Wondering how the two of you match up? Now you can find out, at a glance!
This two-way bar graph reveals the chemistry between you and your partner - how you affect them, and how they affect you. It will give you a quick overview of the strength of your connection in six very important categories that can make or break your relationship such as...
Ready to know if your relationship has what it takes for you to feel happy and fulfilled?
The Romantic Compatibility Guide will give you the answers!
But remember... even if you both rate high in all six categories, the relationship still might not work out. And even if you rate low, your bond can still grow to create a solid and satisfying relationship.
The most promising indicator is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their attraction and connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out!
The bar graph only gives you a quick peek at the chemistry of your relationship - the rest is up to you. Look to your compatibility report for a more in-depth reading of the strengths and challenges of your relationship.
You have laid bare your heart and soul in this relationship, and you've done so because you had no other choice. This partnership requires you to plumb the depths of your emotions and access the deepest, biggest connection you could imagine! This started out as an overwhelming fascination ...
Getting to know each other was as easy as can be. Your conversations flowed from the get-go. Your connection now is a witty and flirtatious repartee, and it can spur you to discuss subjects that you may never have dared to broach before! Your lover encourages you to be adventurous in your ...
With this aspect, you aren't necessarily the most affectionate couple around, at least not openly so -- but a strong bond has been forged between you that lends itself to the long-term. Though you certainly have a social life that you enjoy together, you also influence each other both on a...
The attraction between you runs sweet and strong! Your natural ability to communicate with each other and to access each other's best selves only increases your appetite for each other. This bond is based on mutual support, but also on your complementary qualities: Your partner brings the ...
You've both had an instinctive idea of what's good for each of you and the relationship from the very start! Even if there are other more troublesome aspects between you, this one can help warm things up and stabilize your bond. This relationship is one that's characterized by growth and s...
This aspect creates a lot of energy between you. If other aspects are more sedate in their influence, this one sparks them up! When you're together, you find that you're just turned on, be that in a sexual sense or in terms of a level of alertness and activity that you might not experience...
There is a lot of energy between you, and you love being active together. Whether this takes the form of playing sports together, going hiking, building or renovating something or any other enterprise is up to you -- but you two stay active, and whatever projects you undertake are almost a...
There is a lot of energy between you, and you love being active together. Whether this takes the form of playing sports together, going hiking, building or renovating something or any other enterprise is up to you -- but you stay active, and whatever projects you undertake are a success! I...
Your ideals and beliefs are aligned, and with this aspect, you focus as a couple on these areas. Luck and belief are big between you; together, you search for meaning in your lives, and you understand and support this search in each other. You feel as if you've come together for a purpose ...
You shouldn't have a problem establishing the kind of security you both need in the relationship, because your needs are so similar, and you are probably very close in age. Whether it's on an emotional or financial level, or some other one, you both want things to be the same way -- and yo...
The attraction between you runs hot and strong, at least in the beginning. It may be mutual, but it could be somewhat one-sided, with you running hot while your partner tends to run cooler. This kind of mismatch in your energies creates friction between you -- and friction can be very prov...
You two are very close emotionally, maybe too close. You've become immersed in your partner's emotional life, which is a tricky proposition at best. You're constantly trying to figure out what they're thinking and feeling, what they need to feel better, and so on, but you can't figure it o...
Small misunderstandings between you are common, and though they usually are not a huge deal in themselves, their cumulative effect could be adding up to a certain level of tension in your relationship. You just don't read each other right; you misread the cues that come your way and end up...
With this aspect, your bond should be strong in spite of a few obstacles that come up again and again. You find that you disagree repeatedly on the same certain subjects. Your different values and beliefs prevent you from being able to fully support each other in all you do. Your partner, ...
The air of intensity when you're together can push you each to express yourselves in a deep and intense way, but after a while of this, you likely noticed that one of you isn't as adept at accessing your inner feelings and truths as the other. The problem could be that you just don't go as...