An astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born November 27, 1970:

Monthly Astrology Forecast

Your Personalized Astrology Forecast

The future -- that vast, unknown territory where anything can happen! Right? Not quite. Though events in your life may seem completely random, there is still at least some pattern to the order of events -- one set in motion in part by you, and in part by the planets and stars in the sky and their influence on your life here on Earth.

The part that’s all about you is related to your free will: how you behave, what your goals and ambitions are, and how you work toward them or avoid them.
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What Do The Planets Say About Your Future Person 1?

Looking to the future can be both exciting and scary, triggering feelings of anxiety or excitement – emotions that are often hard to distinguish!

Your Personal Astrology Forecast Calculators reveal what you can expect in the most important areas of your life using six key categories – your Soul Direction, Communication Style, Love & Money Potential, Career Prospects, Luck and Lessons, via handy bar graphs to help you see your future at a glance!

The future doesn’t have to be quite as scary when you’re well-prepared, does itPerson 1? Astrology is an insightful and ancient yet modern tool to empower you to live your best life, giving you a heads up when you most need it!

Your Personal Astrological Forecast Calculators shine a spotlight on which areas contain the most growth for you, which areas hold important lessons, or where opportunities will appear for you!

Your easy-to-read bar graphs reveal the time period ahead in quick detail giving you that extra nod to trust yourself and make informed decisions!

If you want in-depth guidance on what to expect for the future, then Your Personal Astrology Forecast Calculators are the perfect friend to turn to, helping you to be extra-prepared for what life throws at you!

Discover where your Soul yearns to go, how you’re thinking and communicating, what your love life holds for you and what exciting career prospects are coming up! Get to know when you’re going to get lucky, and where you’re going to learn your biggest lessons.

All this and so much more is in your detailed, rich and in-depth Personal Astrology Forecast! Empower yourself with the wisdom of the stars and planets and take control of your life!

Your Conscious Mind – Person 1's Sun Influences

The Sun in Astrology describes your personality. When you are at your best you do your best. Just as the Sun is the center of our solar system, it’s also the center of you; the inner flame is that essence that runs through your being. When the conscious mind is sharp, anything is possible. These bar graphs will indicate how well... Read more

8-10 You are perfectly existing in the world
4-7 Life is right-on for you at the moment
0-3 Hang in there; opportunities will come to you soon

The Chatty Factor – Person 1's Mercury Influences

Mercury in Astrology represents the expression of self. How you listen and how you are heard, your thought process, your logic, and intellectual ideas. Are all representations of you expressing yourself. These bar graphs indicate how well you are communicating with the world around you... Read more

8-10 Expressions flow effortlessly
4-7 People will listen to you
0-3 It’s harder to articulate yourself

The Love Meter – Person 1's Venus Influences

Venus in Astrology is connected to your heart. How you give and receive love in your existing and future relationships are determined by this planet. Sweetness, pleasure and harmony are the energies of Venus. These bar graphs can give insight to how your relationships and social gatherings will go... Read more

8-10 Feeling and expressing love comes naturally
4-7 There may be some tough love in your life
0-3 Love is not a priority for you right now

Your Assertive Energy – Person 1's Mars Influences

Mars in Astrology rules the physical, assertive energy as well as desires, sex appeal, and carnal appetites are representations. Your drive and prosperity depend on this planet! Dating, mating, & relating are fueled by Mars. Are you feeling revved up & aroused or feeling more submissive? These bar graphs will indicate where your aggressive energy is at during this time.... Read more

8-10 You’re sharp and ready to take on the world
4-7 Declare your desires
0-3 Keep putting in effort, don’t lose sight of what you want

Personal Growth Element – Person 1's Jupiter Influences

Jupiter in Astrology represents expansion. Luck, advantages, and opportunities are governed by our solar system’s largest planet. The energy of Jupiter is hopeful, optimistic, and friendly! Are you feeling more positive or pessimistic? These bar graphs will give clarity to how you think and feel about the world and your personal growth.... Read more

8-10 Life is full-on - the glass is overflowing!
4-7 Step out of your comfort zone to reap rewards
0-3 Focus on the world in front of you

Lessons Learned – Person 1's Saturn Influences

In Astrology, Saturn governs karma. Life lessons, obligations, and responsibilities are influenced by this planet. The energy of Saturn requires stillness and meditation. Your unconscious mind is dictated by the energy of this planet. Are you doing a lot of work and not seeing the results? These bar graphs will help you understand your next move and as well as your long term plans.... Read more

8-10 You’re in a personal growth cycle.
4-7 Remember to breathe and take care of business.
0-3 You’re off the karmic hook right now. Enjoy this time!

