Wondering how the two of you match up? Now you can find out, at a glance!
This two-way bar graph reveals the chemistry between you and your partner - how you affect them, and how they affect you. It will give you a quick overview of the strength of your connection in six very important categories that can make or break your relationship such as...
Ready to know if your relationship has what it takes for you to feel happy and fulfilled?
The Romantic Compatibility Guide will give you the answers!
But remember... even if you both rate high in all six categories, the relationship still might not work out. And even if you rate low, your bond can still grow to create a solid and satisfying relationship.
The most promising indicator is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their attraction and connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out!
The bar graph only gives you a quick peek at the chemistry of your relationship - the rest is up to you. Look to your compatibility report for a more in-depth reading of the strengths and challenges of your relationship.
This aspect helps you smooth over any rough patches that may occur in your relationship, because you instinctively know when to make a compromise in order to keep things harmonious. It's not that you are a pushover when it comes to your lover; you certainly stand up for your position when ...
Getting to know each other was as easy as can be. Your conversations flowed from the get-go. Your connection now is a witty and flirtatious repartee, and it can spur you to discuss subjects that you may never have dared to broach before! Your lover encourages you to be adventurous in your ...
With this aspect, you aren't necessarily the most affectionate couple around, at least not openly so -- but a strong bond has been forged between you that lends itself to the long-term. Though you certainly have a social life that you enjoy together, you also influence each other both on a...
Wow -- you two are really mentally in tune! You found from the very start that you share a subtle, elevated kind of communication that exists on an almost intuitive level. Your partner wonders to themselves -- and aloud -- how you can know so much about them when they haven't even put most...
You're not very similar in the ways that you meet the world, but your differences are complementary, and if you can learn to appreciate them as such, you could really have a dynamic and mutually satisfying relationship. Each of you brings a unique gift to the relationship that helps you bo...