. You spoiled what could have been so very good. Remember what they say: Patience is a virtue. You'll be more virtuous in your next relationships, won't you?

Mars opposite Jupiter

Competitive Honesty

Is there such a thing as being too straightforward? Too honest? Expressing your opinion so bluntly that you spare no thought for how it may sound to the person you're talking to? You may well have gotten such feedback from your partner, who told you straightforwardly, honestly, and so bluntly that it may have hurt your feelings. Not that it stopped you from smart-ass responses. And this was the nature of your relationship: you egged each other on, drove each other to excess, escalated the situation for good or for ill, no holds barred. Your conversations became a contest to see who could say the most shocking thing, who could raise the most eyebrows. The energy between you two would have been best diverted to activities other than competitive verbal-arrow-slinging. You two needed to get physical, and not just in the sack. You needed to get out there; horseback riding, a spin on a bicycle built for two, a martial arts class. Had you found a useful outlet for all the oomph you two created when you were together, things might have gone a little better. The energy you two made was a valuable natural resource -- but you didn't appreciate it or use it wisely. Everyone would have benefited if you did.

This Was Not Your Destiny

Sun quincunx Mercury

This Was An Awkward Mix

A day late and a dollar short. Does that about cover it? There were so many good things about your relationship, but for whatever reason you couldn't quite seem to make it all hang together. You found your lover intriguing, oh yes, indeed, but you couldn't seem to get comfortable. There were awkward pauses in your conversation. You didn't get each other's jokes. You couldn't make that comfortable connection that makes staying together seem more natural and easy than splitting up.It may have seemed as if inevitable doom was in your forecast, but that wasn't necessarily so. Individuals can triumph over the obstacles that make the path of their true love rocky, and you and your sweetie could have been star-crossed lovers who persevered. What would have spelled success? A connection so strong that it made working a little harder well worth it. Did you feel you couldn't live without the love you shared? If so, you could have learned to be flexible. If you had taken an interest in your sweetie's passions and played down the things you didn't share, you would have found that things ran more smoothly -- eventually.

Sun quincunx Jupiter

There Was Sweet Confusion

You chose yourself such a sweet-natured lover, didn't you? Kindhearted, loving, lovable. Your family approved, your friends were big fans, everyone told you how lucky you were to have landed this fine fish. So why didn't you just relax and enjoy yourself? The unease you felt was beneath the surface, almost unconscious, and you couldn't quite put your finger on it. Everything looked great on paper. You shared so many qualities, including a certain integrity, a desire to be genuinely good and helpful to others. Why couldn't seem to connect? Your relationship felt forced, strained. You struggled to make conversation. You just couldn't relax. What you feared in your heart of hearts was, unfortunately, the case -- yours was not a love that would ever run smoothly. You could never have relaxed into easy contentment with this person. The fundamental problem you glimpsed never dissipated. But there was much to draw you together. There was much that originally attracted you to your lover, including that expansive sense of humor. Had it been worth enough to you both, you might have found a way to work around the rough spots. You each meant well, though, and that counts for a lot.

Saturn quincunx Jupiter

Burdens and Obligations

You were always the kind of lover your mates bragged about to their moms -- reliable, sensible, stable, loyal. But something about this lover turned your usual style upside down. You felt burdened by what you viewed as your obligation to them. You also carried guilt from bad choices you made in the past, and that guilt carried over into this relationship, causing you to take on more responsibility and commitment than you really felt ready for.But why blame your mate for your own bad choices? Obligations weren't placed upon you. You took them on yourself. If you didn't want to be burdened, you should just have said so. You could have sought the advice of friends, who might have helped you clarify what you wanted and what you should have rejected. Then you could have picked and chosen; said no to some things, yes to others. You should have give in to your lover on some matters, but insisted on your own way elsewhere. It wasn't comfortable for you, speaking your mind. It may have brought on a difficult transitional period, but at the end of it your lover would have known --and adored -- the real you. Before that can happen, though, you have to love yourself. There's plenty to love, so get started!

Jupiter quincunx Uranus

Not Quite Stable

Hmm. Yours was a strange relationship, all right. Your lover was sexy for sure; compelling and exciting and quite attractive. Whenever you introduced your friends, you always heard what a hottie you had bagged. But there was something unstable. Something restless. Your lover couldn't seem to settle down and just be into you; there was always a sense that they had a roving eye -- and it may even have landed on a friend of yours, or so you feared. You couldn't get comfortable. You couldn't relax. You felt like you had to be on guard to be in control.But there was no controlling this one. And that was also the fun of it. It was kind of cool to be on your toes, to be forced into being your best self rather than relaxing into your typical self-indulgent laziness. You found just what you wanted -- something exciting, something that brought out your competitive side. You had to chase, which quickened your blood. But you didn't go with it. You couldn't expect to wrestle your love to the ground. If you had wanted this to last, you needed to hang on and enjoy the tumult; yours was the kind of love songs are written about. Next time you'll sing a better song.

Maybe You Were Too Similar (or Not)

No conjunctions

Not Enough Glue

There's glue, and then there's glue. Elmer's versus epoxy, Velcro versus nails. Your relationship was bound by the easy-to-separate type of togetherness, not the wild-horses-couldn't-drag-us-apart variety. Now, don't misunderstand: This is not to say that there was not a strong connection between you. But you were able to take the occasional separate vacation; to enjoy your own interests without your partner feeling threatened; to be two distinct individuals who chose to hang out together. Compare this to the joined-at-the-hip, can't-bear-to-be-apart couple. Didn't you always wonder about them? What did they think would happen if they weren't together for an entire evening, much less a day or even a week?Separation was not a problem for you two; in fact, you may have done it by choice on a regular basis. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and this was surely true of you and your partner. You took great joy in sharing your individual experiences, as well as in spending time together. If anything, you might have had to make it a point to schedule in time to be together! You may each have been involved in your own orbits that you suddenly realized that days or even weeks had gone by without you two sharing a full day together.You shouldn't have let that happen. You needed to discover the challenges of your relationship, which so often can turn out to be opportunities for growth and development. You two had chosen to be together, and likewise, you could have chosen to grow together.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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