Person 1, In this Monthly Astrology Forecast report, you will get life-transforming insight into these planetary energies:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your private life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions
reveals what truly motivates you in all areas of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values
guides you on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life
reveals your karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Person 1, read below to find out how a few of the current planetary transits are affecting you

Person 1's Strengths

9Pluto sextile Neptune

Spirituality, Romance and Escape

During this influence, you'll focus on your spiritual life and your relationship ideals. If you've cultivated ways to regularly escape the mundane realities of the real world, the long-term effects of these methods may catch up with you now. However, the most likely effects will show up in your spiritual or religious beliefs and your romantic relationships. This is an excellent period for developing the more refined, nonphysical aspects of your life, for deepening your spiritual practices and investigating alternative forms of spirituality if you don't find satisfaction in your current spiritual life. In terms of romance, ideals that you've long cherished but rarely examined will come to the surface now. Whether or not you're in a relationship, it's a great time to consider these ideals and what they mean to you. Questioning whether you're satisfied with your love life may lead you to visit a therapist, to help you sort out these issues. But whether you ask for outside help or pursue this quest on your own, both your spirituality and your romantic ideals can deepen and become more significant during this two-to-three-year period, if you take the time to develop them.

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10Neptune trine Neptune

We are All One

This influence occurs when you're in your mid-fifties, and represents an increase in your compassion and an interest in the spiritual, unseen factors of life. You have enough life experience these days to realize that there's much more to human existence than you and yours; for best results, you must extend your gift of giving far beyond your immediate sphere. Your empathy is increased now, and you sincerely want to help make the planet a better place than it is now, in as far as you're able to have an influence. This calling may be subtle; there are those who are so involved with their daily life and 'getting ahead' that they ignore it completely, or fall into the opposite extreme of trying to escape from it, using their method of choice. But if you but listen to the small voice within, you'll be directed toward the correct ways to activate this energy for the greatest good. You are reminded of the principle that 'we are all one'; as you age, this idea takes on much more meaning than it had when you were young. Use this time to further develop your spiritual life, and to act in a way that expands your compassion beyond your usual sphere.

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11Pluto trine Sun

Positive Changes

This two-to-three year period may not be easy for you, but it will end up beneficial in the long run. This influence encourages you to make positive changes in your life, letting go of old habits and behaviors that have been holding you back from achieving your fullest potential. Pay attention to people and situations from your past that reemerge now, particularly if they give you a familiar, haunting feeling. They hold long-hidden secrets, and here is the key to overcoming the past and moving on cleanly into the future. You don't want to be burdened by unnecessary emotional baggage. Instead, you strive to bring into clear view the powerful issues of your past. Take from them what's valuable and release what isn't. When you make the necessary changes -- increasing physical activity, improving your diet or your social relationships, or whatever this means for you -- you'll be rewarded with increased self-confidence and a feeling of serenity. Don't squander this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make positive changes in your life, changes that will put you in touch with your deepest resources and most authentic self.

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12Saturn sextile Saturn

Solution Oriented

You are in a building period now, when projects and efforts you began earlier reach important milestones and you are able to measure your progress. You may not even be near completion of this endeavor, but as long as you can see the benchmarks, you are satisfied. Quality of work is more important to you now than quantity. Work, accomplishment and the fulfilling of responsibilities will be the focus for your year. If everything is on track, you'll be able to move forward swiftly. You're also able to identify any problems and to devise workable solutions. If no solutions are available, you can let the project go, salvaging anything useful for another time. Maturity and authority come naturally to you as a result of your hard work and diligence; you climb gracefully up the ladder to your success. Teamwork is another area where you excel, because your invaluable contributions blend with others' to create a group that is greater than the sum of its parts. All in all, this is a year when you'll take advantage of your endurance and strength to accomplish a great deal in your life, without working yourself to exhaustion. You practice moderation in all things.

