What to expect from your free Yearly Romantic Forecast Report

Picture this: You're feeling gloomy, tired out and unfocused, but as soon as you set eyes on your honey's comforting smile, you feel better.

All of a sudden, you've got the energy and confidence you need to get things done. Or, the opposite occurs: You tackle your day with energy and focus, all the while looking forward to the date you have planned with your sweetie. But as soon as you two get together, the mood changes. Suddenly you're both irritable, snappish, going at each other like a couple of Siamese fighting fish.

What happened? Relationships progress in phases; they rarely stay static. In both the above cases, it's likely that the current transits, or planetary movements, are influencing your relationship in ways that neither of you is aware of. When things change between you and your significant other -- say, you notice that you've been arguing more than usual, or less -- it often relates directly to the current transits and their effect on your bond.

A composite chart blends two astrological birth charts -- yours and your sweetie's -- into one, creating a new chart that provides an in-depth view of the relationship itself. This chart represents your connection as its own entity, one greater than just the sum of its two parts. This report is for you and your partner. It focuses on teamwork and mutual understanding as it details the influences of current planetary transits on your relationship. This knowledge can help you to anticipate good times ahead, to circumvent problems before they arise and, when you’re navigating rough waters together, remember that this, too, shall pass.

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Details Needed For Your Yearly Romantic Forecast Report

First Name

Date of Birth*

Your Partner's First Name *

Your Partner's Date of Birth*


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