Wondering how the two of you match up? Now you can find out, at a glance!
This two-way bar graph reveals the chemistry between you and your partner - how you affect them, and how they affect you. It will give you a quick overview of the strength of your connection in six very important categories that can make or break your relationship such as...
Ready to know if your relationship has what it takes for you to feel happy and fulfilled?
The Romantic Compatibility Guide will give you the answers!
But remember... even if you both rate high in all six categories, the relationship still might not work out. And even if you rate low, your bond can still grow to create a solid and satisfying relationship.
The most promising indicator is when a graph shows that two people are about equal in their attraction and connection to each other. That way, no one feels left out!
The bar graph only gives you a quick peek at the chemistry of your relationship - the rest is up to you. Look to your compatibility report for a more in-depth reading of the strengths and challenges of your relationship.
You bring out each other's best qualities and inspire each other to be your kindest, most generous selves! You are the couple that all your friends both love and envy -- the center of the party, popular and sociable, and with a visibly strong bond between you. Your connection only deepens ...
Wow -- you two are really mentally in tune! You likely found from the very start that you share a subtle, elevated kind of communication that exists on an almost intuitive level. You wonder to yourself -- and aloud -- how this person can know so much about you when you haven't even put mos...
This relationship makes you both feel just wonderful, due to a very real and deep sense of love and understanding that has existed between you almost from the start. As soon as you started exchanging emails or phone calls, your lover, especially, recognizes that in you, they've found a rea...
You two think about things in similar ways, which is a great basis on which to develop a relationship. Even if you have different opinions on the movie you just saw, on the politics of the moment or whatever else, you have a great time debating the sides of the issue. You love picking each...
In this relationship, you two can focus on being yourselves, fully and completely. What a refreshing change from so many of the other, more repressive relationships in your life! This partnership really encourages you to be who you are -- to be your own person and realize yourself as a dyn...
Conjunctions between two people create a feeling of togetherness. Think of this planetary aspect as a powerful point of connection: For better or worse, the couple who has at least one or two conjunctions between them feels bonded, as if they've found a kindred spirit -- even if that bond ...
The attraction between you runs hot and strong, at least in the beginning. It may be mutual, but it could be somewhat one-sided, with you running hot while your partner tends to run cooler. This kind of mismatch in your energies creates friction between you -- and friction can be very prov...
You are both looking for the ultimate romance -- and you've thought from the beginning that you've found it in your partner. But what looks like the perfect love, the most generous and romantic bond, could actually be excessive and beyond the truth. Don't misunderstand: you're very attract...
The energy between you has to find a good outlet, because there is a lot of it! Though there's potential for this influence not to be entirely positive, you can count on it to be exciting -- and it could end up being good for both of you. Either way, you have a big effect on each other. Yo...
The energy between you has to find a good outlet, because there is a lot of it! Though there's potential for this influence not to be entirely positive, it is exciting -- and it could end up being good for both of you. Either way, you have a big effect on each other. You may act as cheerle...
This relationship between you two might be something of a challenge. Your love probably erupted in a blaze of passion -- but only a very careful balance can prevent it from dying out along with the fires of your emotions. The problem between you is one of mismatched temperaments. You start...