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13Venus trine Mars

A Wink and a Nod

People smile and wink at you as you're walking down the street this week. You're feeling attractive and people are definitely taking notice, both at work and in your personal life. You could take some professional leaps at this time, because your boss or perhaps a potential client are looking at you with new admiration in their eyes, and they'll want to reward you for your efforts. So if you're thinking about asking for that raise or promotion, go ahead and do it! Your chances of getting what you want are good, and that's true at home as well as at work. A date with someone cute might also loom on your horizon this week, so don't be shy. You've got charisma to burn, and you really can get whatever you want if you just stick your neck out a little and go for it. Don't be surprised when the compliments start rolling in -- on your looks, your new haircut, your performance at the office and so on. Say yes to all social invitations that come your way; you have the energy to go out and the enthusiasm to connect with new and interesting people, and if you start something new with someone special during this transit, well, it just might last long-term!

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14Mercury trine Mercury

A Fresh Perspective

You're perceptive and playful for the next several days during this delightful transit. Your mind is stimulated with curiosity and fresh insights, delightfully pulling together facts and figures that may not seem to belong together, but which you somehow manage to weave together into wonderful new concepts. This fresh perspective helps you at work, particularly in meetings with others. You're a particularly clear communicator this week, not only imparting your own ideas with panache and finesse but demonstrating the ability to mind read other people in the room too. Somehow you're able now to grasp and articulate their ideas even when they're not able to themselves! Study, research, writing, outlining task lists for projects -- you handle it all with professionalism and ease this week. And when work is done, don't forget your friends! There's no better time to hook up with a group socially, what with your gift of the gab and your ability to connect with friends new and old. Play word games and do puzzles, too. You're sure to win!

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15Mercury trine Saturn

Working Late

My, aren't we the practical, sober thinker lately? Organized, focused, hardworking. Yes, this is definitely an energy you want to take advantage of while it's here, because it's short-lived and only rolls around a couple times a year. This is one of those times when you should get up early and stay up late working. You'll accomplish an amazing amount, conquering your to-do list and then some. You do your best work on projects that are already established, ones that are defined, detailed and organized. You manage your time effectively and handle work relationships professionally. Responsibility comes easily, so this is a good time to set goals for the coming months and years. Not only that, but you'll have a new inspiration or idea about a problem that's been nagging at you. You're more about serious communication than humor or frivolity now, but that's perfectly okay. You don't want to squander this beneficial energy, even if it is quite sober and serious. There will be time for fun next week, when this influence wanes.

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16Sun sextile Neptune

Buddha-Like Serenity

The softer side of your personality is awakened now, and you'll find yourself in a dreamy, sensitive and boundless mood. This is a very romantic or even spiritual time; you're attuned much more to dreams and visions than to your everyday version of reality. You're even more compassionate than usual. You radiate soothing, healing energy, so this is the perfect time to reach out to someone who needs your help -- a hug and an ear for a friend who's been sad lately, perhaps, or even a stranger who looks like they could use some encouragement or something more concrete. Listening to music or taking in art is also a wonderful way to nurture your soul at this time. And going out on a date with someone sweet and special could be the beginning of something really romantic! You're connecting at a deeper level than usual, and if you've found someone worthy of your time and energy, it could go far; just reserve judgment until later, when you can be sure that you're not just wearing rose-colored glasses. You can achieve a Buddha-like serenity this week by staying calm, breathing deeply and remembering the soul level of existence.

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17Venus trine Venus

Making Money and Connections

You're in luck this week! Money is flowing and romance is in the air, and something wonderful could happen in either or both of these arenas. Best of all, anything positive that happens in your finances or your love life will have good effects that ripple outward like a pebble thrown into a pond. Now is the perfect time to connect with someone at work or in your social life that you've been thinking about a lot lately. Money matters and social events should go even more smoothly than usual, as will contract negotiations and other projects at work. Your career could really jump up a level or two now, but at the very least, your boss or your clients will be impressed with the charm and ease with which you facilitate meetings or negotiations, and they'll remember these qualities later. Hard work isn't really on your agenda now, but that's fine -- you're contributing something else that's valuable. And besides, all work and no play...well, you know the saying! Now's the time for good feelings, and spreading them around. Get together with friends for dinner, a shopping trip or a night out on the town. A mood like this is too good to waste.

