A free astrological report prepared for

Person 1, born January 17, 1971:

Birthday Forecast

Your Personalized Birthday Forecast

This is considered to be your own personal New Year, and it's known as the Solar Return. Astrologers have found that if you study the positioning of all the planets at that moment -- their relationships to each other and their placements in the signs -- you can gain insight into the upcoming year, until the Sun returns again.

As you may have noticed, most people tend to feel pretty good on their birthdays, and that's because of the positioning of the Sun. 
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Your Stress and Relaxation Ratings

On your birthday, everyone wishes you a wonderful year ahead. But what's it really going to be like? It can't all be a barrel of monkeys. We've created these meters to give you that at-a-glance view you need of your year ahead.

The Stress meter measures the potential for obstacles in the coming year. Whether it's one trouble spot after another or you've got a free ticket to Easy Street, remember that every hurdle life tosses up in your path presents a lesson. That's what life is all about -- jumping through hoops, growing and learning.

The Relaxation meter measures the easy times ahead -- those days and weeks when you'll have a smile on your face and a spring in your step regardless of what's going on around you. Though you may think you want a high Relaxation score and a low Stress one, it's actually best if you come out somewhere in the middle on both meters. That way, your year will be fun, interesting and complex -- just like you!... Read more


Stress = 3

7-10: One thing after another and no end in sight

4-6: Some bumps on the road, but nothing you can't handle

0-3: Living on Easy Street!

Relaxation =

7-10: Even when life gets hectic, you still know how to chill

4-6: You'll work hard and play hard too

0-3: Schedule a massage - you're going to need it!

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Person 1, In this free Birthday Forecast report, you will get insight into the following planetary energies:


governs your true authentic self and your soul’s journey
reveals the undeniable traits that make you who you are
gives a sense of your individuality, self-dependence, and consciousness


influences how you communicate - both verbally and nonverbally
governs how you think and your thought processes
shows how you interact with others, including colleagues, family, and romantic partners

The complete Birthday Forecast report reveals planetary information about:


represents how you love yourself and others
reveals the intimate depths of your private life
signifies traits you’re attracted to and what attracts others to you


determines your deepest ambitions
reveals what truly motivates you in all areas of your life
explains your drive and willpower


shapes your most strongly-held beliefs
shows your non-negotiable values
guides you on your path


teaches you life lessons you came here to learn
illuminates your deepest challenges
signifies limitations you must overcome in life
reveals your karma


unveils your rebellious side
shows where you want to break the rules
highlights the boundaries you’ll want to push


rules your higher-self
signifies your spiritual path
reveals your subconscious mind that’s dying to break through to the surface


reveals your greatest fears
gifts you with the opportunity for massive change
highlights the transformation you’re meant to undergo this lifetime
Read below to find out where each planet will be on your birthday and how each planet will guide your decisions for the next year

Recognition and Rewards: The Sun

Sun conjunct Mercury

Think fast

Communication is about to become a major part of your life, in a very noticeable way. Who you are and how you think are one and the same, and will be for the entire year. From business affairs to matters of the heart, you'll know exactly what to say and when to say it. In fact, others may...

Sun conjunct Saturn

Work first, rewards later

You may begin to feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders -- and then you'll feel like it keeps getting heavier. New responsibilities will start the year, and are likely to continue piling up on you as the year progresses. There's not much you'll be able to do to ease this, a...

Sun conjunct Neptune

A mystical intuition

You've heard in the past that you should always trust your gut. Well, that advice could not be more accurate than it is now. Over the next year, you'll find that your intuition is almost always spot on. Because your perception is so accurate, you'll have the ability to connect to people at...

Sun sextile Uranus

A creative new you

Small changes can lead to big improvements. So what are you waiting for? The stars have blessed you with the power of some impressive creative thinking abilities, and they're going to stay with you for an entire year. Use this skill to take stock of the world around you and figure out how ...

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Mind Expansion: Mercury

Mercury in Pisces

Thinking symbolically

Logical, rational thinking is completely overrated. Letting yourself be guided by your intuition is often just as successful as thinking logically, if not more so. Problems will arise, though, because you may not allow your intuition to guide you, but rather, you'll follow the advice and c...

Mercury conjunct Neptune

Reality vs daydreams

Reality can seem like such a downer sometimes, especially when you've created such a beautiful dream world. Fortunately, it's okay to stick with your fantasies and avoid real life on occasion, and as the coming year progresses, you'll find you develop quite a knack for knowing when it's ti...

Mercury sextile Pluto

A detective for the soul

Mystery surrounds you at every turn, no matter what stage of your life you're in, but far too frequently, it's easier to just ignore the unknown and notice only what's familiar. That's all about to change. From now until your next birthday, you'll get strangely bored by the familiar, and f...

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Discover How All The Planets Will Be Affecting You Until Your Next Birthday

In your personalized full-length, in-depth report you will discover how to make the most of the planetary influences and how to be infinitely fulfilled in your life.


Understand the planetary energies that could be sabotaging your plans for your life for the coming year while tapping into the cosmic alignments which have set you up for success.


Knowing how the planets are affecting you on your birthday and for the coming year and highlighting your favorable circumstances, lucky chances, obstacles and challenges to give you the edge in developing a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.
Person 1
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Birthday Forecast
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