An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born April 30, 1975:

Birthday Forecast

Your Personalized Birthday Forecast

This is considered to be your own personal New Year, and it's known as the Solar Return. Astrologers have found that if you study the positioning of all the planets at that moment -- their relationships to each other and their placements in the signs -- you can gain insight into the upcoming year, until the Sun returns again.

As you may have noticed, most people tend to feel pretty good on their birthdays, and that's because of the positioning of the Sun. 
Read more....

Planetary Bar Graphs: Your Year at a Glance

Your Year at a Glance: what's the unique focus of your year ahead, specifically from a romantic point of view? This handy bar graph reveals your personal themes for the coming twelve months.

Each year marks a new and different phase of your life. What are your goals for this year? What would you like to learn or accomplish? What opportunities will arise for you this year, at work or in love? Your Solar Return report answers these questions more in depth, but this bar graph provides a quick view into the focus of your next year of life.

Based on that snapshot of the planets' positions at the exact moment of your Solar Return, the graph reveals the themes of your very own New Year. The more heavily featured planets in your Solar Return chart are the ones that will figure large over the next year. If Mercury makes lots of aspects with other planets, for example, this will be a big year for you in terms of communication and education. You might write a book or go back to school. If Venus makes several significant aspects, this could be a big year for you in love!

Sun - Recognition and Rewards

In astrology, the Sun reflects your core self, including your own sense of self as well as recognition and appreciation from others. Recognition, after all, can come from formal, outside sources, such as a raise at work or a trophy for winning the game; from more intimate outside sources, such as your friends or partner... Read more


Mercury - Mind Expansion

Mercury represents your intellect, the way you process information, and your interest in learning, teaching and communicating. Schoolwork, reading, writing, debates, lectures and conversations all fall within Mercury's domain. If your Mercury line is...Short: Either learning and study just aren't the focus for you this year... Read more


Mars - Ambition and Desire

Mars represents your drive, including the ambitious variety as well as the sexy kind. Whether it's a relationship, a job, a new home or car, if you want it and pursue it, you've got Mars behind you, helping to push you toward your goal. If your Mars line is...Short: There's plenty of time to get ahead, and you know it. This year... Read more


Jupiter - Travel and Finding Truth

Jupiter is all about expansion and philosophy. This planet pushes you to broaden your experience as well as your intellect, to push further beyond your own boundaries than ever before. If your Jupiter line is...Short: Whether it's due to tight funds or a jam-packed schedule, the most you may be able to manage this year is a few... Read more


Saturn - Responsibility and Restriction

Saturn acts as your conscience and your stern taskmaster. This planet reminds you that you'd better stop goofing off, start working hard and take care of those responsibilities. If your Saturn line is...Short: You won't feel hemmed in this year by duties or self-discipline. Instead, you've got the freedom you need to go where... Read more


Your Stress and Relaxation Ratings

On your birthday, everyone wishes you a wonderful year ahead. But what's it really going to be like? It can't all be a barrel of monkeys. We've created these meters to give you that at-a-glance view you need of your year ahead.

The Stress meter measures the potential for obstacles in the coming year. Whether it's one trouble spot after another or you've got a free ticket to Easy Street, remember that every hurdle life tosses up in your path presents a lesson. That's what life is all about -- jumping through hoops, growing and learning.
The Relaxation meter measures the easy times ahead -- those days and weeks when you'll have a smile on your face and a spring in your step regardless of what's going on around you. Though you may think you want a high Relaxation score and a low Stress one, it's actually best if you come out somewhere in the middle on both meters. That way, your year will be fun, interesting and complex -- just like you!... Read more


Stress = 5

7-10: One thing after another and no end in sight

4-6: Some bumps on the road, but nothing you can't handle

0-3: Living on Easy Street!

Relaxation = 4

7-10: Even when life gets hectic, you still know how to chill

4-6: You'll work hard and play hard too

0-3: Schedule a massage - you're going to need it!

Person 1, here is your Birthday Forecast report


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your private life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions
reveals what truly motivates you in all areas of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values
guides you on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life
reveals your karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Read below to find out where each planet will be on your birthday and how each planet will guide your decisions for the next year

Recognition and Rewards: The Sun

Sun quincunx Mars

Discover the art of compromise

You just won't give up without a fight, will you? That could mean a whole year of fighting, if you're not careful. Your mission now, should you choose to accept it (and it's highly recommended), is to focus on tact. Your tendencies will be toward instant reaction; but the situations will rarely be what you think they are, and people will rarely be making the attacks that you hear. You're going to have to remember to maintain constant vigilance -- no matter what the circumstance, you'll need to step back, take a deep breath, count to ten and then consider what just occurred, and only then can you even think of reacting.Any and all relationships could be strained, so you'll have to be extra careful when it comes to romance. As much as you may not want to compromise, you're going to have to force yourself to do it, if you want to keep a partner happy (and nearby). Your work and family relations will require the same level of effort. You'll feel challenged this year, but, clich as this might sound, it'll strengthen you. By this time next year, you'll have the potential to be a much more well-rounded person.