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18Sun trine Sun

Smooth Sailing

You're feeling optimistic and energetic, confident and self-assured. With all this positive energy, it's a great time to connect with other people -- friends, family, coworkers -- and share your unique brand of personal style and warmth. You're feeling generous and outgoing, more willing than usual to overlook other people's faults in favor of their better qualities. You encourage them to throw their ideas into the hat, and they'll really appreciate that. They'll also want to return the favor! This is a period of mutual support all the way around, from your personal life to your work and social interactions. Your contributions are recognized and your lead acknowledged; by the same token, you are easily able to recognize and follow others. You're feeling accepting of yourself, warts and all, and that's why you're so able to view everyone around you with such a fair and open mind. Things should flow smoothly for you during this week or two, so it is an excellent time to give your projects a little extra push, to get ahead for the darker days that must inevitably come. Right now, enjoy the ease with which your life flows. It's smooth sailing!

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19Mercury sextile Neptune

Poems and Stories

Your imaginative side is highly stimulated this week, and you're motivated toward creative writing, recording your dreams and visions and articulating your spiritual beliefs. Invite yourself to meander through the meadows of your mind while this influence is strong. You're likely to feel tender and compassionate, even sentimental. Don't hesitate to express these feelings to those around you; you'll be able to explain yourself in a way that others understand, and which arouses their own empathy. You may feel slightly more sensitive than usual to odors, music or other aspects of your immediate environment, and may have to take steps to alleviate your discomfort: Open (or close!) the window, turn down the stereo, take down that loud poster that's hurting your eyes. Be gentle with yourself, drink plenty of water and don't press yourself to stick to any one task for very long. This is not the best influence for concentration or hard work. Instead, let creativity flow without concern for the outcome. Spiritual practices, reading or writing poetry or stories, or watching movies are all worthwhile activities now -- anything that gets you into the realm of fantasy and imagination.

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20Mars sextile Mercury

Communicate Freely

Your energy is high but not erratic during this three-week transit, and your mind is moving forward, attuned to communication with the people around you -- and even those people who aren't nearby. This is a great time to write a letter and actually send it off, or to start up an email correspondence with someone (could it be someone special that you'd like to get to know better?). At work, you can strike up a new business relationship with ease. This is the perfect time to either begin or wrap up negotiations on a contract or a project, because you can really get your ideas across. This energy and its positive effects aren't just confined to business, either; when you're out with friends, you can help everyone have a good time with your enthusiasm, your good mood and your flowing conversation. Basically, you're able to put anyone at ease now, and you're able to get your ideas across well. You'll speak with confidence and authority, impressing everyone you speak to, but without the dogmatic force that would turn them off to your ideas. So whatever it is that you feel you need to get across to someone, now is the time to speak your mind.

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21Mercury trine Sun

Communicator Extraordinaire

All systems are a go with this excellent, mentally stimulating influence. Your mind races, your writing flows and you speak with conviction and authority. Others listen when you talk. Utilize this time to schedule important meetings and conferences, because you'll be so effective in expressing your ideas and thought processes that you'll have everyone engaged and contributing their own ideas, which you easily handle and incorporate. Others understand you, and you're able to grasp what they're trying to say, even if they don't state their position clearly. You ask the right questions and hear the correct clues, so you're able to discern their thought processes. Your physical coordination improves along with your logic and mentality. This is an excellent time to practice word games and logic puzzles, as well as being physically active, which is a necessity if you're going to sleep well at night! Otherwise, your mind may be joyfully spinning with all the great ideas and concepts rolling around up there in your brain.

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22Mars sextile Saturn

Energy, Effectively Applied

Creating stability is your forte during this three-week transit. You're not expecting miracles, at work or at home; you know it's going to take some disciplined effort to bring about the things you're working toward. And right now, you're ready and willing to put in that effort, to the best of your abilities. You'll work carefully on a project or in reaching out to a prospective client, and you'll impress your boss and other associates with your steady, sensible approach. Your friends may come to you now for advice, because you're putting out the vibe that you've got a good head on your shoulders. At home, you'll keep the house clean and the checkbook balanced, and you'll feel calm and satisfied with the work you've done. Your physical energy is readily available to you, and you're probably not feeling nervous or excitable. Instead, you're just calm, steady, ready to take what comes and deal with it in an effective way. Getting out for regular exercise makes you feel wonderful now, so this is an excellent time to vary and improve your usual fitness routine. You'll be a model of focus and productivity at work, too. Energy, effectively applied, is the key right now.

