What to expect from your free Karmic Compatibility Report

The word 'karma' may conjure such sayings as 'What goes around, comes around' -- based on the idea that our bad behavior will come back to haunt us, while our good deeds will be rewarded.

And the concept of 'destiny' might evoke the notion that our lives are already plotted out for us, perhaps well before our births; that all of our choices and behavior are foreordained, utterly beyond our control. But karma and destiny are much broader concepts than that. Together, they speak to the Big Picture -- the endless cycle of human life, death, regeneration and self-awareness, the growth of the soul and the transformation of consciousness to ever-higher planes.

Like life itself, relationships are about growth. The concept of destiny is often present in our love lives, especially when we meet someone with whom we click at a deep level. We may feel as though we've finally met 'the one' -- that twin soul that our own soul recognizes so truly. We may feel as if we were meant to come together with this special person. But contrary to what many of us believe, the best relationships aren't necessarily the ones that are smooth every minute of the day. Those relationships may not foster personal growth. The couple that never argues, that always soothes and supports each other and enables each other's peccadilloes, may actually be karmically stagnant!

The purpose of relationship is to provide a mirror into our own souls, while enforcing higher human principles such as compassion and cooperation. The best relationships are those that teach us something important about ourselves and about humanity at large. But those relationships may be far from easy.

Intimate partnerships offer a prime venue for learning life lessons: how to communicate well, how to cooperate and compromise with another person, how to assert our own needs while being sensitive to the needs of others -- all those skills that are essential to life on this overcrowded earth. Even more than that, our relationships push us to grow within our own souls, to face the dark and scary parts of ourselves that, left to our own devices, we might choose just to avoid.

This astrological report attempts to reveal the karmic secrets hidden within your connection with another person. It explores the possibility that you are attracted, subconsciously or otherwise, to people with whom you share past-life connections -- old relationships lived out lifetimes ago, whose lessons have yet to be fully absorbed. A note of explanation and caution is in order before you dive into your report. This report explores both beneficial and challenging karmic connections between you and your partner. The beneficial ones will lend a sense of familiarity, tenderness, togetherness or support to your relationship. But the challenging ones will be more difficult to deal with, as they will push you to face up to those lifetimes-old issues that still haven't been resolved between you. While everyone knows that even the best relationships are sometimes difficult and require work and dedication, this report does not suggest that you should stay in a relationship that is destructive to your self-esteem or that endangers your physical or emotional safety.

While many karmic ties are beneficial and most aren't that difficult to handle, some can lead to situations of emotional or physical abuse that simply aren't worth the karmic lessons that may be inherent in the experience. In the case of a relationship that is harmful to you, it is always best to leave rather than trying to work out those old issues. You can take care of the karmic lesson later; in the moment, what's most important is that you take care of yourself by getting out of a bad situation. That being said, please enjoy this report and use its lessons to deepen your own understanding of the role that karma plays in your life, love and destiny.

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Your Partner's Date of Birth*


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