Mind Expansion: Mercury

Mercury in Sagittarius

Journey of understanding

Yours is a journey of understanding. There is no map, and there is no destination. Yet you will continue on with your trip enjoying the opportunities for growth and learning that will be presented to you. You will have the ability to grasp lofty concepts and ideas, and you'll be fascinated by the history of ideas, beliefs and philosophies. It will be your intent to soak up as much information as you can these next 12 months in order to help put your own beliefs into context.Sharing your beliefs will also play a critical role in the year ahead. Explaining ideas to others around you will help you develop a deeper awareness of the world. Consider writing out and publishing your thoughts as another effort to help people (and yourself) come to terms with the many concepts floating through your head. Be sure you allow your thinking to remain flexible at all times, though, regardless of the direction your knowledge takes. Letting yourself get caught up in the fundamentals of one idea will be a waste of your mental capacities. If you get stuck, then move on to something else. There will always be time to come back later, if necessary.

Mercury opposite Jupiter

Meet your own expectations

It can be so tempting to twist the truth a bit so it fits you better -- but this will not work out in your favor in the end. Your words may be especially powerful for the next 12 months, but that does not mean it's all right for you to take advantage of others or to outright lie. This will be a time to practice constraint and to realize your full potential without resorting to unethical means.You'll have rather lofty ideals -- one of the reasons embellishment seems so reasonable -- but this could make it a bit more difficult for you to see some of the smaller details that are involved in whatever you're working on. Be sure you don't start to think of yourself as above the details. The whole picture is important, but it's made up of all of the smaller pieces, and if you neglect them, the end result could be less than perfect. Instead, remain true to those lofty ideals of yours, and only accept the best from yourself; and if that means that you have to deal with some pesky details on your own, so be it. And while your focus is on being the best you can, remember not to expect anything more of others than you do of yourself.

Mercury square Saturn

Mind over matter

The power of the mind is one of the most impressive powers in existence, and mind over matter will be a theme for you this year. It will be far too easy for you to slip into a negative frame of mind and suddenly discover that everything around you is bad. Your challenge will be to foster only positive thoughts to create a more pleasant world in which you can live.Pessimism, combined with the inability to stick with anything through to the end, could easily be your most dangerous foe. If you don't believe something can happen, then it probably can't. Even worse, these unpleasant thoughts could manifest themselves as your biggest fears coming to life. And yet, really, it's all in your mind. You must work to rid yourself of these negative perceptions, or they could start to affect your relationships as well. Your communications could suffer if you're not careful because you'll likely come across as cold, cross, and unfeeling.Try not to let these events get you down. There are aspects to this year that will certainly be difficult, but you must remember that this is only one year of your life. While things may seem hard for a time, you're learning valuable lessons, which could offer you solace later on.

Love and Romance: Venus

Venus in Aquarius

Unconventional love

Though your love will be quite desired, you may be slow to hand it out. Yours will be an almost untouchable emotion, keeping all those who want you at bay. You may be willing to share your love with many, from time to time, but you will become very detached when it comes to offering your affections to just one special person. You might be better off channeling your feelings into assisting the community, where many can share your warmth. This will also offer you a great sense of self-worth. Devote yourself to creative projects that will require enormous amounts of vision and originality. Your mind will be unique and unpredictable, and anything you create will be equally fascinating. One of your major weaknesses though, will be a lack of staying power. You'll pick up an exciting project, but you could lose interest in it very quickly. This same issue will likely pop up in the romance department too. Few people will be able to hold your attention long enough for a real relationship to form. Or, if you're already part of a couple, you'll struggle to not get bored with someone you once found so fascinating. Try to hang on and wait this out before making any rash moves or decisions.