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23Saturn sextile Mercury

Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say

Communication, thought processes, logic and learning are all favorably highlighted for the coming year. Opportunities to improve in all these areas will come your way; your job is to be alert and capitalize on them. You're capable of learning a lot, so this would be an excellent time to take a class or undertake any type of structured learning program, because you respond favorably to a step-by-step logical process, especially if it includes a degree or certificate at the end of the program. You have the discipline and concentration needed for success in learning; even self-directed learning is beneficial for you now. If you want to improve your writing skills, now would be a good time to do that; ask for help from someone more experienced than you, who can give you good advice. And remember: The most important step you can take in improving in these areas is practice! Set aside time every day to work toward your new goal. Your ability to communicate also improves under this influence, so make it a point to speak clearly. Take a moment to make sure others have understood you and that you understand them. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

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24Mercury trine Mars

Powers of Persuasion

You can easily win others over this week, what with your charm, confidence and gift of the gab. Your ideas flow out of your mouth so easily, and you speak with such enthusiasm and energy and conviction, that it's hard to say 'no' to you these days. Now, here's something you can use to your advantage. If you're in the middle of negotiations, you can call upon your powers of persuasion to convince others to climb aboard on your projects and endeavors. Your viewpoint seems clear, logical and well thought out to the people around you. Not only that, but you seem to believe in it! This in itself is one of the most important factors in aligning others with your viewpoint. This influence perks up your physical energy as well as your mental abilities, so don't neglect your exercise routine. You may need to work out and expend some serious energy if you're going to get any sleep tonight! You feel quite talkative now, happily conversing with anyone who will listen. Be attentive to signals that others may not be quite as eager to talk as you are, but remember that you can meet some interesting people this week, so don't be shy!

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Person 1's Intensities

Sun conjunct Pluto

Magnetic and Attractive

You're radiating a powerful, charismatic, magnetic vibe at this time that everyone around you will find highly attractive, even sexy. Your focus and passion are much more laser-like than usual, which can be good thing or not so good. You go for the burn, in everything from your exercise program to your relationships. If you've got your eye on a new client or a potential date, you can be relatively assured that you'll get them right where you want them -- but will they be able to handle your intensity? That remains to be seen. If they're the type that's turned on by that sort of thing, then you're good to go, but if they like things to be a little more lighthearted, your contact with them might not last long. But that's okay; it's always best to weed out potential early on. At work and at home, surface details don't interest you; you want to know the underlying issue. Just don't push too hard. Forcing someone to cooperate with you won't have a good effect; you might scare them off for good. Your best bet is to stick to people who know you well. With your coworkers, business contacts and potential dates, keep things as light as possible.

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Venus conjunct Jupiter

Self-Discipline? What Self-Discipline?

Your focus and self-discipline may fly out the window this week. Oh well! Everybody has to take a break from hard work and routine sometimes, and your time is now. The only question is, where to start this mini-vacation? If you can't actually get out of town -- duty calls, after all, even if you're in the mood to skip work -- try a fun restaurant with great ambiance and even better food. That's right, that means forget about that diet! Those rich dinners and yummy desserts will be too much to resist right now, and why should you? Life is to be enjoyed, and no one is better at doing just that right now than you are. Bring a friend along for even more fun, or someone cute and sweet. Don't be surprised if you have trouble keeping a grip on your wallet, too. You want to indulge yourself and everyone around you, so you might end up picking up the tab again and again, even if you have to rely on credit to do so. Again, oh well; you'll pay later for the excesses you indulge in now, but with the mood you're in, you'll probably find it more than worth it. So take your clients or your pals out for a fun-filled night on the town, and live it up. You deserve it!

