Full Moon in Cancer

Full Moon in Cancer: nearly 9 degrees on December 30th

Full Moon is opposite Mercury in Capricorn, sextile Uranus in Taurus and trine Neptune in Pisces.

Home Loving Spirit

During the Cancer Full Moon, you can develop a warmer, more loving spirit in your home and with people you're close to. You may feel a sense of contentment with the quality of people you have in your life. Steps you had taken during the New Moon to garner support from the people who are most important to you may begin to show. Knowing that you have a community behind you can heighten your own feelings of self-worth. Of course, how you feel about yourself shouldn't depend on anyone, but it sure helps to know that you are loved.

Giving and Receiving

If you have been trying to establish a new home or improve the one you have, your efforts should reveal themselves at this time. Generosity seems to be the mood of the day. You may find yourself giving as well as receiving various baked goodies from friends. You might want to invite a couple buddies over for terrific meal made from your own hands.

Blessed Home

Generating good times in your home is a wonderful way to recharge the energy within your space. Bless the corners of your home with some aromatic incense or wild sage. Come up with additional ways to further create your ideal home. Start tearing up ugly carpets, peeling wallpaper, and anything else that is an eyesore as the moon begins to wane.

Full Moon opposite Mercury

Misunderstandings can easily occur during the brief period of this transit, for several reasons. Our perceptions are off right now, because we’re filtering information through our network of emotions, which means it won’t arrive at the other end of the process in the same condition that it went in. Communication and all forms of expression are emotionally tinged, both in the giving and the receiving. We think we know how other people feel, when actually we’re simply projecting our own emotions onto them. We may feel nervous and high-strung for no apparent reason. Happily, this influence will fade in a few short hours.

Full Moon sextile Uranus

It’s time to try something a little new, adventurous or even risky under this exciting, refreshing and all-too-brief transit. Time itself will seem to go a little bit faster, and when we check the clock we’ll be surprised to see how late it is. Animated chatter fills our ears. Phone calls and emails flow. There’s a buzz in the air. Now, don’t try anything too out-there. Wearing a new and daring outfit, taking a different route to work or trying out a new place for lunch -- especially someplace new and trendy -- should be enough to satisfy the urgings of this fun influence.

Full Moon trine Neptune

This short transit is very subtle but the most sensitive among us will be able feel and utilize the compassionate, intuitive energy it represents. Our spirits are drawn back to the Source for these few hours, so any type of spiritual practice is highly effective now because we can move to that centered, quiet inner place very quickly at this time. Meditation, yoga, tai chi, church services, reverent prayer, even just sitting quietly out in a serene natural setting -- any and all of these important but oft-forgotten balms from daily life will help us feed our souls. The escapist urge could be strong for people who don’t recognize the call of the spiritual.