Venus square Uranus

The challenge of a detached love

There are people out there who are stable and dependable and do exactly as society expects of them. And then there's you. The next 12 months will see you doing everything in your power (intentionally or not) to be different, and, well, weird. You'll be torn between searching for total freedom, and kind of wanting someone to share life with you. If you don't realize your desire for freedom, you could just end up unreliable, breaking dates at the last minute because 'something' just isn't right.You'll feel very detached, both romantically and sexually, and it will take someone of high intelligence to keep you interested. In fact, you'll probably need to meet someone as odd and kinky as you, if you're going to get anywhere with a relationship. Try to find someone who also has a similar need for space so they won't take it personally when you need to just up and leave for a couple days. Short vacations like that could be just what the doctor ordered to help you out mentally -- and escape from your reality could give you some perspective. Remember that pushing people away isn't going to help you any -- see if those closest to you can help you understand what it is you need.

Ambition and Desire: Mars

Mars in Leo

The good fight

The battle between good and evil is one that is constantly fought. You, yourself, are a bottle of vibrant and positive energy that's just itching to get out and combat any negative influences in your world. Well, have no fear: The opportunity has arrived. This will be a year rife with negative factors and you will eagerly take on every single one. By your next birthday, the warrior in you will be able to walk away, pleased with all the hard work that's been accomplished.Your direction will be strong as long as you remember to follow your heart. It is there that you'll find your biggest supporter, and you must listen to what your heart tells you at all times. If you don't stray, you will continue down the path of enjoyment. Your love life will be quite pleasurable and sex could be especially fun and steamy. You'll want to find a lover who will appreciate your animal instincts, but also know how and when to tame you. If you begin to head down a darker path led by your ego, you'll notice the effects immediately as you'll find yourself staunchly defending positions that you know you can't really justify. Allow your heart to guide you, and you can't go wrong.

Mars retrograde

A Shift in Energy

Have you ever taken a close look at how you assert yourself or at what gets you motivated? Well, you're about to. And there's a very good chance that whatever got you going in the past is about to change. Something will come up this year that will create some sort of block in your flow of energy, and you'll find that whatever you used to do to keep yourself fired up won't work. That will be your cue that it's time to reassess your actions.Your energy levels will likely go through a complete transformation. If you usually have low levels of energy, they'll increase, and if your energy levels are higher, they'll probably decrease. In either case, you need to pay attention to what's caused these changes in an effort to duplicate the effect or create the opposite. You'll feel a push-pull going on, as you'll have both a desire to put yourself out there and a yearning to become more introspective. Turn this dichotomy to your advantage and focus on the ways in which you draw attention to yourself and get yourself motivated. See what you can learn from your current methods and improve upon them -- or change it all up entirely.

Mars trine Neptune

Charitable directions

Though you may not realize it yet, you have the potential to influence large groups of people. The two areas where you'll see the greatest affects will be entertainment and charity. If you think those have nothing to do with each other, think again. One of the most useful things you can do for someone is provide them the occasional healthy escape from life -- it's no coincidence that people who couldn't afford anything during the depression still managed to get into movies, or that this was one of Hollywood's most successful eras.If you wanted to get into the entertainment industry, this will be a great year because you'll have the necessary aggression and persistence to get your foot in the door. Your fantasy world will be strong, and your ability to motivate yourself will be even stronger. You'll have a natural dramatic ability, so go out for a local production if Hollywood seems too far away. If you'd like to help out where you are (as you likely will), take some time to work at a volunteer organization or charity. You'll have an uncanny knowledge of what other people need, and your skills as a negotiator will help guarantee that they get it. Regardless of which direction you take, you'll be sure to come out successful by the time you reach your next birthday.

Mars opposite Pluto

Conflicts and manipulations

You want so desperately to be yourself, to be an individual. Yet the harder you try to go it alone this year, the harder a time you'll have. One of the biggest lessons you'll need to learn will be that not everything is about you. You need to consider others as well, or you could end up in jealous, possessive relationships or in power struggles with nearly everyone you come across.In fact, you may find that people almost seem to be trying to goad you with their intense interactions. Look beyond what you see on the surface and into the true soul of the person with whom you're communicating. There's a good chance that what you perceive as manipulation will actually be nothing more than your own projection -- something of your own creation. If you don't realize this, you'll likely respond with anger and aggression in an attempt to feel in control -- but you'll never have control if you can't even see what's really going on.It would also be wise for you to remember that the results do not always justify the means. Though it may be difficult, you'll need to put yourself in everyone else's shoes before you make any comments. If you wouldn't like to hear what you're about to say, then you should probably just keep your mouth closed.