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Mercury conjunct Pluto

Laser-Like Mind

You've got the uncanny ability to see directly to the heart of the matter, any matter, this week. You won't get distracted by superfluous details, and won't permit yourself to get off track. Keen perceptions and laser-like focus create the perfect conditions for research, investigation and digging deep, especially into information you've been given in the past. Uncovering hidden facts is your forte now, so don't hesitate to delve into the unknown, and follow the leads you get in your research. You can even go undercover this week! Your intellect combines with your personal power now, making you an effective leader, a persuasive speaker and a diligent worker. Any analysis you make will be right on target. Not only are you drawn to investigating facts and figures, but the world of mystery calls to you, too. You feel especially attuned to things you can't see but can definitely feel. For this reason, it's a good time to do some inner work with a therapist or through reading and doing the suggested exercises in a self-help book. You'll gain valuable insights by doing so.

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Sun conjunct Uranus

A Whirlwind Week

The vibe that's influencing you this week is a strange and interesting one, so don't make any permanent changes in your life! If you do something rash -- quit your job, get engaged, pick up and move cross-country -- you'll probably wonder, a lot sooner than you think, exactly what you've gotten yourself into. That being said, you shouldn't let the excitable energy of this period pass you by completely untouched. Especially if you tend to live by routine (which can be a nice way of saying you're in a rut), this period could be really fun -- and it just might turn out to be the kick in the pants you need to get things going in a new direction. Anyone new you meet will really excite you; just reserve judgment on them until your usual sanity returns, and you can get a better read on who they are and what they want from you. At work, you're full of great, spontaneous ideas -- so make sure you're bouncing them off someone who can take them with a grain of salt. Otherwise, you might lose a potential client or investor by making them think you're too out-there or unreliable. The bright side of this is the ability to see things in a new way, one that will bring you to a bright future.

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Mercury conjunct Uranus

Thinking on Your Feet

Others around you will be hard-pressed to keep up with you this week, because your mental processes and your speech patterns exceed the speed of light. You're quite quirky in your thinking, hooking up different subjects in new and unusual ways, cleverly connecting dots and keeping everyone on their toes with your often silly or lighthearted announcements. Fortunately, you're blessed with an unusually strong sense of humor this week, so not only will you keep them listening, you'll keep them laughing too. Later on, people are going to recognize how ahead of the curve you were, as they watch one unlikely prediction after another come true. Spending lots of time on your computer or using any type of technology this week is a great idea. You'll practically be inside the machine, you understand it so well. Installing software, learning new features and getting new gadgets are all favored at this time. Flashes of inspiration are another common occurrence under this influence, so keep your notebook handy to record all your crazy ideas. In the future they may not seem quite so kooky!

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Mercury conjunct Jupiter

An Opening of the Mind

Curiosity killed the cat, or so they say, but that won't be the case with you this week. Your curiosity is strongly stimulated now, giving you an insatiable thirst for more input, but it's not likely to get you into much trouble. Instead, you'll be in a lofty head space, with expanded perceptions and inspired ideas. Your mind will not be on the mundane; instead you'll be thinking about your Big Picture, and it's very possible that information that comes to you this week will make that picture bigger still! Philosophy, world religion, your place in the grand scheme of things...yes, your mind is wandering hither, thither and yon under this influence. You'll be more than happy to talk about it, too, to anyone who's willing to listen. Be careful you don't talk their ear off! Another cautionary tale in the communication department: no fish stories. You know, the kind where the fish you caught gets bigger and bigger each time you tell the story? Watch this tendency to exaggerate and you'll be fine. Definitely take advantage of this opening of the mind to learn or teach as much as you can.

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Person 1's Challenges

Mars square Uranus

Wear Your Helmet

Wear your helmet and protective gear for the next three weeks, and duck if you see something flying your way. You're a bit reckless now and more than a little impulsive, and the people around you could get really frustrated with your new propensity for stirring up trouble. Your need for independence has skyrocketed all of a sudden, and you won't sit still for any type of constraint. New people could come into your life now, in work or out on the town, and you might want to get involved with them solely based on the fact that they're offering something new -- and you won't even stop to consider whether getting involved is really wise. A change of scenery can be a good thing, but if it means that you'll put your romantic or business relationships in jeopardy, stop and ask yourself -- is it really worth it? After all, this restless energy will pass in a few weeks, and then where will you be? If you're not careful, you'll end up with a bunch of damaged relationships that need mending, and that's just for starters. Instead of taking things that far, try to incorporate some positive changes in your life, and don't take offense where none was intended.

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Neptune square Venus

In Love With Love

This is a subtle but important influence that will mostly affect your ability to see what is true and what isn't within the realm of your relationships. The danger here is that you'll see what you want to see, and not what's actually in front of you. You are so enamored of your own perceptions and ideals in love that it's like wearing blinders: Your vision is obscured and you miss important clues that would ordinarily warn you that all is not right in the world of your relationships, particularly romantic ones. There are probably red flags going up in the distant reaches of your consciousness, but you'll ignore them -- to your peril. You'll wake up eventually and have to deal with the results of your long emotional nap. Another noticeable effect of this transit is that your usual motivation, spunk and get-up-and-go are nowhere in sight for the duration of this influence. This makes it harder than usual to accomplish your work or to move decisively toward your goals. If other transits indicate more discipline, you can overcome this; but if not, don't berate yourself over it. Take this time to learn to enjoy life more, and to reward your senses.

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Sun square Mars

You're All Prickly

Your fuse is short this week, and you may lose your temper a lot more easily than usual. You're coming on way too strong without even realizing it, reacting to the slightest provocations and making mountains out of molehills. Part of the problem is that you're unaware of your behavior. You think you're just being assertive, taking a stance or putting an opinion out there. But to your friends and coworkers, you're acting like a hothead -- and more than a little competitive. To them, the stances you're taking are unnecessary and unfriendly. The good news is, this energy should wear off in a week or so; as long as you don't burn any bridges before then, things will turn out fine. But don't be surprised if there are more than a few ruffled feathers that need smoothing over. Try especially hard to make a good impression on people who don't know you well; your close friends can take the occasional bad mood and rude comment, but it wouldn't be good to get cranky with your boss, a new client or out on a date with someone special. It may be best at work to stick to projects that you work on independently, so you can keep this prickly energy all to yourself.

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Sun square Venus

Too Much Fun!

Your self-indulgent energy surges this week, and your tastes are less refined than usual. Plus, you feel rich, even if you aren't! This is a fun time to try on new clothes, but go for secondhand -- you don't know your boundaries now, so it's best to avoid buying expensive new threads. Of course, that's easier said than done; you'll have a hard time saying no now, or practicing any kind of self-restraint. Getting a new haircut or trying out a new color might also be risky for you this week -- later, you might wonder what the heck you were thinking! You're way more in the mood for pleasure than for work, so you'll probably say yes to any invitations that come your way. Just don't be surprised if you have a little too much fun. Self-discipline gets locked in the closet this week. You don't want to finish that project at work, or clean the house or any of the other items on your to-do list; you just want to get together with your friends and live it up. Spending too much is likely, as is overeating or staying out too late. But don't worry; even if you wake up the next morning with a headache, late for work, you'll probably think it was worth it! Let's hope your boss does, too.

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Mercury square Mars

Oscar the Grouch

Ya know, everyone deserves to be a little grumpy now and again. Who doesn't have times when they feel sort of generally irritable and argumentative? This may well be your week to sign on to the grouchy campaign. You can't help it if everything you touch seems to break and your skin is erupting and you dropped your toothbrush in the toilet. If anyone deserves to be Oscar the Grouch this week, it's you! So put on your furry blue suit and warn everyone in advance how you're feeling, so that they can cut you a wide berth and stay out of your way. It's only fair, after all. This is the best way to indulge yourself temporarily, and avoid damaging any relationships. Fortunately, this influence only lasts a few days, so in no time at all you'll be feeling like yourself again. In the meantime, try not to be so short-tempered that you snap at the grocery clerk or postal carrier -- unless, of course, they do something really stupid. In that case, instead of melting them with your sarcasm, you can be the bigger person and simply glare, without saying anything at all.