Travel and Finding Truth: Jupiter

Jupiter in Gemini

Expansive mind

Mind expansion can be a wonderful thing. The more you know and the more you let your mind grow, the more success you'll have in this life. Your mind will be eager to expand itself to its capacity and beyond these next 12 months. The problem with this expansion will be a lack of depth. You'll be eager to cover as many topics as possible without getting far enough into them to have a full grasp of their importance. Nonetheless, educating yourself will be your prime motivator, so gear yourself up for some impressive mental skills by the time your next birthday comes around.Anything that will get you thinking and growing will easily grab your attention, so head over to a local college and sign up for a course or two. If you've ever wanted to learn a foreign language or brush up on one you already speak, this will be an ideal time. Travel will also be great for you. Whether you become a world traveler or just get to know the flavors of some nearby towns, you'll love the new people, cultures and ideas you'll be exposed to. If you can't get away at all, then at least pick up a book and start reading; even if you're not normally a reader, you'll find you're easily immersed in colorful narratives during the next few months.

Jupiter retrograde

Open Your Mind

For hundreds of years, people believed the world was flat. And then, in what was comparatively a blink of the eye, they were forced to change their views and accept that the earth was round. Don't be surprised if your beliefs go through a similarly drastic about-face, this year. You'll need to remain completely open-minded when it comes to the values of others because you never know when you might be completely stunned to discover that they could actually be right. This doesn't mean that you'll have to disregard the beliefs and faith you've worked so hard to develop over the years, but it does mean that there may be more to life than just what you understand at the beginning of the year. Travel as much as possible to open yourself up to new ways of thinking, and then share what you've learned. Talk with people you come across, and maybe even think of becoming a teacher. This will be one of those times where you may not even realize change is happening until much later. Just remember that, regardless of what you think or feel about the events and values around you, it's important to remain open to them -- they may just change your life!

Jupiter square Saturn

Progressive or traditional?

Do you want to work towards a progressive future, or do you want to use more traditional methods to keep your life flowing smoothly? Those are the two directions you'll be torn between as you move through the coming months. This may not seem like much of a difficulty right away, but don't underestimate the trouble that can be wrought when trying to decide between progressive and conservative -- one need only to look at the political dramas occurring all over the world to see how much of an impact these beliefs can have.In fact, you may begin to feel like there's a political battle raging within you. You'll start to feel as if you've become two people, as part of you tries to engage your intuition and vision, and the other half works to apply practical and tangible methods to any problems you face. What makes life hard will be a lack of communication between these two sides. You'll only start to experience an improvement to this situation when you learn to find the middle ground of these two opposing forces. In the meantime, you'll need to accept that you're going to be something of an inconsistent mess of mood swings, which could leave those closest to you feeling dizzy. Just remember that it's more important to have a consistent philosophy than a consistent technique.

Responsibilities and Restriction: Saturn

Saturn in Pisces

Faith in the unknown

So much out there is unexplained, intangible and just not understood. And yet you'll be asked to put your faith in it, anyway. Scary? Yes. But doable? Probably. Your fears may hold you back for a while. The unknown is always a scary place to visit, but you'll be asked to live there this year. Irrational thoughts will rule your world, and you'll feel like you don't have enough control over the chaotic circumstances that take hold of your life. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith and trust that things will work themselves out in the end.In response to this, you may have problems with drugs or other addictions. You could also develop relationship issues, and you may not feel comfortable devoting yourself to someone else or relating to others with true compassion. However, once you can accept that you have these fears and faults, you can work on improving them. At that point you will begin to build up faith again, and you'll be more likely to be able to develop a compassionate and unconditional love, as well as a more matured trust in the intangibles of life, such as the mystical and spiritual aspects.

This Year's Karma: North Node

Northnode in Aries

Your true individuality

The desire to discovering your true individuality will hold a strong power over you this year. You'll be looking to develop a freer, more accurate way to express yourself as a distinct entity, separate and unrelated to those around you. This may sound an awful lot like a teenager struggling to find themselves, and it is similar, but your actions and reactions in trying to find yourself will go much deeper than just understanding your place in society. You will attempt to walk away with a truer idea of who you are and where you're going by the time your next birthday rolls around.You are already familiar with your place in in society and in your more personal relationships. The path to your future will start when you step beyond that and attempt to familiarize yourself with who you are as an individual. You will seek out challenges in an effort to fulfill the independent energy within. This could include anything from pulling away from a comfortable partnership to heading off on your own with your career. You don't want to alienate others in your search for your identity, but you will need to head out on your own if you're going to succeed in following your life path this year.