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Mercury square Venus

Misreading Social Cues

You could experience some embarrassment this week, because you might misread someone's romantic signals, or they could misinterpret yours. A sign of friendly affection could be misconstrued as romantic interest, or perhaps there could be a miscommunication about the time and place of a date or appointment. When you do hook up for a date, one of you could feel preoccupied, absentminded or a little bored with the activity you've selected to do. This isn't an end-of-the-world crisis, just a minor snafu, which can be easily cleared up with a little explaining and a good laugh to clear the nervous tension. One thing to be very careful about this week is gossiping. Any negative or judgmental comments may find a way of spreading out past the person you're talking to, and you could end up hurting someone's feelings or even damaging a relationship. Keep everything honest and aboveboard, and double-check that you understand the social cues coming your way.

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Venus opposite Saturn

Temporarily Trying Times

You want to have fun this week, but your work or home life could be demanding too much time and attention to make that happen. As a result, you might do something rash, like ditching out on work for an impromptu afternoon of shopping, that you'll later regret. But you just want to have fun! The thing is, even if you have the time and the cash to get together with friends and live it up a little this week, you'll still have trouble really letting loose. You're a little more uptight now than usual, and you might end up grinning when you feel like crying, or at least moping. You're just out of sorts now, and you're not good at faking it. Friends might make jokes at your expense that really get under your skin, but you'll laugh gallantly anyway -- and they'll notice how your smile doesn't quite reach your eyes, and they'll wonder what's wrong. But if you try to talk about it, you probably won't really be able to put your finger on it. You're feeling grouchy, stressed, blue, inhibited. No fun! But don't worry; this isn't the new, no-fun you. This transit is relatively short, and in a week or two you'll be feeling like your old self once again. Remember: It's only temporary.

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Venus opposite Mercury

Relationship in Review

Anything that needs to be talked out and dealt with between you and a friend, a coworker or a client should be brought out into the open now. With this transit, you have a unique opportunity to compare notes, see how both of you are feeling and generally clear the air. You're not quite as sensitive and tactful as usual, however, so do be careful about what you say. The point should be on alleviating tension, not creating more! So watch your mouth, and the expressions on your face; they give away more than you realize. Now, don't misunderstand: This period isn't about smoothing things over so much as it is about bringing tensions to the surface, so that you can face them and move on. Meaning, you won't necessarily have fun talking about how a project at work has been progressing, or how your budding relationship with that special someone is going for both of you; but simply getting things out on the table is the important thing. You might be surprised by what you hear, which, though it could be uncomfortable, will ultimately be a good thing. This is a great opportunity to walk a mile in another person's moccasins.

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Next Steps

I hope you have enjoyed the valuable insight, wisdom and guidance of this astrology report. You might be a little curious about astrology and perhaps wondering how an astrologer can know so much about you!

Astrology is a mathematical system. It's all about applying meaning to numbers, or more specifically, finding meaning in the movements of the planets around the Sun, as viewed from our perspective here on earth. These planetary movements are easily captured and recorded with measurements, calculations, angles and so on.

That's why astrology works so well with computers, whose programs are also based on numbers and formulas. In 'the old days' -- thousands of years ago, when astrology was first recorded -- those early astrologers had to painstakingly observe the heavens and catalog their observations for the next generation of astrologers to build upon. Thank goodness for the computer age! Now we can simply use computers to make those calculations quickly and pull just the applicable pieces of information. Now, astrology is instant, based upon thousands of years of observations obtained through careful methodology.

Interpretations of planetary positions are based in part on ancient Greek and Roman mythology, but your astrological report is unique, describing you and you only. Even in the case of twin siblings, their birth charts differ from each other's in at least a few ways. And besides, no one amounts to just a simple interpretation of their birth chart; everyone's personality is complex. Your astrological report leaves plenty of room for variations based on your free will, personal growth and transformation over a lifetime.

Just like you, your astrological report is unique. It’s generated online in seconds and provides you with instant insight at your fingertips. Whether you have a pressing question about your future or you just want some guidance and direction, now you can have it all -- in a fast, focused, all-about-you format.

You can choose from several different types to find the report that's right for you and your needs. Your natal report is all about you -- your unique characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, potential and so on. Compatibility reports analyze the connections between two different people, to see how well and in what ways they get along. And a forecast is based on where the planets are today and how they're affecting you, uniquely. Be sure to try a free sample of another report to find out more about you!

Continue your personal evolution with another Kelli Fox Astrology report!

I’m so glad to be a part of your journey to self-discovery and alignment with your planetary destiny. Please let me know if you have any questions about this product or your next steps.

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