Broader Influences

Uranus in Taurus

Secure changes

You are heading into a unique situation in which you will have the power to make major change, but you'll be able to do so in a grounded and safe way. Progressive action can be scary and unpredictable, but you will manage to create a smooth balance between the radical ideas flowing through your mind and the processes needed to turn these ideas into reality. You will certainly see some major transformations occur in many aspects of your life, and possibly in aspects of the rest of the world as well.There is much wisdom to be gained from this world, both from nature and from history. Unlocking these secrets will be the key to keeping your originality and growth moving forward in a stable manner. Two of your major weaknesses this year could, ironically, be a fear of change and an impatience about upcoming transitions. Mixed in with your forward-thinking ways will be a stubborn steak, a part of you that just wants everything to remain the same. At the same time, you'll be giddy waiting for your plans to go into effect. If possible, try to find a happy medium. Your mental powers will be strong and stabling this year, so don't forget to use them on your own psyche as well.

Uranus trine Pluto

Adaptable to change

Wow, who could have guessed there was so much out there to learn? You knew there was a lot, but as this year progresses, you'll slowly begin to fathom just how broad our collective knowledge really is. And with your mind as open as it will be, you will jump on the bandwagon to learn as much as humanly possible while you can. Philosophy will also come to you in a new light. Where you once saw a jumbled mess of thoughts, you will now see enlightenment. You'll develop a new appreciation for what's been called the 'higher science.'A new understanding of your own consciousness will also blow you away. It will feel like there was an attic to your soul and the door was always locked, but somehow, this year, you found the key. And the effect will be jaw-dropping. There's so much about yourself that you probably didn't really understand or know about, but now you'll be ready to take your new insight and use it to improve your world. Change will become a necessity to you as you discover which of your traits and current choices could use a makeover. You will try to initiate it yourself, rather than waiting for someone or some event to come along that will force you to change. Fortunately, you'll adapt easily to any new development that comes your way.

Uranus sextile Neptune

Spiritual technology

Ever notice how so many of the greatest artists and writers got no credit for their work when it first came out? That's because they were too far ahead of their times -- sort of like you in the coming months. The exception being that you won't have quite as hard a time getting your ideas out (though it will still be a challenge). You'll have a wonderful openness to new thoughts and concepts, and you'll develop a clear style of communication that will help others see and understand your point of view. They may not agree at first, but they'll come around eventually.You will develop a lovely balance between science and spirituality this year. Technology will motivate you to turn to your spiritual side in an effort to understand all that's going on and why it's here. You might want to turn to less orthodox realms such as astrology, tarot or the occult to satisfy the unusual side of you. It will be your goal to push the boundaries of human knowledge farther out, and if anything can raise some eyebrows it will be going out of the mainstream for religious or spiritual beliefs. You, if no one else, will certainly develop a highly evolved understanding of the dynamics of human experience.

Neptune in Pisces

Altruistic motives

The truest compassion is not something that comes and goes depending on your moods or the circumstances, but rather, it's a state of being. It should be given out as unconditional love for all creatures, good and bad. The most real feelings of brotherhood and sisterhood will come to you this year when you are able to develop a genuine empathy for all creatures on earth. You will feel something of a craving to get out and help those in need as much as possible, and that's one craving you should certainly give in to. Volunteer at homeless shelters, children's organizations, hospitals, etc. -- anything that will leave you satisfied with the work you've done.Your spiritual connection will also become much stronger, and you'll feel an overwhelming desire to transcend the rational world and move more fully into your belief system. Again, feel free to give in to the desire. Let your dream world and your imagination guide you along the path to enlightenment. Just be sure you don't fall astray into the world of escapism. Though you might enjoy yourself there, you will not fully complete yourself until you leave the physical realm behind your entirely.

Neptune sextile Pluto

The cycle of life

The cycle of life says that something must die in order for more life to go on. This could be something traumatic like a mother dying in childbirth, but that's extremely rare compared to all the other little things that occur by the millions every day. A piece of rotten fruit in a field provides nutrients to animals passing by or the soil below it. A caterpillar turns into a butterfly. Even you getting rid of old clothes to make room for new ones falls under this category. Change and transformation are simply processes of life, and ones that we deal with every day.This year, however, you'll be more sensitive to the transformations that occur, and they'll become a part of who you are. It will likely be a very spiritual time for you, as you will begin to question all that goes on around you. Just what is the reason for our cyclical behavior? How can one concept apply to every aspect of life (e.g. for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction)? These questions and many others will plague you as you make a transition from simply accepting the world around you, to really seeing its complexities and wondering if a powerful being is in charge, or if everything just fell into place somehow, like a well-oiled machine.

Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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